Padmé Amidala/Relationships (2024)

The relationships of Padmé Amidala from the Star Wars universe.


  • 1 Romances
    • 1.1 Anakin Skywalker
    • 1.2 Palo Jemabie
    • 1.3 Rush Clovis
  • 2 Family
    • 2.1 Luke and Leia
  • 3 Friends and Allies
    • 3.1 Qui-Gon Jinn
    • 3.2 Obi-Wan Kenobi
    • 3.3 Mina Bonteri
    • 3.4 Ahsoka Tano
    • 3.5 Bail Organa
    • 3.6 Mon Mothma
    • 3.7 Yoda
    • 3.8 C-3PO
    • 3.9 R2-D2
  • 4 Enemies
    • 4.1 Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious
    • 4.2 Nute Gunray


Anakin Skywalker[]

Padmé Amidala/Relationships (1)
Obi-Wan... There's good in him. I know... I know there's... still...
―Padmé's last words

Padmé first met Anakin on Tatooine. He asked if she was an angel and she found it very amusing (they were five years apart in age). However, later when she was revealed to be the Queen of Naboo, Anakin became embarrassed, but at the same time disappointed that she had lied to him about who she really was. Despite this, he ultimately forgave her. After he became a member of the Jedi Order, Padmé and Anakin did not see each other for ten years, but Padmé still saw him as a child that she didn't want to grow up.

Anakin had became an adult when Padmé saw him for the first time in ten years. Despite the fact that they have not seen each other for so long, she recognized him immediately and she was amazed of how handsome he had become. At the time, Anakin was assigned to protect her from a unknown bounty Hunter on Naboo, later on revealed to be Jango Fett.

During their time together on Naboo, they fell in love with each other. When the Anakin confessed his romantic feelings for her, Padmé seemingly turned Anakin down, even going as far to point out that it would be impossible for them to be together because he is a Jedi. But she only said this because she did not want him to give up his position as a Jedi for her.

When Padmé and Anakin were captured on Geonosis, believing they were going to die, she confessed her romantic feelings to him. After this, they could not deny their romantic feelings for each other, so they secretly got married on Naboo. They had a very loving relationship, but it was sometimes strained due to him being away from long periods as he was a general within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic and was fighting in the Clone Wars. Padmé was pained by these long separations, enduring this hardship with silence, patience and strength, but fully understanding their own responsibilities and the magnitude of them. She had faith in Anakin and his celebrated skills, yet still worried for his safety.

Prior to the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Padmé became pregnant, although she was unaware that she was carrying twins. Upon discovering this, she becomes delighted that she is going to be a mother.

Padmé informs her husband that she is pregnant after Anakin returns from a battle in a mission to rescue Palpatine from General Grievous during the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Anakin becomes happy with the news, but this soon turns to concern when he has a vision of her dying in childbirth. Padmé, however, tries to reassure Anakin that he shouldn't worry because the vision may not even come true.

Padmé was deeply loyal to Anakin. Eventually, her relationship with Anakin had grown strong to the point where she believed him over the Jedi High Council when he told her of their manipulations to use him as a spy for their own purposes. When Obi-Wan Kenobi told Padmé of Anakin's dark deeds, she did not believe him, because she was in denial and also because of what Anakin had told her. To reassure herself that what Obi-Wan had said was not true, she traveled to Mustafar to speak with Anakin herself.

When Anakin confirmed her worst nightmares, she became horrified and heartbroken, but she still refused to believe that he could not come back to the light, urging him to do so and trying to reason with her husband to stop his crusade. Unknown to Padmé, Obi-Wan had stowed away on her Naboo star skiff. As Anakin saw him emerge from her starship, he believed Padmé had sided with Obi-Wan and had brought him to kill her husband. This leads to him angrily lashing out at her with the Force, choking her into unconsciousness. Anakin's vision did come true, as Padmé, heartbroken by her husband's downfall, loses her will to live and succumbs while giving birth to twins. Before her death, Padmé still believed there was still good left in Anakin and that one day he could be saved with the help of their children.

During Vader's time as Palpatine's enforcer, he continued to suffer from grief over Padmé's death and guilt over his supposed hand in it, despite the belief that she had betrayed him. Although she did not live to see it, Padmé's faith in her husband was proved right when Anakin sacrificed himself to save their son, Luke from Emperor Palpatine.

