The Bullitt County History Museum (2024)

Over the years, Charles Hartley has shared glimpses of what was being printed in The Pioneer News in different months and years. This page includes what was taken from the issues of 1970.

January 1970

The Bullitt County History Museum (1)
Frank Reams

The Bullitt County History Museum (2)
Bill Nusz

Frank Reams, principal of Overdale Elementary School, was named campaign director for the annual March of Dimes drive by Governor Ford.

The paper sadly reported that Bill Nusz of Shepherdsville died on Christmas Day from the injuries he suffered in a car accident on December 13th.

The neighborhood columns continued to be printed. From Cedar Grove we learned the Enoch Webb family entertained the following guests for Christmas dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Humphry Jeffries, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bell, Mr. Thomas Bolton and son, Mrs. Annie Bolton, Mr. Bob Grant, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grant.

Meanwhile, Clara Simmons of Pleasant Grove reported that Mrs. Mary Frances Richardson was one lucky person after losing control of her car and going over an embankment, the car turning over several times. Mrs. Richardson had to crawl out the window, but came away from the accident with only a few scratches.

The Bullitt County History Museum (3)
PFC Charles R. Hampton

Over in Mt. Washington, G. K. Bass mentioned that Judy Brewster, Larry Burns, and Johnny Brewster visited with Vickie Ann Sprinkle at Goodmary Farm on Flat Lick Road during the Christmas holidays.

Speaking of Vickie Ann, she wrote in her "School Daze" column that the candidates for Homecoming Queen at school were Jan Smith, Cathy Perkins, Ronda Gentry, and Marilyn Hahn.

The Hebron correspondent congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Larry Magruder who had married in Lexington following Christmas, and would be living in Washington, D.C.

Down at Lebanon Junction, a surprise 30th anniversary party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Willard Mattingly. There were 37 family and friends at the party.

PFC Charles R. Hampton of Shepherdsville was awarded a Bronze Star for heroism in Vietnam for moving through hostile fire to treat and evacuate wounded troops.

The Bullitt County History Museum (4)

On January 3rd, the elected County Officials met at the courthouse to take their respective oaths of office, and the newspaper managed to get most of them to pose for a group picture. They included County Judge Arson Moore; County Attorney Tom Givhan; Circuit Clerk Nancy Strange with her deputies, Ruth and Ann Duncan; County Clerk T. L. Cook; PVA Walter "Pee Wee" Keith; Sheriff L. J. Light and his deputies C. L. Croan, C. H. Reichmuth, Harold Walker, Sam Dawson, and Loretta Dawson; Jailer Billy Roy Shepherd, with his deputies Gladys Shepherd and Buddy Shepherd; Magistrate Forrest Moore; Constable Everett (Corky) Cook, Constable Eugene Brown; City Judge J. R. (Buddy) Hoskinson; and Magistrate Ralph Bleemel.

The Bullitt County History Museum (5)
Cundiffs & Masons

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cundiff celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary at the Executive Inn. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bruner.

Also celebrating 50 years were Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mason, former residents of the county.

Curtis Hart, a S.H.S. graduate and senior speech and journalism major at Murray State, played his clarinet and saxophone in a campus music program.

The Bullitt County History Museum (6)

Larry, Gary, and Terry, triplet sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodin, celebrated their tenth birthdays in January.

Sam Gentry of Zoneton celebrated his 95th birthday. He was a retired farmer and a member of Little Flock Baptist Church. He would later pass his 99th birthday before dying in February 1974.

Scotty Morrison scored 31 points as Shepherdsville High defeated Mt. Washington on the General's home court. The paper printed several pictures from other games including ones of Bob Richardson, James "Buttons" Masden, and Larry Hodge in action.

The Bullitt County History Museum (7)The Bullitt County History Museum (8)The Bullitt County History Museum (9)The Bullitt County History Museum (10)

And Mrs. Alma Mudd visited the newspaper office to pay for her subscription. She said she had been getting the paper since it first started. Now that's a faithful subscriber! She was also 99 when she died in March 1973.

The Bullitt County History Museum (11)The Bullitt County History Museum (12)
Mrs. Alma Mudd

February 1970

David Bass of the Mt. Washington Generals scored 39 points in their defeat of Western Sinai 84-82. Other contributors included Allen Peavler and Mike Devine with 13 apiece, James Buffin with 8, Dan Alcorn with 5, Mike Ryan with 4, and John Wigginton with 2.

In another game, the Generals fell to the Shepherdsville Rams 70-60 despite Bass's 19 points.

G. K. Bass of Mt. Washington reported that Louis and Angeline (Swearingen) Roby were surprised with a Golden Wedding Anniversary party by their family.

The Bullitt County History Museum (13)
Joey Robinson

Bass also reported that Ruth Hatfield and Hilden Cornell dined at the Blue Boar in Louisville. Raise your hand if you remember eating blueberry or pineapple pie there.

Clara Simmons of Pleasant Grove wrote that Rev. and Mrs. Harold Ray Armstrong gave his mother, Mrs. Allard Armstrong, a birthday supper. Present were the Dean Armstrong family, the Orion Allen Armstrong family, Miss Betty Armstrong, and Albert (Pop) Armstrong.

Diana Moore of Shepherdsville was one of the contestants seeking the title of Miss University of Kentucky.

