Is it good to eat brown rice and lose weight? (2024)

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Is it good to eat brown rice, brown rice helps to lose weight is a question of many people, especially women. In fact, there have been many studies showing the effects of brown rice for weight loss, weight control and providing many nutritional values.

Brown rice is considered a representative food for a healthy diet. Compared to white rice, brown rice is less processed and only the hard outer layer is removed, still retaining the bran layer and germ that is rich in nutrients.

1. Does eating brown rice help you lose weight?

Studies have shown that replacing a diet of refined grains with brown rice can lead to better weight control and weight loss because brown rice contains more fiber than refined grains. such as white rice or white bread, white pasta.
MORE: Brown rice vs white rice: Which is better?
Brown rice helps to lose weight because when consuming a lot of fiber, the body will feel full for a long time, leading to a decrease in calorie consumption. In fact, many studies have shown that eating more whole grain foods in general and brown rice in particular will lead to weight loss and a lower risk of weight gain.
In women, replacing the diet with brown rice also helps reduce the size of the abdominal fat area. With only about 150g of brown rice per day (equivalent to 2⁄3 cups) and eaten over a period of 6 weeks will help the body reduce weight and waist circumference significantly.

2. Brown rice helps to lose weight but is very nutritious

Compared with white rice, brown rice helps to lose weight very well and effectively, and it is also a food with a high nutritional content and many nutrients. Here are the nutrition facts in a cup of brown rice:

Is it good to eat brown rice and lose weight? (1)

In fact, brown rice eats weight loss but still provides the body with a large amount of calcium, folate, potassium and riboflavin (B2). Besides, the high content of manganese in brown rice has many effects on the body such as regulating blood sugar levels, wound healing, bone development, muscle contraction metabolism, and supporting the function of the nervous system. .
Brown rice eats to lose weight but ensures to provide many vitamins and minerals for the body. In addition, this food also contains plant compounds with powerful antioxidant effects such as phenols and flavonoids, which help protect the body against stress and oxidation, thereby helping to reduce inflammation in the body. and prevent a number of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease as well as the aging process. Therefore, eating brown rice can not only lose weight but also ensure the daily nutritional needs of the body.

3. Is brown rice good to eat?

3.1 Brown rice helps to lose weight and is good for the heart The high fiber content makes brown rice a very good food for the heart. High consumption of brown rice helps to reduce the risk factors for heart disease, especially coronary heart disease. Not only is it a high-fiber food, brown rice also contains lignans, which are also compounds that may help reduce risk factors for heart disease including lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and reducing stiffness in the arteries. Moreover, the high magnesium content in brown rice is guaranteed to keep the coronary arteries healthy, by reducing the risk of stroke and heart failure. Thus, eating brown rice to lose weight is also good for the heart.

Is it good to eat brown rice and lose weight? (2)

3.2 Brown rice for weight loss and good for people with diabetes Although it is one of the carb-rich foods, brown rice is known to be a very effective blood sugar control food, even making it healthy. insulin spikes, especially when replacing white rice with brown rice. Accordingly, brown rice not only significantly lowers blood sugar after meals, but also lowers hemoglobin A1c, which is a marker for blood sugar control.
Brown rice helps to lose weight and is good for people with diabetes because brown rice is one of the foods with a low glycemic index. When consuming foods with a low glycemic index, the body digests them more slowly and blood sugar levels are less affected.
Foods with a high glycemic index like white rice are restricted for diabetics because they raise blood sugar, insulin and ghrelin, which are hormones that promote hunger. Reducing ghrelin by replacing white rice with brown rice can help control hunger in people with diabetes, thereby reducing overeating and more effective blood sugar control.
MORE: Can Diabetics Eat Brown Rice?
On people with diabetes who are overweight, especially women, brown rice helps to lose weight and control weight effectively, thereby helping to regulate blood sugar very well. This effect does not only work on diabetics, brown rice can even help prevent type 2 diabetes if you replace white rice with brown rice in every meal.

Is it good to eat brown rice and lose weight? (3)

3.3 Brown rice helps with weight loss and especially is gluten-free Wheat and barley contain gluten, which is a protein that has the potential to cause food allergies or intolerances ranging from mild to severe through symptoms such as bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. However, as part of the grain group, brown rice is gluten-free, and can even be processed into healthy gluten-containing products like pasta or cookies. These are great foods for people who are allergic or intolerant to gluten.
Thus, brown rice for weight loss and gluten-free is suitable for those on a diet but still ensures to provide many beneficial nutrients for the body to function normally.

4. How to add brown rice to lose weight

Brown rice is easy to use and is a food that is easy to find, cheap and easy to store. They are easily combined with other foods and can be used at any time of the day to help control weight and ensure energy and essential nutrients. If you want to eat brown rice, lose weight. , you can process and combine brown rice with the following foods:
Brown rice porridge instead of oatmeal for the morning. If you want to eat salty in the morning, you can combine brown rice, eggs, spicy salsa, avocado and black beans. Lunch includes cereal, brown rice, vegetables and protein foods. Lunch with whole grain brown rice bread with meat and beans.

