Is Porridge Vegan? (2024)

From instant flavour mixes to rolled and steel-cut oats, read more on which porridge mixes are vegan and which you should be a little warier of…

Is Porridge Vegan? (1)

Is porridge vegan?

Oats are a cereal grain derived from a plant, meaning anyone who follows a vegan diet should be safe to eat them as in their natural form as they’re plant-based. However, when it comes to getting creative with the flavours, you’ll need to start keeping an eye out for the added ingredients that might trip you up!

Back in 2017 when The Great British Porridge Co was nothing but a grain, the options were limited when it came to great tasting, plant-based friendly breakfasts, that weren’t full of added sweeteners and preservatives. From this realisation, The Great British Porridge Co was born, and great breakfasts were being served up to the nation!

All 8 of our delicious naturally flavoured mixes are plant-based and being made with 100% natural ingredients, you can spoon away safe in the knowledge that you’re only putting goodness into your bodies.

What about your classic chocolate porridge?

Yep, even our best-selling Classic Chocolate porridge mix is vegan! In order to create a luxurious chocolate porridge, we took luscious cacao butter and cacao powder, which mingle together forming rich, plant-based chocolate pieces that melt and swirl into the oaty greatness - meaning that even vegans can get their early morning chocolate fix!

How is it still creamy without milk?

We’re not ones to keep secrets around here! There's no complicated ingredients or processes that our mixes go through to make them creamy, instead we just use coconut cream! Known for it's smooth texture, the coconut cream acts as a thickener, creating a smooth, creamy porridge without the addition of any dairy products, such as milk.

The best plant milk for our porridge…

Although the best bit about our porridge is that it can be whipped up in just 60 seconds if you have a little extra time on your hands and want to make it that little bit extra creamy, adding a plant-based milk alternative is the way to go.

Mighty Protein Oat Milk

The Mighty Protein Oat milk is an excellent way of upping your protein intake in your bowls. We’re big fans of adding it to our classic chocolate mix - making it extra thick and creamy.

Oat Milk

Oat milk is incredibly versatile, meaning it tastes excellent when paired with pretty much any of our porridge mixes! If you’re someone who loves to keep things simple at breakfast time, try adding a dash of oat milk to our High Protein Low Sugar mix and topping it with a handful of fresh seasonal fruits - the perfect creamy, yet fresh breakfast choice to start the day with.

Almond Milk

Another particularly versatile milk - try pairing almond milk with our Red Berry and Pumpkin Seed porridge to add a subtle nutty finish to each spoonful.

Coconut Milk

Just in case the coconut cream in the mixes wasn’t enough, coconut milk is particularly well known for the creaminess it adds to almost anything, but particularly porridge. The subtle nutty taste is just enough to complement all our naturally flavoured mixes!

With a whole range of different milk alternatives now available, experiment with a few and discover what it is that floats your oats!

Is Porridge Vegan? (2024)


Is porridge ok for vegans? ›

Oats are a cereal grain derived from a plant, meaning anyone who follows a vegan diet should be safe to eat them as in their natural form as they're plant-based. However, when it comes to getting creative with the flavours, you'll need to start keeping an eye out for the added ingredients that might trip you up!

Is Quaker oats suitable for vegans? ›

Quaker Oats So Simple – of 10 flavours, all are vegan EXCEPT Honey & Vanilla or Maple Pecan. 8 out of 10 isn't bad… Many other supermarket brands are also suitable for vegans, just read the labels or ask staff to check for you. Original and Golden Syrup are nearly always vegan, as are some of the fruity ones.

Is oatmeal allowed on a plant-based diet? ›

Oatmeal - Is It Vegan Or Not? Oatmeal is vegan because it comes from an oat plant. Oat grains in old-fashioned oats remain vegan as long as there are no non-vegan ingredients added to them. Quaker old-fashioned oats are the same even if these are considered instant oatmeal.