The Bullitt County History Museum (14)
Juanita Moore

Joey Robinson, a seventh grader at Overdale Elementary, refused to let having but one arm keep him from doing well in basketball.

Juanita Moore, a senior at Lebanon Junction High School, earned the highest rating in her school in the Betty Crocker Search for the Homemaker of Tomorrow program.

The Nichols correspondent remarked that Pam Simcoe had returned to college at EKU after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simcoe. She also reported that the Everett Funk home had been destroyed by fire, and that they were staying with Rufe Able at Cupio.

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S.H.S. Speech & Drama Team

Barbara Elliott led a team of ten S.H.S. speech and drama students to a meet at Middlesboro where a number of them earned awards. The winners were Rodney Franklin (dramatic interpretation), Elise Givhan (extemporaneous speaking), Roger Patterson (discussion), and Roger Brown (humorous interpretation). Desie Deshand and Rodney Franklin placed second in duet acting, and Edwina Cline took third in humorous interpretation. Others participating were Nancy Owens, Norma Barnett, Theresa Sweat, and Penny Masden.

The Bullitt County History Museum (16)
Marsha Neal

Shepherdsville High School announced its final basketball homecoming queen and court. Selected as queen was Marsha Kay Neal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neal.

And between the JV and Varsity games, both won by the Rams, Queen Marsha Neal was escorted by seniors Randall McClearn and Terry Willis with Mark Hardwick as crown bearer, and Carrie Hornback as flower girl.

Members of her court were escorted as follows: Debbie Armstrong by Bill Hardy and Herman Denny, Carla Walton by Eddie Garr and Terry Hardwick, Brenda Garr by Ricky Deavers and Robby Kippes, and Linda Scott by Bob Richardson and Bill Deats.

The Hebron correspondent expressed sympathy to the family of Neill Brooks Tyler whose funeral was held at the Hebron Presbyterian Church under the direction of their pastor, Rev. Joe James.

And she also reported that thieves stole auto batteries from Robert Ball and Walter Crumbacker, and wondered if someone wasn't making a golf cart.

March 1970

The Bullitt County History Museum (17)

Burlyn Pike was chairman of the historical marker program in Bullitt County as the latest marker was erected just south of the Salt River bridge in Shepherdsville.

The Bullitt County History Museum (18)
Neil Farris

The Bullitt County History Museum (19)
Mike Perry

Former County Judge Neil Farris was appointed Area Specialist in Community Resource Development by the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture.

The Bullitt Circuit Court convened with Judge Charles R. Richardson presiding. County Attorney Tom Givhan assisted the Commonwealth Attorney, Shelby M. Howard, as they met with the Grand Jury which included Robert L. Ashbaugh, Cecil Belcher, William Glenn Dawson, Aca Lee Fulkerson, Roy L. Graham, Ben B. Hardy, Francis Jenkins, Marvin H. Masden, James E. Nichols, J. E. McDonald, Kenneth R. Price, and Walter Sallings.

The Bullitt County History Museum (20)
Mike Tatchell

The Bullitt County History Museum (21)
Theresa Sweat

Mike Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Perry of Shepherdsville, and a Freshman at UK, received a Keeneland Scholarship Award from Curte Ferguson, Director of College Relations at the Ag school.

Linda Kay Tate, daughter of Dennis Tate of Shepherdsville, received a scholarship check for her studies in home economics at UK.

Michael Tatchell of Pioneer Village was awarded a Presidential Scholarship at EKU. He ranked in the top three in his SHS graduating class.

Theresa Sweat was selected to represent SHS as a semi-finalist in the Armor Center Civic League essay contest.

G. K. Bass of Mt. Washington congratulated Tommy Roby for making the Dean's List at Western State University. Also, in that column, we learned Nelline Roby received a Kentucky Colonel commission; that Wayne Votaw and his mother Donna visited his great-grandmother Mrs. Louis Roby, Sr.; and that Ruth Hatfield and Hilden Cornell visited Ed Naecker who was convalescing at the home of his aunts following surgery.

In the "Around Nichols" column we learned that Chester Rice had just entered the service, that Gary Ruphe was in Vietnam, and that Erbie Mcnu*tt was taken to the hospital.

The Hebron correspondent informed us that Neil Brooks, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cooper Jenkins were on a tour of the Holy Land; that Rev. and Mrs. Joe James visited Billy Horrell in Owensboro where Rev. James taught a special class for the youth; and that the Hebron Presbyterian Church was having special Lenten services.

Mrs. W. C. Lanham of Cedar Grove reported that Mrs. Henrietta King of California visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bishop; and that Mr. E. G. Dillander remained in the hospital.

Mrs. Essie Holland of Mt. Eden reported that Mr. and Mrs. Omar Watkins had as dinner guests Bro. and Mrs. David Royalty, Bro. and Mrs. M. L. Holland, Anita Holland, and Mrs. Holland's mother, Mrs. Burgess.

Clara Simmons of Pleasant Grove reported that Elbert Bass was the early gardener that year, having his garden made already.

Marine Sgt. Melvin D. Allen, Jr. received the Navy Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service in Vietnam. He was the son of Mrs. Betty Allen of Brooks.

At the awards dinner given by the Bullitt County Soil Conservation District, Johnny Crump was the county essay winner, with Sylvia Davidson second. School winners included Janice Wiedemer (SHS), James Russell (Cedar Grove), Kimberly Sewell (Roby), Donna Heyback (Overdale), Barry Bates (Brooks), and Deborah Gutermuth (St.A).