Is it good to eat brown rice and lose weight? (4)

To use brown rice for regular weight loss, it is recommended to replace white rice with brown rice when cooking and in all main dishes and side dishes:
Prepare stir-fries with foods made with brown rice. Make a soup with brown rice instead of white pasta. Make a side dish by mixing fresh vegetables, brown rice, and olive oil. Use energy bars from brown rice, brown rice pudding. Roll sushi with brown rice to increase fiber intake. Cook curry rice, Italian rice with brown rice. Use brown rice pasta in place of white pasta. Brown rice is very good for weight loss because it contains a lot of fiber and helps to keep you full for a long time. Besides, brown rice also helps control blood sugar and prevent some risk factors for cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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Reference sources:,


  • What is the healthiest type of rice?
  • Eat rice when you have diabetes and heart disease
  • Nutritional components in rice bran

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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Is it good to eat brown rice and lose weight? (2024)


Is it good to eat brown rice and lose weight? ›

Adding brown rice as a dietary staple may help people who are overweight to shed more pounds and reduce their body mass index, a common marker of healthy or unhealthy weight. Brown rice also contains more dietary fiber than white rice. Higher-fiber foods cause you to feel fuller longer while taking in fewer calories.

Can I eat brown rice and still lose weight? ›

Studies have shown that replacing a diet of refined grains with brown rice can lead to better weight control and weight loss because brown rice contains more fiber than refined grains. such as white rice or white bread, white pasta.

Does brown rice reduce belly fat? ›

Brown rice is one of the famous food used for weight loss. It is rich in dietary fibres that help to keep you full over a longer time, so choosing fibre-rich foods may help you consume fewer calories overall. Replacing brown rice with white rice can help to reduce your belly fat too.

Which rice is best for weight loss? ›

Brown rice is the most recommended variety for those hoping to lose weight. Loaded with dietary fibre, brown rice boosts metabolism and has 111 calories for every 100 grams.

Does brown rice shred your gut? ›

Brown rice contains lectins, a type of protein that can bind to cell membranes and potentially disrupt gut barrier function. High levels of lectins may contribute to inflammation and increase the risk of 'leaky gut' syndrome in sensitive individuals.

Is too much brown rice fattening? ›

In fact, studies show that people who eat more whole grains like brown rice weigh less than those who consume fewer whole grains. A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that whole grain intake including brown rice is associated with a lower risk of weight gain or obesity.

Should I avoid rice to lose weight? ›

Like many foods, rice doesn't have a magical weight loss or weight gain property, but it can be a part of a healthy diet. Too much of anything, even healthy foods, can lead to weight gain. If you follow a low-carbohydrate diet, rice isn't usually included because it's a high-carb food.

What are the disadvantages of brown rice? ›

Brown rice contains an antinutrient known as phytic acid, or phytate, that makes it more difficult to digest ( 24 ). While phytic acid may offer some health benefits, it also reduces your body's ability to absorb iron and zinc from food. Soaking rice before cooking can help retain some of the nutritional value ( 20 ).

What are the 5 foods that burn belly fat? ›

Five foods that may help burn belly fat include:
  • foods with soluble fiber like fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
  • foods with protein like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy.
  • fatty fish like tuna and salmon.
  • foods with probiotics like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
  • green tea.

Can I eat brown rice every day? ›

With a low carbohydrate content, the impact of brown rice on blood sugar and insulin levels is minimal, and people with diabetes can benefit by eating brown rice daily. Brown rice even has a lower glycemic index (GI) than white rice, which means that it is digested slower, having lesser effect on blood sugar.

What rice has no carbs? ›

It's Skinny rice is also known as shirataki rice. Like It's Skinny pasta, It's Skinny rice has ZERO carbs in a 1 cup serving and only 9 calories in the entire two-serving bag! That's right!

Are potatoes good for weight loss? ›

Riley Kusuma, accredited practising dietitian at Bupa, agrees that potatoes are a great inclusion to a balanced and healthy diet, and can help you reach your weight loss goals. “Potatoes rate very highly on the satiety index, which means they keep you fuller and satisfied for longer after eating,” says Kusuma.

Why don't Japanese eat brown rice? ›

Have you even wondered why Asian countries have eaten white rice for thousands of years, not brown? Because brown rice is full of phytates and lectins, which bind to vitamins and minerals and prevent them from being absorbed. Phytates are anti-nutrients found in grains and legumes.

Is brown rice a fat burner? ›

Brown rice is one of the healthiest grains, so it's no surprise that it can also help you lose weight. Research shows that brown rice helps reduce your body's blood sugar and insulin levels, which can help prevent excess fat storage.

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Whole grains are rich in fiber and will help to cleanse the colon. Oats, oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa are all great sources. Try to incorporate 3 – 5 servings per day into your meals. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and most leafy greens are fiber-dense and are always healthy choices.

Will eating just brown rice and chicken cause weight loss? ›

Yep, chicken and rice is a solid meal choice for weight loss. Chicken is a great source of lean protein, meaning it'll supply more protein for less calories than other cuts of meat like lean steak or salmon. Plus, the combo of carbs and protein will keep you satisfied for hours.

Can you get fat off of brown rice? ›

No, Brown rice does not make you fat. On the contrary, it helps you lose weight and gain healthy fat. Furthermore, several studies prove that people who consume whole grains like brown rice weigh less than others. That is because the dietary fibre in brown rice plays a crucial role in weight management.

Is brown rice really better than white for weight loss? ›

The bottom line. Brown rice is a more nutrient-dense product than white rice. Because of this, brown rice may help reduce blood sugar levels and aid in managing weight. But white rice is good for people with certain digestive issues and those who can't digest fiber-rich foods well.

Is brown rice high in carbs? ›

Both white and brown rice are high in carbohydrates. Brown rice is a whole grain. It contains more overall nutrition than its paler counterpart. Whole-grain foods may help reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

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