Kim Kong Kimchi (2024)

Where can I buy Kim Kong Kimchi?
You’ll find us at most Whole Foods, Planet Organic and As Nature Intended stores, as well as lots of independent shops. At the moment most of our stockists are in London, but our kimchi-covered tentacles are spreading all the time! You can find a map of everyone that sells Kim Kong Kimchi on our Where to find us page.

I’ve bought a jar of kimchi and it was fizzy when I opened it. Is it still okay?
Some jars and batches are fizzier than others, as kimchi is a living, fermented product – it’s the lactic acid bacteria in kimchi being extra-active at producing carbon dioxide (the bubbles). This doesn’t affect the safety or tastiness of the product.

Keep your jars refrigerated to tame their fizziness and to loosen their lid every now and then (sometimes called ‘burping’ it) to release any small pressure build up.

Am I eating too much kimchi?
Our sales team tell us no.

I really like your kimchi, can I buy it in bulk?
That’s so kind of you! Of course, just email us and we’ll see what we can do.

I got too excited and spilt some kimchi on my shirt. How can I get the stain out?
We understand your pain – there’s few items in our wardrobe that remain unmarked. So far we’ve found that warm water and soap should lift it as long as you act fast, but if you have a better method we’re all ears.
Alternatively, why not just get a new t-shirt? We can get a fabulous Kim Kong Kimchi tee in the post to you, just drop us an email.

Kim Kong Kimchi (2024)


Is it okay to eat kimchi every day? ›

Cabbage and radish kimchi, a popular fermented vegetable dish, in particular were effective in reducing the risk of obesity and abdominal obesity in both men and women.

Is one day enough to ferment kimchi? ›

The kimchi fermentation process is very short in comparison to making sauerkraut. Kimchi ferments at room temperature in only 1-2 days or more slowly in the refrigerator. For safety, kimchi should be stored refrigerated and is best eaten within 1 week, as the quality of kimchi deteriorates with longer fermentation.

What if my kimchi is not wet enough? ›

If you do not have enough liquid to keep the kimchi entirely submerged, you can add some water into the jar. I didn't because I don't want to dilute the kimchi juices. What you can do is ensure that the kimchi not submerged in liquid are covered with chilli paste, which can help in preventing mould formation.

What happens if you ferment kimchi for too long? ›

It continues to ferment as it ages, becoming sourer and softer — which may render it unappealing.

Can eating kimchi everyday destroy gut bacteria? ›

Along with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, kimchi contains natural probiotic bacteria. If you eat them regularly, the probiotics in fermented foods can be beneficial to your gut microbiome. Studies suggest that eating kimchi on a daily basis could help to improve some digestive problems.

When should you not eat kimchi? ›

It will continue to ferment at a cool temperature. If kimchi over-ferments, it will have a very vinegary odor and taste. It is not pleasant to eat raw, so it is often used for soups and stews. If any fermentation gets soft and slimy, then it is a sign of spoilage.

Can you eat too much kimchi in one sitting? ›

“While the 'good bacteria' [via probiotics] help us digest food, fight harmful bacteria, and regulate the immune system, excessive kimchi consumption may result in an imbalance of microbes, leading to diarrhea and other health problems,” says Garcia.

Is it OK to open kimchi during fermentation? ›

Tip: It's important not to open the jar during the fermentation process to prevent exposure to oxygen.

How often should I burp kimchi? ›

Let the jar of kimchi begin fermenting on the kitchen counter at room temperature for 2 to 3 days, “burping” it every 12 hours or so, which just means opening the lid to let out any excess build-up of gas.

Why are there black dots on my kimchi? ›

Is it safe to eat? The cause of black dots, known as “pepper spot” or “black spec”, is likely to be low light levels, high soil pH, fertilizers high in nitrogen and phosphorus, and harvesting & storage conditions.

Why is my kimchi not crunchy anymore? ›

My kimchi is mushy, not crunchy like it should be, what went wrong? It's possible your kimchi fermented in a room that was too hot. Higher temperatures can lead to the bacteria becoming a bit overactive, breaking down the structure of the vegetables.

Does kimchi make you gassy? ›

Generally, kimchi is safe for most people unless you have a specific allergy to any of the ingredients. It may also cause some unpleasant side effects such as gas and bloating if you're not used to fermented or high-fibre food.

How do you know if kimchi is fermented enough? ›

If it smells sour or looks bubbly, you've already got some fermentation going. You probably don't need to let it sit at room temp for more than a few hours (unless you like it really sour).

Can you put kimchi in a mason jar? ›

In fact, factory-produced kimchi in Korea is kept at a constant 4 degrees celsius - the temperature of your fridge. A mason jar is ideal, though any airtight container should do.

Is fizzy kimchi bad? ›

Fizzling Kimchi, similar to a can of carbonated soda, is perfectly normal. The fizzing sound and effervescent taste is a product of fermentation. This means your Kimchi is nicely fermented, enjoy!

Is too much kimchi bad for your stomach? ›

Generally, kimchi is safe for most people unless you have a specific allergy to any of the ingredients. It may also cause some unpleasant side effects such as gas and bloating if you're not used to fermented or high-fibre food.

Is eating kimchi good for skin? ›

Great For Your Skin And Anti-Ageing

Kimchi is high in vitamin C, which is responsible for collagen production. This protein keeps the skin youthful, maintains its firmness, reduces wrinkles, and slows the ageing process.

Is kimchi one of the world's healthiest foods? ›

Kimchi is one of the top 5 "World's Healthiest Foods"

Does kimchi reduce fat? ›

The study found that consuming up to three servings of kimchi daily was linked to an 11% lower prevalence of obesity compared to those who ate less than one serving. Specifically, in men, three or more servings of baechu kimchi daily correlated with a 10% decrease in overall and abdominal obesity rates.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.