And Matt and Bill Bleemel were pictured keeping an eye on the 100 head of holstein heifers they had imported from New York and New Jersey.

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April 1970

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Kevin Nunn

The Bullitt County History Museum (25)

The paper reported that a warrant had been issued for the arrest of a 22-year-old man in the murder of William Paul Kidd, a Bullitt County school teacher in March. The accused murderer had been arrested in Florida, accused of another murder there. He was later convicted of that crime, and remains in a Florida prison, serving a life sentence.

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Rocket Launchers

The Bullitt County History Museum (27)
Fab 5 in 1970

The Bullitt County History Museum (28)
Fab 5 in 1937

Kevin Nunn, a sixth grader at Brooks Elementary, won a 4-H Public Speaking contest at Taylorsville in the Junior Boys' Division. His topic was geology.

Were you at the Overdale School when Randy Fields, Steve Manning, Larry Horton, Lloyd Crowe, Doug Meyer, Carlos Wentworth, Tommy Lee, and Noel Smith put on a display of rocket launching in the school playground? Their efforts were guided by their science teacher, Mr. Cecil Mattingly.

Guess who caught the fish when Harvey and Peggy Johnson took daughter Christi fishing? Yep. Christi was pictured holding her five and a half pound catfish!

A local "Fab 5" won the Shepherdsville Rural Tournament in 1937. They were the Cedar Grove team and the school held its first Athletic Banquet in April 1970 with the earlier team as guests of honor. Former players who returned including Jack Lanham, Robert Greenwell, Clifton Ratliff, Donnie Crenshaw, and Vernon Simmons. Missing was Robert Moore of Brooklyn, New York. Also present was their former coach, Dr. Millard Cundiff.

An earlier team picture included Jack Lanham, Donnie Crenshaw, Clifty Ratliff, Robert Moore, Robert Greenwell, and Coach Cundiff.

Do you remember when Bud Hardy moved his insurance business from Second Street to Tom Givhan's Professional Building on the street behind the Court House? Now do you remember what that street was called before it was named for Frank Simon?

Mary Cook, wife of T. L. Cook, and Hattie Monroe, wife of J. W. Monroe, joined their brother former state attorney general, J. D. "Jiggs" Buckman in mourning the death of their mother, Carletta (Hatzell) Buckman.

The Hebron newsletter informed us that Mrs. Iva Hawkins was nursing two broken ribs as a result of falling down the stairs; that Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kelly were proud grandparents of a new granddaughter; and that George Wigginton was nursing a badly burned hand suffered when an aerosol can explored after being accidentally put in the trash fire.

The Pleasant Grove reporter wrote that Rev. and Mrs. Warner Baumgardner and children spent a weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gentry in Mt. Washington; that Darrel Swift and Judy Armstrong had a beautiful wedding solemnized at Pleasant Grove by Rev. Alden Puckett; and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Owen spent a weekend in Ohio with Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Gaddie and son Westley who had the mumps.

In Mt. Washington, they were still talking about the snowfall on Easter, as well as the Easter dinners hosted around town including the ones hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Armstrong, Mrs. Hilden Cornell, and the Jasper home.

The fourteenth Annual Cancer Memorial Dinner was held in the Shepherdsville High School cafeteria. Participating were Frank Burke, mayor of Louisville, Shepherdsville Mayor Bill Bacon (master of ceremonies), Dorothy Hartsell (organist), and Linda Crouch of Louisville and Tom Bonhert of Actors Theatre (featured singers).

Oh, and before I forget, Tom Givhan's professional building was on Beech Street (now Frank E. Simon Ave.)

May 1970

The local Senior Community Service Aides Project was able to match a number of senior adults as aides to various schools and community organizations. The staff of the project included Judge Arson Moore, School Superintendent Frank Hatfield, Delma Nusz, Rev. Douglas Wilson of Methodist Church, and Addison Schiefelbein. Through this project, Jody Younger assisted at the Public Assistance Office, Lucy Terrell at the Ridgway Library, Lillian Lowry at Roby Elementary, Nancy Skaggs at Brooks Elementary, Alice Lay at Shepherdsville High School, and Clora Sparrow with the Fellowship of Concern.

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Mrs. Hartsell

The Bullitt County History Museum (30)
Robert Richardson

Mrs. Dorothy Hartsell and members of the Shepherdsville High School band provided a concert at Roby Elementary to benefit the Ridgway Memorial Library. Mrs. Hartsell provided a number of classical music pieces, while the band shared a number of familiar more modern tunes.

The Bullitt County History Museum (31)
Gerald Muir

Tim Crumbacker, who won the 1970 Barry Watson Memorial Scholarship, played shortstop for the S.H.S. Rams. In a victory over Mt. Washington, he had two triples, and knocked in five runs, as well as making a circus catch. Tim joined Mike Phillips and Danny Perry as recipients of the scholarship.

Gerald Stanley Muir, a seventh grader at Lebanon Junction, represented his school at the North Central Kentucky Elementary School Spelling Bowl.

Robert Richardson of Shepherdsville High School was awarded the Bullitt County Parent-Teacher's Scholarship. Robert participated in sports (basketball, track, cross-country), and had a part in the school play. In church he sponsored a group of Royal Ambassadors.

