Macrobiotics For Dummies Cheat Sheet (2024)

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By: Verne Varona and

Updated: 03-24-2022

From The Book: Macrobiotics For Dummies

Macrobiotics For Dummies

Macrobiotics For Dummies Cheat Sheet (1)

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Adopting the basic macrobiotic life and awareness principles will help you get in touch with a more intellectual and spiritual way of living, boosting health and happiness. By using the macrobiotic food principles, staying away from certain foods, and following the standard macrobiotic diet, you can enhance your overall physical well-being.

Universal macrobiotic life principles

A macrobiotic lifestyle reaches beyond nourishing the body through healthy food choices. Macrobiotics is a comprehensive way of life.

The following macrobiotic life principles are the road by which we discover direction that leads to truth — our personal compass to self-discovery.

  • The principle of opposites: Everything exists in opposition.

  • The principle of change: Everything changes!

  • The principle of cycles: All beginnings have endings.

  • The principle of non-identity: Nothing is identical.

  • The principle of front and back: Every front has a back.

The standard macrobiotic dietary model

Here are some basic guidelines for choosing foods that fit within your macrobiotic diet plan. This dietary model outlines principle foods, secondary foods, and pleasure foods.

Principle foods

  • Whole grains: Approximately 25 to 30 percent by volume for the amount of food consumed for one day

  • Grain products: Approximately 5 percent per day (as in one to two slices of bread or one to two servings of pasta)

  • Vegetables: Approximately 35 percent of the day’s total percentage of food from greens, roots, and ground varieties

  • Beans: Approximately 5 to 10 percent beans or bean products (tempeh, tofu, so on), either canned or dried

Secondary foods

  • Fruits: Approximately 5 to 10 percent as fruits, according to sweet cravings

  • Beverages: Grain-based teas, herbal teas, vegetable juices, and so on

  • Oils, nuts, seeds, and limited dairy products: Approximately 5 to 10 percent natural vegetable oils, nuts, seeds or limited dairy products.

  • Reduced animal protein: Approximately 5 to 10 percent of fish (preferable) or meat (optional)

  • Swing percentage: Additional percentage of whole grains or more vegetables, according to your needs

  • New foods: Devote a small percentage of your dietary template to exploring new foods, such as sea plants or fermented foods (sauerkraut, pickles, miso, and so on)

Pleasure foods

  • WYW: Whatever You Want means exactly that. Enjoy the best quality, and control the volume of what you eat.

Stuff to avoid in your macrobiotic diet

You’ll need to make changes in the way you eat to achieve the best results in a food plan based on macrobiotics. By avoiding the following foods, you may increase energy, sleep better, stabilize blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and tame cravings. These positive effects contribute to a healthier, happier you.

  • Any food containing white, brown, or any other refined sugar

  • Maple syrup, barley malt, rice syrup, and agave syrup

  • Fruit juice

  • Milk, cheese, cream, butter, ghee, yogurt, and ice cream

  • Refined oils

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Recreational drugs

  • Medications (with some exceptions for current prescriptions)

  • Heavy use of spices

  • White rice and white flour

  • Foods containing chemicals, preservatives, dyes, and insecticides

Food principles of macrobiotics

Applying macrobiotics food principles can help you build a healthy foundation for renewed well-being. These principles, if you use them daily, are effective ways to control and sustain your health, balance nutrition, and condition of your body.

  • Enjoy principle, secondary, and pleasure foods.

  • Emphasize seasonal and local foods.

  • Be mindful of quantity and quality.

  • Avoid dietary extremes.

  • Become a chewsy eater by chewing your food thoroughly.

  • Reduce the volume of what you eat.

  • Use the power of five in food preparation: The five food groups, flavors, textures, cooking styles, and colors.

Macrobiotic principles of awareness

By becoming more aware and developing a better understanding of your feelings, you have the chance to change your life into something more meaningful.

To develop a personal philosophy that leads to a more creative and fulfilling life, apply the following macrobiotic principles of awareness:

  • Develop a generous spirit: The principle of abundance.

  • Embrace responsibility and admit faults.

  • Discover life via personal experience.

  • Develop your intuition.

  • Cultivate active appreciation.

  • Make friends everywhere.

  • Respect your elders.

  • Be mindful of ecology.

  • Practice economy of life: Vivero parvo, which means take the minimum required.

  • Discover humor.

  • Practice self-reflection.

  • Perfect the art of living.

About This Article

This article is from the book:

  • Macrobiotics For Dummies ,

About the book author:

Verne Varona is one of the most dynamic health educators in the country. A nationally sought-after speaker, Varona has authored articles for publications such as Natural Health, Alternative Healing, Macrobiotics Today, and Healthy Body & Fitness. Verona is also the author of the best-selling Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods.