Palo Jemabie[]

While Padme was involved in the Legislative Youth Program, she met a young man named Palo. A brief, innocent relationship followed, but the pair parted ways when Palo became an artist, and Amidala continued in politics. This was mentioned in "Attack of the Clones".

Rush Clovis[]

During Padmé's first year in the Galactic Senate, she became close friends with Rush Clovis, a senator from Scipio. They attended several senatorial committees together. When their relationship started to become romantically charged, Padmé chose to focus on her duties as senator by ending their relationship, a decision to which Clovis reacted poorly and stopped talking to her for a long time.

During the Clone Wars, when Clovis was suspected by the Jedi Council of aiding the Separatist cause, Padmé was sent to gather information on his dealings. Clovis, in turn, believed that she wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her to a Separatist meeting. However, Lott Dod poisoned Padmé to force Clovis in helping them financially. With the help of Anakin Skywalker, Padmé's husband, Clovis did all to ensure Padmé's survival, yet Anakin left him behind. In 19 BBY, Clovis manipulated Padmé to expose the corruption of the InterGalactic Banking Clan so he could be selected as head, but all went wrong when she learned of his deal with Dooku she was disgusted that he used her. Realizing that Anakin loved Padmé, Clovis let himself die in order to save her.


Luke and Leia[]

Ani, I wanna have our baby back home on Naboo. We can go to the lake country where no one will know, where we can be safe. I can fix up the baby's room. I know the perfect spot, right by the gardens.
―Padmé to Anakin about their child, unaware they are having twins.

Luke and Leia are twins and are Padmé's only children. Luke is the oldest and Leia is the youngest. Padmé became pregnant near the end of the Clone Wars. When she discovered her pregnancy, Padmé was happy to become a mother, although she was unaware that she was carrying twins at the time. Padmé planned to give her baby a happy childhood on her home planet and was mostly concerned for her baby's safety during the end of the Clone Wars.

As Padmé went to labor and was dying due to being heartbroken over her husband turning to the dark side, she managed to give birth to twins. She named her oldest twin Luke and the youngest Leia a few moments before she died, believing that her husband still had good in him and that their children will save him.

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, when Luke and Leia talk about their mother, Luke sadly confirms he has no memories of Padmé. Leia says she was "kind and beautiful, but sad", possibly as a way to cope with not having met her biological mother.

Thanks to the efforts of her son, Padmé was proved to be right about Darth Vader still having good within him.

In the Poe Dameron comics, Leia inherited several gowns that belonged to her late birth mother Padmé Amidala. Leia hoped that if she ever had a granddaughter, she might like to wear them.

Friends and Allies[]

Qui-Gon Jinn[]

Padmé first met Qui-Gon, shortly after the Invasion of Naboo started, when he and his apprentice (Obi-Wan) rescued her from the Trade Federation's battle droids. Qui-Gon was aware that Padmé was Queen Amidala but didn't say anything for her own protection. Padmé put out with Jinn's maverick ways and risky plans, like trusting Anakin (who was 9 at the time) to help get the parts they needed and putting him endanger by podracing. Despite this, she came to greatly respect Qui-Gon; she was saddened by his death and continued to honor his memory once a year alongside the others who lost their lives during the occupation of her planet.

Obi-Wan Kenobi[]

Padmé first met Obi-Wan, shortly after the Invasion of Naboo started, when he and his mentor (Qui-Gon Jinn) rescued her from the Trade Federation's battle droids. At that point, they do not have much interaction with each other. However, throughout the Clone Wars the two become close friends.

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Padmé's friendship with Obi-Wan became strained after Anakin told her of Obi-Wan's manipulations to use him as a spy for his own purposes. She did not believe him when he told her of husband's dark deeds, mainly because she was in denial and partly because of what Anakin told her. To reassure herself that what he had said was not true, she traveled to Mustafar to ask Anakin herself. Unknown to Padmé, Obi-Wan had stowed away on her Naboo star skiff, so he could find Vader and kill him.

Before Padmé's death, she told Obi-Wan that there was still good left in Anakin and one day he can be redeemed, but Obi-Wan didn't believe her. Padme's belief in her husband proved right when he sacrificed himself to save their son, Luke.