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The Funtastics

In Mt. Washington society notes, G. K. Bass wrote that Mrs. Essie Roby hosted a Stanley Party at her home; that Vickie Ann Sprinkles was hostess at an outdoor barbecue at her home; and that Maylene and C. N. Tichenor hosted a Rook game at their home with her parents, Angeline and Louis Roby, and Paul B. and Margaret Roby.

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Music Poster Contest Winners

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Judy Hilton | Ricky Sims

The Bullitt County History Museum (35)
Teresa Bryan | Roger Cravens

The winners of the Woman's Club National Music Week Poster Contest were Karen Tracy and Edwina Cline of S.H.S., Tony Foster of Mt. Washington, and Cheryl Hunt of Brooks.

The Funtastics won the contest to appear on the Crusade for Children telethon. Their members included Phillip Keith, lead singer and lead guitar, Gary Myers on drums, Billy Hardy on bass guitar, and Curt Firkins on the organ.

We learned in the Personals column that a dinner was given in honor of Thelma Welch Mabey by Mary Bell Lee. Those present included Mrs. Hallye Hibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Edgar Howlett and Ronald, Robert Howlett, Zelma Dever and Cathy, Martha Hickerson, Lillian Osborne, Edith Devore, Beulah Coakley, and Betty Larimore.

Judy Hilton, a Shepherdsville Junior, won the regional long jump, and was the first Bullitt County girl to go to the state competition. Joining her at state was Ricky Sims who won the region in high and low hurdles, and placed second in the triple jump.

Lebanon Junction Seniors Teresa Bryan and Roger Cravens were pictured in the paper, having earned college scholarships. Teresa planned to enter Catherine Spalding College and study nursing. Roger had a choice of either U.K. or Centre College, but attended Centre. His high school dream was to be a history teacher.

In the last graduating class of Shepherdsville High School, Elise Givhan was Valedictorian, and Michael Tatchell was Salutatorian. The remaining members of the top ten actually numbered ten more due to ties. They included Brenda Snellen, Carolyn Jackson, Donna Holt, Tommy Skaggs, Brenda Hall Burks, Brenda Lloyd Downey, Debra Lee, Marcia Leffler, Donna Walls, and Linda Hart.

Pete Nusz, Juanita Beghtol, and Jerry Myers were pictured in the paper as a result of scholarships they received. Pete, a S.H.S. junior, received a grant to participate in a summer program at the University of Kentucky Agriculture School. Juanita, a Shepherdsville senior, was going to attend Midway Junior College. Jerry, another senior, was to attend Kentucky's Agriculture School also.

The Bullitt County History Museum (36)
Pete Nusz | Juanita Beghtol | Jerry Myers | Diana Moore

And "Tot" Moore's daughter, Diana was elected Chapter Sweetheart by the Kentucky Chapter of Farm House Fraternity at U.K.

June 1970

The paper managed to combine information about two different college graduates into one front page article. The headline and first part of the article were about Jewel Lutes, wife of Ralph Lutes of Mt. Washington. However, the picture and latter part of the article were about Linda Howlett Belcher, wife of Larry Belcher.

Jewel received her teaching degree from Spalding College, and was hired to teach at the Mt. Washington school. Linda graduated from Eastern Kentucky along with her husband, and both planned to return to Bullitt County to teach.

Fortunately, the paper corrected their error in the next edition.

The Bullitt County History Museum (37)
John and Grace Owens

John T. Owens and Grace Brown were married in June 1909. In 1970, they celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary, and were pictured on the front page of the local paper. They were in their 66th year of marriage when John died in 1974. John was a retired policeman. They resided in Bardstown Junction.

G. K. Bass noted several building projects in the Mt. Washington area. Leo and Virginia Bleemel were building a new home on Highway 44; Omar and Darlene Stallings were building a home near her mother, Mrs. Hilden Cornell; Lindsay Wigginton, a real estate man, was building two model homes on the Louisville Highway; and Billy Lloyd's real estate business also had a new building on that road.

Gail Anne Becnel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Becnel of Shepherdsville, received her nursing degree from the Kentucky Baptist Hospital School of Nursing. Gail was a 1967 graduate of S.H.S.

According to the Hebron correspondent, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wigginton, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Salyer, and Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott motored to Pineville to attend the Mountain Laurel Festival. She also reported that Miss Susie L. Swearingen took Miss Ethel Ridgway and Mrs. Lula Durvall to the Mt. Washington Cemetery to decorate graves.

The following members of Boy Scout Troop 5 of Shepherdsville attended the Mohawk District Spring Camporee at Rough River: Mike Mayes, Eric Fischer, Chuck Phelps, Robert Stotts, Johnny Sneed, Mike Freeman, Biff Huckaby, David Hogue, Russell Forshee, Joey Sneed, Harold Masden, Glen Napier, Roger Phelps, Keith Phelps, Jimmie Losey, Doug Miller, Mark Warren, Alan Fischer, Ray Walls, John Masden, and Todd Hardy.

Shown below are the top eleven of the graduates of Lebanon Junction High School: Rose Marie Wise, Paula Rush, Charles Waters, Janet Travis, Susan Geoghegan, Juanita Moore, Preston Samuels, Amy Travis, Geneva Hodge Smith, Roger Cravens, and Rose Marie Hoagland.