This article can be found in the category:

  • Macrobiotic Diet ,
  • The Standard Macrobiotic Dietary Model
  • Universal Macrobiotic Life Principles
  • Macrobiotic Principles of Awareness
  • Food Principles of Macrobiotics
  • Stuff to Avoid in Your Macrobiotic Diet
  • View All Articles From Book
Macrobiotics For Dummies Cheat Sheet (2024)


What are the basics of macrobiotics? ›

Food principles of macrobiotics
  • Enjoy principle, secondary, and pleasure foods.
  • Emphasize seasonal and local foods.
  • Be mindful of quantity and quality.
  • Avoid dietary extremes.
  • Become a chewsy eater by chewing your food thoroughly.
  • Reduce the volume of what you eat.
Mar 24, 2022

What is a simple macrobiotic diet plan? ›

The diet is divided roughly as follows:
  1. 40-60 per cent is wholegrains such as brown rice, barley, oats and buckwheat.
  2. 20-30 per cent is fruits and vegetables.
  3. 10-25 per cent is beans and bean products such as tofu, miso and tempeh as well as sea vegetables such as seaweed.
Jan 9, 2024

What are the three principles of a macrobiotic diet? ›

It revolves around three main food principles including: Yin and yang, which, in the context of food, means ingredients that warm up the body also give the body more energy, and are the yang, where yin foods cool us down and can be more refreshing; the second is acid and alkaline, meaning one should consume foods with ...

What do you eat for breakfast on a macrobiotic diet? ›

We recommend that your macrobiotic breakfast has a grain-based dish with light vegetables on the side. For the basis of any breakfast dish, some great grains for breakfast include, but are not limited to: Brown rice. Steel-cut oats.

Is oatmeal macrobiotic? ›

A macrobiotic practitioner plans your diet by taking into consideration your age, sex, where you live and how much exercise you do. Generally, the diet is made up of: organic whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats and buckwheat (half your food intake)

Can you drink coffee on a macrobiotic diet? ›

All kinds of meat, dairy produce, spicy ingredients and fruit juices are forbidden. Coffee, soda, canned food, refined products (including sugar), eggs and all kinds of processed foods are not allowed.

What are the disadvantages of a macrobiotic diet? ›

This generally isn't ideal for those with high blood pressure or kidney disease. For some people, macrobiotic eating causes too high a reduction in body fat. Because the diet is low in animal fat, fruit, and dairy, it can provide too little: protein.

Is peanut butter allowed on macrobiotic diet? ›

This is a toughie – the basic answer is YES, nut butters can be macrobiotic. But the caveat is that nuts (and nut butters) should be eaten in moderation: maybe 2-3 times a week.

What are the 5 elements of macrobiotics? ›

The elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This approach, from deep observation, links our organs and different parts of our body to each natural phase.

Are bananas macrobiotic? ›

Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, asparagus, spinach, beets, zucchini, and avocados are examples of excluded vegetables. A macrobiotic diet also recommends consumption of locally-grown produce and avoidance of fruits that do not grow locally, such as bananas, pineapples and other tropical fruits.

What exercises are allowed on the macrobiotic diet? ›

Macrobiotic experts recommend including both cardio and yoga alongside your diet to experience total physical and spiritual well-being. Enjoy fresh and delicious healthy foods that work in harmony to make you feel immediately renewed and recharged.

Can I eat bread on a macrobiotic diet? ›

Although whole grains are preferred, small portions of pasta and bread from refined flour may be eaten. Fresh vegetables should comprise 25 to 30% of food intake.

Can you eat pasta on a macrobiotic diet? ›

A macrobiotic dinner should leave you feeling satisfied. As a result, dinner can be simple as a vegetable pasta dish. Or pasta dish with an additional vegetable dish, salad, soup, and/or dessert.

What are the main culinary characteristics of the macrobiotic diet? ›

What is a macrobiotic diet? In the 1920s, Japanese philosopher George Ohsawa developed the macrobiotic diet. It is a high fiber, high complex carbohydrate, low fat eating plan that focuses on whole grains and vegetables. The diet encourages eating foods that are unprocessed, organic, and locally grown.

What is the basis of the theory of nutrition for macrobiotics? ›

Macrobiotic diets are based on the concept of balancing yin and yang. The macrobiotic diet is associated with Zen Buddhism and is based on the idea of balancing yin and yang. The diet proposes ten plans which are followed to reach a supposedly ideal yin:yang ratio of 5:1.

What nutrients does the macrobiotic diet lack? ›

Because the diet is low in animal fat, fruit, and dairy, it can provide too little:
  • protein.
  • iron.
  • magnesium.
  • calcium.
  • vitamins, including B-12.

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.