Mina Bonteri[]

The Senator of Onderon, Mina was Padmé's mentor during her early days in the Galactic Senate. The Separatist Crisis came between them; Padmé joined the Loyalist Committee and Mina joined the Separatist Parliament. When Padmé decided the Clone Wars had gone on long enough, she approached Mina and convinced her to propose an olive branch vote to the Separatist Parliament. Mina agreed and the vote was passed. Unfortunately, the Sith sabotaged the plan and had Mina murdered.

Ahsoka Tano[]

Padmé Amidala/Relationships (2)

Padmé and Ahsoka greatly respected and admired each other. It was Padmé who taught Ahsoka that politics, as well as other things, aren't as black and white as she once thought.

When Ahsoka was accused of treason, Padmé was one of the extreme few who correctly believed that Ahsoka had actually been framed and after she was expelled from the Jedi Order, Padmé, like Anakin, took an active role in attempting to clear Ahsoka's name. Ahsoka trusted Padmé during this time to confide how betrayed she felt. During Ahsoka's trial, Padmé put up a good defense, pointing out that if Ahsoka really was the culprit she would not have made the so-called evidence against her so obvious. Despite Padmé's impressive defense, the Senate believed Ahsoka was guilty and the young Togruta would have been executed had Anakin not exposed the true culprit.

Due to their close friendship, Ahsoka was able to pick up and sense Padmé's relationship with her master, as when Anakin expresses his mutual understanding of reasons for wanting to leave the Jedi order, Ahsoka responds "I know."

It was the last time Padmé saw Ahsoka before she died giving birth to her children (Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa) combined with the stress that Anakin had become evil. Though the two never saw each other again, Ahsoka kept Padmé's marriage to Anakin a secret, as the latter had viewed Padmé as a big sister to her.

After surviving Order 66, Ahsoka caught word of Padmé's death and secretly attended her funeral on Naboo. Ahsoka was devastated over the death of Padmé and was willing to risk her safety in order to attend her friend's funeral in order to pay her respects.

After Padmé's death, Ahsoka joined the Rebel Alliance that was forged to carry on her old friend's will and legacy.

Bail Organa[]

Bail and Padmé both respected each other due to being idealists. During the Separatist Crisis, both joined the Loyalist Committee but disagreed about the passage of the Military Creation Act. After the Clone Wars broke out and Mina Bonteri was murdered by Count Dooku's thugs, both dedicated themselves to ensuring her courageous effort wasn't in vain. It was Bail who revealed that Senator Bonteri was assassinated by Dooku's thugs and not by the Jedi and Clones as Dooku claimed. When Palpatine used his emergency powers to amass increasingly dicatorial powers, Bail recruited Padmé to join the Delegation of the two thousand to draft a petition to demand a diplomatic solution to the war and an end to his amendments to the Galactic Constitution.

Padmé reminded the Delegation that most of the Senate was on the Chancellor's side and suggested bringing in the Jedi. Bail however felt this was too extreme and believed that the Petition would at least convince Palpatine to moderate his tactics by showing him that opposition to his methods was growing. The belief turned out to be naive; Palpatine instead declared himself Emperor and brand most of the Delegation except Padmé and Bail traitors who were part of the "Jedi Rebellion" and arrested as enemies of the state.

Bail wanted to get to his pod and vote against this but Padmé told him to vote for the Empire telling him that because of the Clone Wars and the fact that the new Emperor had the Senate and the people on his side open opposition to him was doomed to failure and would just be used by the Emperor to gain more power. After Padmé's death, Bail attended her funeral and later took her daughter Leia and raised her as his own.

Mon Mothma[]

Padmé and Mon respected each other due to being idealists. During the Clone Wars, both served on the Loyalist Committee. When Palpatine used his emergency powers to amass dictatorial powers, Mon along with Bail recruited Padmé to join the Delegation of the two thousand. When Padmé suggested bringing in the Jedi, Mon like Bail felt this was too extreme and refused it.

After Padmé's death, Mon attended her funeral on Naboo, showing she had a lot of respect for Padmé.


Padmé had heard of Yoda's amazing power, skill, wisdom, and clearly respected him, acting respectful around him. Yoda himself also saw her as being a good-hearted person even if she was a politician. He was clearly saddened when she died.


Padmé met C-3PO on Tatooine when she was queen of Naboo. The boy Anakin showed it to her and she liked it.