The Bullitt County History Museum (38)

In community news, the Nichols column reported that Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Belcher, Craig and Clay Dawson, Mrs. Charles Ridgway, and Marvin Hopewell attended a "Birthday Breakfast at Bernheim" for James Ridgway.

Meanwhile, the Pleasant Grove correspondent wrote that Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fultz, who then lived in Florida, stopped by to see his old friends at Pleasant Grove; and that Elbert Bass sang a Father's Day song at the Church Father's Day Banquet.

She also mentioned a kind deed done by Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Sue Grant who visited with Miss Arleen Devine, to stay with her while Mr. and Mrs. Walt Devine went out for supper.

The Hebron Newsletter shared that Susan Crumbacker and Marsha Neal had started classes at Sullivan Business College; that Brenda Garr was attending a music camp near Lebanon Junction; and that a farewell picnic for Rev. and Mrs. Joseph James of the Hebron Presbyterian Church was held at the Manse.

And she also reported that the Neil Brooks Jr. family spent a weekend in the Smokies; and that John and Mary Dell Meyer were vacationing in Wisconsin (fishing trip, no doubt).

July 1970

In the Hebron Newsletter we learn that Mrs. John Wigginton, Mrs. R. H. Kinaird, Mrs. Philip Reece of Louisville, and Mrs. George Jarboe and children enjoyed a picnic at Bernheim Forest; and that Mrs. Kinnaird "is quite proud of her great-great-great nieces."

The correspondent congratulated Harvey Garrett on his 85th birthday, and also wrote that Roger Barger was driving a new Dotson truck.

From Pleasant Grove, we learn that Alvine and Beulah Foster were on their way to the wedding of Benny Manion and Sue Fox when someone ran them off the road, so they never got to the wedding. They did however, over the Fourth of July weekend, travel halfway to where their son Larry was stationed to meet him since he could not make it all the way home in such a short time.

Clara Simmons also reported that Jacky Lloyd "believes in being a good neighbor who divides his roasting ears with all his neighbors."

In the Knob Creek Union Church News, we learn that Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bailey and son Bobby visited friends in Texarkana, Texas, a daughter in Shreveport, Lousiana, a son in Baton Rouge, and went sightseeing in New Orleans before returning home.

The writer, Herbert Lovey, also wrote that Lemar Sinnett was injured when his horse slipped and fell on him. He had several stitches and bruises, but was not admitted to the hospital.

The Bullitt County History Museum (39)
Barbara Plenge

Judy Kimball later wrote in the Knob Creek column that the church had a good V.B.S., and that the ladies of the church were scheduled to meet on Saturday afternoon to give the church a good cleaning after Bible School was over.

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Myrtle Barrall

Well, I guess Steve and Barbara Plenge will be celebrating their golden wedding anniversary in September. Barbara was pictured in the local paper with an announcement of her engagement to Steve.

In the Personals column, we read that Mrs. Elizabeth Lee had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Headie Lee and sons Bruce, Steven, Kevin, and Timothy of Midland, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lee and children, Jimmy and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hack and daughters, Brenda and Lori, Mr. G. A. Bailey, and Mrs. Gilbert Nation and sons, Wendall and Russell. Quite a nice gathering.

Mrs. Myrtle Barrall, wife of the late J. W. Barrall, editor and publisher of the Pioneer-News, celebrated her 84th birthday, and got her picture in the paper.

The Bullitt County History Museum (41)
Peggy Troutman

In G. K. Bass' Mt. Washington report, we learn that things were going well for David and Mary Lou (Jasper) Mason. Both were getting ready to graduate from college, and David had been chosen head basketball coach at Fulton, Kentucky. The couple had also just moved into their first purchased house.

In 4-H Area Competition, Mark Gillenwaters and his horse won the first place trophy, making him eligible to enter his events at the Kentucky State Fair.

And Billy Miller and his junior yearling won Reserve Champion Holstein.

The Bullitt County History Museum (42)
Jeannie Hogg

Miss Peggy Troutman accepted a position at a church in Henderson where she would be Children's Director and also Director of the local kindergarten.

Brad's Roller Rink was a busy place filled with speed skaters. In boys' 15 and over, Greg Skaggs was the winner, with Winston Skaggs the runner-up. Boys' 13-14 age group saw Roger Key place first, and Joe Porter second. Boys' 11-12 winner was David Mills, and placing second was Robby Hoskinson. And boys' 10 and under found a winner in Jimmie West with Tony McCubbins the runner-up.

In girls' competitions Patricia Berry was first, and Diana Mann second in the 13 and up category. Cecilia Wilson and Karen Cox were first and second in the 11-12 division; and Tawana Samuels placed first in the 9-10 category with Tammy Cox second.

But the happiest winner of all was Jeannie Hogg who was crowned Miss Roller Rink 1970, and received a gold trophy and a year's free admission to the rink.

August 1970

The Bullitt County History Museum (43)
Joe Holcomb

Joe Holcomb was selected as Bullitt Central's first head football coach. Mr. Holcomb had coached at Old Kentucky Home for ten years before coming to Bullitt County.

Dorothy Gentry shared information about a surprise 85th birthday for her "grandmom," Mrs. Dora Carey of Mt. Washington. It seems that the whole family was able to gather to bring good wishes and good dishes to Mrs. Carey's home.

Mrs. Essie Holland of the Mt. Eden community wrote that the Clarence Dawson family, along with his sister's family, enjoyed a two week Florida vacation that included deep sea fishing.