What is the most eaten vegan food? ›

10 of the most popular vegan recipes
  • Mexican guacamole. Everyone's favourite Mexican dip is 100% vegan. ...
  • Stuffed green bell peppers. Stuffed peppers are prepared in a variety of ways. ...
  • Tabbouleh. ...
  • Spring rolls with soy sauce. ...
  • Caponata. ...
  • Gazpacho. ...
  • Biryani. ...
  • Panzanella.
Mar 24, 2023

Does porridge have dairy? ›

Are porridge oats dairy free? Yes, porridge oats are made from oats which have been steamed and rolled into flakes so that they cook more quickly. However, porridge oats are usually made into porridge by cooking them in cow's milk.

Is porridge a veg or non veg? ›

Porridge is a food made by heating or boiling ground, crushed or chopped starchy plants, typically grain, in milk or water. It is often cooked or served with added flavourings such as sugar, honey, fruit, or syrup to make a sweet cereal, or it can be mixed with spices, meat, or vegetables to make a savoury dish.

Is oatmeal the same as porridge? ›

Surprisingly, oatmeal is a type of porridge. Though all oatmeal is considered porridge, the term porridge does not always refer to oatmeal. Still, the two words are often used interchangeably, which can be confusing. Unlike porridge, oatmeal is always made from rolled, ground, or flattened oats.

Can vegans eat hummus? ›

Hummus is a vegan staple that allows you to have some versatility in your diet. It's an immensely popular food amongst vegans so you may have found a new favourite yourself. It's available in a wide range of flavours and is very versatile in the kitchen so you can experiment with it if you wish to.

Can vegans eat rice? ›

Yes, absolutely! Rice is a common grain in all cooking and has a significant place in the plant-based world too. Some rice dishes may not be suitable for vegans though, so if you're eating out or following a recipe make sure there are no meat, fish or other animal products being used before you tuck in!

Are Cheerios OK for plant-based diet? ›

However, both this cereal and the original Cheerios are also fortified with Vitamin D, derived from wool grease. This means that, though the ingredient list is vegan, since they are fortified it is not suitable for those on a plant-based diet.

Is Greek yogurt vegan? ›

Greek yogurt is an animal-derived food. While it's perfectly acceptable on a vegetarian diet, dairy is definitely not part of a vegan diet. Luckily, there are dairy-free alternatives to Greek yogurt, including store-bought and homemade varieties like almond milk yogurt, cashew yogurt, and coconut yogurt.

What is the downside of a plant-based diet? ›

Some studies have shown that those on a plant-based diet are found to have lower plasma vitamin B12 levels and higher levels of vitamin B12 deficiency than those who consume animal products. Vitamin B12 is an important cofactor in DNA synthesis, and deficiency can lead to anemia and severe neurological dysfunction.

What is the most unhealthy vegan food? ›

Here are a few vegan products you need to watch out for — plus, some healthier alternatives.
  • Frozen fake meats.
  • Tofu deli meats.
  • Vegan desserts.
  • Coconut yogurt.
  • Frozen meals.
  • Veggie chips.

Which country is #1 for vegans? ›

India. Three of India's major religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism — teach the practice of ahimsa, or non-violence towards all beings. Because of this religious tradition, India has the highest percentage of vegetarians out of all the countries in the world.

What is a super vegan? ›

Super vegans are committed to a plant based diet and look for products certified by The Vegan Society, Cruelty Free International and other reputable organisations. There are multiple benefits of veganism but most people are attracted to the impact it has on farmed animals and fish.

Which vegan milk for porridge? ›

Almond Milk: If you love that nutty flavour, why not try adding almond milk to your porridge? Made using ground almonds and water, almond milk is free of lactose, cholesterol and saturated fat. Soy Milk: Traditionally made from a mixture of soy beans and water, soy milk is lactose free and a great source of protein.

Is oat milk considered vegan? ›

Almond milk and oat milk are both dairy-free and vegan. Oat milk is also nut-free. You can drink certain types of almond milk on a keto or paleo diet. Both are also often fortified with important nutrients like calcium and vitamins B12 and D.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.