Padmé did not see C-3PO again until ten years later, when she returns to Tatooine with Anakin to see her mother. After Anakin's mother died, Padmé decided to go to Geonosis with him to rescue Obi-Wan accompanied by C-3PO. After the battle of Geonosis, Padmé secretly marries Anakin, where C-3PO and R2-D2 are the only ones at their wedding.

During the Clone Wars Anakin gave C-3PO to Padmé. C-3PO served Senator Amidala as her droid assistant and received a shiny gold breastplate afterwards.

After Anakin turned to the dark side, C-3PO accompanied Padmé to Mustafar to search for him. C-3PO stayed on the ship until after Anakin's fight with Obi-Wan. He was present at the birth of Luke and Leia, and the death of Padmé. After that, C-3PO's mind was wiped by Bail Organa's orders, to prevent his information from reaching the empire and to protect Padmé's children, this means that C-3PO no longer has memories of neither Padmé nor Anakin.


R2-D2 was Queen Amidala's loyal astromech droid during the Naboo Crisis. Ten years after stepping down as queen of Naboo, R2-D2 accompanied Amidala, now a senator, to Coruscant for a Senate vote on the Military Creation Act. After an assassination attempt by Amidala took the life of her handmaiden and decoy, Cordé, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker were assigned as her Jedi protectors. That night R2 was watching in case an intruder entered the room, although he did not notice a pair of kouhuns who were about to kill Amidala.

R2-D2 then accompanied Padme and Anakin home to Naboo for their own protection. The three later traveled to Tatooine, where they met up with C-3PO, and then to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi. When the Clone War began, R2-D2 and C-3PO were the only witnesses to the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. After this, Padmé gave R2 to Anakin as a wedding gift while she stayed with C-3PO.

After Padme's death giving birth to Luke and Leia, R2-D2 was allowed to keep his memories, although C-3PO had his memory erased for the protection of the children, but he never told anyone about the good relationship they had. with Padmé.


Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious[]

Padmé Amidala/Relationships (3)

Like her husband, Padmé saw Palpatine as a mentor and respected him for not succumbing to the corruption in the Galactic Senate. For this reason, when she came to Corosaunt to seek a resolution for the Invasion of Naboo, she turned to Palpatine for advice. He told her the Galactic Senate was past caring about the common good and that Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum was under the control of the bureaucracy, which was in the Trade Federation's payroll.

Palpatine then urged her to either take the matter to the Supreme Court or call for a Vote of No Confidence in Finis Valorum's leadership. During the Senate meeting, Padmé saw with her own eyes that he was right, and called for a Vote of No Confidence in Valorum. This led to Palpatine's election to the Office of the Surpreme Chancellor.

When the Separatist Crisis broke out, Padmé joined the Loyalist Commitee. As the Supreme Chancellor used his emergency powers to amass increasingly dictatorial powers, Padmé began to realize that the Chancellor was not what he seemed and joined the Delegation of the two thousand to draft a petition demanding an end to the Clone Wars and an end to his amendments to the Galactic Constitution. During one Delegation meeting, Padmé reminded her colleges that Palpatine had a super majority in the Senate on his side and suggested turning to the Jedi, but the others thought this was too extreme and, naively, believed the Petition of the two thousand would be enough.

When Palpatine declared himself emperor, Padmé realized he had been planning to do this all along and urged Bail to bide his time and wait until it was the right time for open rebellion. She was horrified to later learn from Obi-Wan Kenobi that the new emperor was Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith and died making the same realization her husband would make twenty-three years later; Palpatine was a heartless monster who had been using her for years to gain power for himself and has lied to her about everything.

Nute Gunray[]

Padmé and Nute Gunray have be enemies ever since the Invasion of Naboo. Thanks to ingenuity, Padmé outwitted the Trade Federation Viceroy and liberate her planet. However, thanks to his Sith benefactor Darth Sidious, the Nemodian was able to retain his position as Viceroy of the Trade Federation, though he lost the cartel's trade franchise. When the Separatist Crisis broke out, Padme joined the Loyalist Committee and Nute Gunray joined the Separatist Council for personal gain. When Gunray was discovered to be behind the assassination attempts on Padme, she was not surprised.

Padmé Amidala/Relationships (2024)
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