The Hebron Newsletter shared several items related to the Hebron Presbyterian Church. Recent pastor, Rev. Joseph James conducted the funeral of W. T. Whitman, Sr., a long time resident of the community. Rev. James also officiated the wedding of Suzanne Brooks and John Rice.

The Bullitt County History Museum (44)
Karen Waters

Mr. Neil Brooks, Jr., the father of Suzanne, shared his pictures of the Holy Land at a family night supper at the church. And Rev. Evan Wall was called to pastor the church, and a wiener roast was held to welcome him.

At a Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the construction of a junior high school on property owned by the school system on Hebron Lane. They also approved the purchase of land in Mt. Washington for a new elementary school.

Mrs. Reuben E. Bass of Shepherdsville was appointed chairman of the 1970 fund-raising campaign for the Arthritis Foundation.

Karen Jean Waters graduated from Midway Junior College, and would continue her education in Louisville on a full scholarship.

A pot luck dinner was held at the home of Norman McAdams in honor of retiring postal employees Barrett A. Murray and Thelma Bergen. Barrett had been the Route 1 rural carrier for 15 years; Thelma had clerked at the Shepherdsville office for nearly 25 years.

The Mt. Washington correspondent reported that Glenn Sprinkle qualified for the state bowling finals at Ashland. Before competing there, he received an invitation to participate in a bowling classic in Chicago.

The Pleasant Grove correspondent wrote that little Miss Shanda Armstrong was in the barn of her grandfather playing around, and got into a nest of bumblebees. She was stung on her head before escaping.

The Bullitt County History Museum (45)
Rebecca Clark and Cindy Williams

Linda Dishon must have been frantic when her three little ones decided to wander off on a little journey that led them all the way from Highway 480 to the railroad tracks along Highway 245 to a house near Lotus' warehouses. Their six hour journey covered about four or five miles. Their safe return home pleased all who had been out searching for them.

Howard Hardaway, fondly known as "The Old Hiker," was the subject of an extensive interview in the paper. Hardaway, who was 72, was preparing for a more trips with mountain scenery. A decade earlier he had completed a 450 mile walk from Natchez, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee, following the trace that his great-grandfather had traveled nine times on his return from flatboating family produce down to New Orleans.

Rebecca Clark and Cindy Williams were pictured at the main entrance to the Kentucky Expo Center after completing the 32 mile trail ride from Shepherdsville to the fairgrounds. They described themselves as "plain tuckered out," but planned on making the trip again next year.

The Bullitt County History Museum (46)

The Little Flock Baptist Church celebrated its 160th anniversary, which I guess means it had its origins back in 1790.

And some fellow named Hartley, along with his wife and daughter, returned from participating in a conference at the Philmont Training Center in Cimmaron, New Mexico. The purpose of the conference was to prepare leaders of boy scout troops to take part in the 1971 Project SOAR (Save Our American Resources). Wow! Has it really been 50 years?

September 1970

The Bullitt County History Museum (47)
Gary Roberts

Gary Roberts was picked by the Kentucky High School coaches as a potential All-State Player. Gary played fullback for Bullitt Central. A senior, he was president of his junior class, and also an all-district basketball player the previous season.

The Bullitt County History Museum (48)
Rick and Martha

Roberts gained 202 yards in his team's victory over Eminence 6-0. Also performing well was Danny Deweese who had nine unassisted tackles, including two on the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage.

Rev. Dan Masden officiated the wedding of Miss Martha Kerns to Mr. James Richard Cundiff. The couple would be living in an apartment at the University of Louisville where Rick was a student at the medical school.

The Pleasant Grove correspondent, Clara Simmons reported that Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Armstrong hosted Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gentry and family, Ronnie Bleemel, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Armstrong and family, and Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson for a Sunday dinner. She also reported that Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Jones spent a day with his sister, Mrs. Elbert Bass.

Clara also reported that Brad Newton and David Proctor had been her dinner guests, and described them as "mighty fine boys."

The Hebron correspondent reported that Mike and Steven Robey, and Wayne Jenkins had returned to school at University of Kentucky; that Mrs. Paul C. Smith was recovering from a bout with pneumonia; and that Mrs. Sue Jolly and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball.

She later reported that Elizabeth Brooks and Mary Cynthia Holsclaw were luncheon guests fo Ethel Ridgway.

The obituary of Arthur M. Fischer mentioned his children, including Wilbur "Bill" Fischer. Most of the area's sportsmen (and women) knew Bill and Mary Fischer well, as they owned and operated Fischer's Sporting Goods on Buckman Street in Shepherdsville.

Susie Cave of Lebanon Junction congratulated Jerry and Sharon (Geoghegan) Sweat on the birth of a baby boy. She also reported that Mrs. John Abell had returned from a visit with her grandson, R. L. Abell, at Independence, Kentucky where he was assistant principal at the local high school.

She later reported that Mr. and Mrs. Mike Russavage were the proud parents of a baby boy; and that made Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter grandparents, and Ella B. Abell and Edith Walker great-grandmothers.

Bullitt Central cheerleaders Kay Alcorn, Ellen Givhan, Libby Cardwell, Terri Boston, Terri Caudill, and Gayle Britt had a profitable summer camp at Vincennes, bringing home many ribbons.

The newspaper Personals column reported that Mrs. Betty Larimore was at St. Joseph Infirmary, and her son Craig was preparing to enter Western Kentucky University. Also reported was that Mrs. Hallye Hibbs had returned home from visiting with her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Figg in Indiana.

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Also reported in that column, Thelma Bergen, Evelyn Mapother, Wilma Hatfield, and Geneva Mann spent a weekend at Rough River.

G. K. Bass of Mt. Washington reported that Geneva and Royce Swearingen had moved into their newly constructed brick home; and that Virginia and Leo Bleemel were almost ready to move into their new home.

Fonda and Gene Harrod moved into Royce Swearingen's old home.

And Scott Morrison of Shepherdsville enrolled at Morehead State University where he was pictured with MSU President and Mrs. Adron Doran during a reception for new students.

October 1970

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M. J. Cundiff

Doc Cundiff (the dentist) was a candidate for the school board election again. This was just one of the ways this good man served his community.

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Matt & Wava Bleemel

According to the Lebanon Junction correspondent, Bernheim Forest was the scene for the Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration honoring Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McMillen. Those attending included the families of Don and Joel McMillen, and the two Charles VanVactor families of Lebanon Junction.

Another couple celebrating 50 years were Matt and Wava (Dickey) Bleemel.

The Pleasant Grove correspondent reported that the Pleasant Grove church service was turned over to Steve fa*genbush who had been their song leader for some time, and was departing. She reported that there was a lot of singing during an enjoyable evening.

She also reported that Mrs. Allen Dickey, Mrs. W. A. Lutes, and Mrs. Mildred Dickey spent a pleasant day with Mrs. Waldo Gentry.

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School Breakfast at SJHS

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Mrs. Troutman

Kathy Odell, Jeff Hardwick, and David Strawbridge were among the Shepherdsville Junior High students pictured enjoying breakfast at school. Also pictured was Mrs. Edith J. Troutman, lunchroom manager who, along with her great staff, made it all possible. Her staff included Micky Hardin, Elsie Richmond, Hazel Armstrong, Goldie Dishon, Bessie Harris, Ione Hobbs, Margaret Hodge, Tressie Mann, and Dorothy McAllister. (Boy could those ladies cook, and we loved their cinnamon rolls!)

The Hebron correspondent reported that the Hebron Presbyterian Church kindergarten was in full swing with Mrs. Betty Branson as director. Forty-two students were enrolled.

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Fred Nalley

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Gary Roberts

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Debbie Murrell & Barry Wilson

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Steve & David Stieben

She also reported that Rosa Brown had been ill at home, that Charles Magruder was recovering from back surgery, that Floyd Tinnell was recovering from knee surgery, and that Josephine Garr had been on the sick list.

Fred Nalley was mighty happy with his three sweet potatoes that totaled about 15 pounds. And Steve and David Stieben of Brooks were proud of their regular potatoes, one weighing two and a quarter pounds!

In the team's first seven games, Bullitt Central fullback Gary Roberts racked up 1108 yards, an average of 6 yards a carry. Gary was an impressive athlete.

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Football Queen & Court

Judy Myers, Sheila Allen, Jill Jasper, and Kathy Perkins were pictured as the queen and her court for the first Bullitt Central football homecoming parade.

Mrs. H. B. Seadoris of Clermont reported that Mr. and Mrs. William Snellen had plenty of company with Mrs. Aline Gutherie from Jacksonville, Mr. and Mrs. William Richy, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snellen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Armes, and Mr. and Mrs. David White with son and daughter all attending. According to Mrs. Seadoris, "They sure did enjoy their old friends, and they all had plenty of food to eat."

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Joe Herde & Ricky Adams

G. K. Bass reported that young Stephen Drake of New Orleans suffered a painful injury to his hand that required surgery. Stephen was a grandson of Mrs. Glenn Sprinkle, and the great grandson of Mrs. Goodloe Bass of Mt. Washington.

SJHS band director Debbie Murrell and drum major Barry Wilson were pictured at the E.K.U. Band Day.

And Bullitt Central band director Joe Herde and drum major Ricky Adams were pictured inspecting the band's new uniforms.

November 1970

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Mrs. Zoye Major

Congratulations were in order for Mrs. Zoye Thompson Major who had been selected as Bullitt County's Teacher of the Year. She and her husband Monroe Major were fixtures in our schools for many years.

Mt. Washington turned out for a special day of recognition for Mr. J. E. Fisher, one of the community's "most loved citizens." There was a parade through town, followed by a banquet celebration at the high school. Among his accomplishment, Mr. Fisher was a charter member of the Mt. Washington Lions Club.

G. K. Bass of Mt. Washington wrote that Philip Moore and his wife Linda were the proud parents of a baby daughter they named Danielle. Moore had been stationed in the Phillippines before being transferred by the air force to Florida.

Clara Simmons of Pleasant Grove reported that Gilbert Nation and his wife were building a new home; that Mr. and Mrs. Jacky Holland entertained a host of people for Sunday dinner including her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stallings, her brother Norman Stallings and his family, and a number of others.

Mrs. Bennie Cornett entertained the Breezeway Beauty Salon operators to a luncheon. The guests included Mrs. Beulah Maraman, Mrs. Darlene Maraman, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Russell, and Mrs. Mildred Ratliff.

The Hebron correspondent reported that the Bullitt County Saddle Club directors had their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bischoff. Also reported was the dinner meeting at Heritage House attended by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball, Mrs. Hathaway Quick, and Miss Mary Cynthia Holsclaw.

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Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gooch

Susie Cave of Lebanon Junction reported that Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Nalley's son-in-law, Sp/4 Charles Morgan was wounded in Vietnam, and transferred from a hospital in Japan to Ireland Hospital at Fort Knox.

The eight children, twenty-three grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gooch helped them celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

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Hattie Mae Monroe

The "Ol Country Store" in Bardstown Junction owned by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kennedy burned to the ground. The building had been about a century old.

The paper reported the death of Mrs. Hattie Mae Monroe. Mrs. Monroe, the former Hattie Mae Buckman, had been the school board treasurer for fifteen years. She was survived by her husband, Jerome Monroe, her brother J. D. "Jiggs" Buckman, and her sister Mrs. T. L. (Mary) Cook.

Miss Cora Ney Hardy, a missionary to Nigeria, was staying in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hardy while on furlough.

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And the Bullitt Central Cafeteria staff were pictured during an open house. Included were Zelma Dever, Thelma Morrison, Ethel Armstrong, Margie Gentry, Doris Dawson, Nancy Stotts, Pearl Tracy, Tony McCamant, Mary Dell Meyer (manager), Opal Gibson, and Martha Ashbaugh.

December 1970

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Harry & Lillian

Harry Routon and Lillian Welker were married in December 1920. Fifty years later they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Also celebrating 50 years were Shell Moore and his bride, the former Mary Catherine Raymond. They had lived in Bullitt County all their lives.

The members of the Bullitt County Food Service Association met at the Kings Table where they installed the following officers: President Mary Dell Meyer of Bullitt Central, President-Elect Marcella Fitzgerald from Mt. Washington Elementary and Junior High, Secretary Nellie Nicholson of Lebanon Junction Junior High, and Treasurer Louise Madden of Brooks Elementary.

Cora Ney Hardy, Missionary to Nigeria, home on furlough, was the guest speaker at Bullitt Lick Baptist Church.

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Lucille Warren

Sheriff Leonard Light reported that the county tax bills were in the mail, and that the 2% discount was in effect until the end of December.

Joyce Trammell's 4th grade flutophone band performed at the Brooks P.T.A. meeting, and Mrs. Stallings' class won the attendance count.

Mrs. Lucille Warren, former Bullitt County Home Demonstration Agent, treated the fourth grade classes at Brooks with slides from her recent trip to Hawaii.

Mrs. Ethel Gentry was pleased to celebrate her 80th birthday in late November. Her daughter, Marian Armstrong provided the birthday celebration.

The opening of the Shepherdsville Feed and Supply Store was announced by Manager Edward R. Crigler.

In the Lebanon Junction newsletter we learned that Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Metcalf celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary at the home of their son Stanley. We also learned that baby Stephanie Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Masden, weighed in at 8 lbs, 13 oz at her birth.

In the Pleasant Grove community, Jack Stallings fell from the tier pole in his tobacco barn, and suffered cuts and a light concussion. The correspondent reported that he came home from the hospital a few days later.

The Hebron correspondent reported that Mrs. Mildred Elder and Mr. William Ferring were united in marriage at Little Flock.

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St. Benedict 4-H

Not much got past that correspondent as she reported that Mrs. Ruby Roller entertained her Sunday School class; that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball attended a Scout recognition banquet; that Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bischoff attended the Bullitt County Saddle Club Director's meeting at the home of Norman Stallings; that Little Flock Baptist and Hebron Presbyterian both presented Christmas Cantatas; and that the local high school seniors presented the play, "The Miracle Worker."

Speaking of the Hebron cantata, they also had a live Nativity Scene (a tradition there) as well as a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

In Lebanon Junction news, St. Benedict's 4-H officers were pictured in the paper. They included Janice Hefley, song leader; Celia Ryan, treasurer; Terry Phillips, secretary; David Douglas, recreation; Tony Troutman, president; Maureen Bryan, reporter; and Jo Beth Wise, vice-president.

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Greg Smith

Gregory Howard Smith, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Howard Smith and a 7th grader at Roby Elementary, won first place in the Bullitt County Conservation Essay contest.

Steve Larimore scored 16 points to lead the Shepherdsville Jr. High 7th and 8th grade basketball team to a 49-15 win over Lebanon Junction. Tony Westwood led the Bulldogs with nine points. The Rams' 9th grade team defeated the Bulldogs 64-42. Leading scorers for the SJHS team were Fred Branson with 16, Clayton Humphrey with 13, and Dave Strawbridge with 12.

And in Lebanon Junction, the North American Benefit Association (N.A.B.A.) Lodge for that community met with 23 members present including Mrs. Ethel McMillen who had been a member for 68 years. Others attending included Audry Shroader, Agneta Crady, Wilma Whitehouse, Eula Haley, Mae Bryant, Lula Belle Sweat, Ada McMillen, Kathryn McMillen, Elsie Duckett, Maggie Roberts, Nona Argenbright, Mary Jewel Chappell, Dorothy Brinner, Ruby White, Blanche Shawley, Ella Blon Bryant, Hattie Tatum, Cordina Leslie, Lee Cox, Carrie Napier, Bessie Streble, and Rhea Crady.

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 13 Jan 2024. Page URL:

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