Top 10 Largest eCommerce Companies 2024 (2024)

The ecommerce industry continues to experience significant growth worldwide, with the top players dominating the market.

The list of the top 10 largest ecommerce companies is largely composed of US and Chinese firms, reflecting the dominance of these two countries in the global ecommerce landscape.

In this article, we will explore the largest ecommerce companies, their market values, and their contributions to the industry.

Top 10 Largest eCommerce Companies 2024 (5)

Which are the largest ecommerce companies in the world?

  1. Amazon:
    • Market Value: $867.58 billion
    • Headquarters: United States
    • Amazon, the retail giant, leads the pack with its impressive market value. Its revenue has consistently grown over the years, reaching $524.9 billion in the 12-month period ending in Q1 2023.
  2. Walmart:
    • Market Value: $387.72 billion
    • Headquarters: United States
    • Walmart, a US-based company, ranks second on the list. While its market value is less than half of Amazon’s, it is still a significant player in the ecommerce industry.
  3. The Home Depot:
    • Market Value: $324.85 billion
    • Headquarters: United States
    • The Home Depot, another American firm, secures the third spot. It is a major player in the home improvement retail sector and holds a significant market value.
  4. Alibaba:
    • Market Value: $226.76 billion
    • Headquarters: China
    • Alibaba, a Chinese ecommerce giant founded by Jack Ma, holds the fourth position. It has experienced rapid growth and has tripled its net revenue from 2018 to 2022.
  5. Reliance Industries:
    • Market Value: $206.31 billion
    • Headquarters: India
    • Reliance Industries, a conglomerate based in Mumbai, India, is the fifth-largest online retailer globally. It has made significant strides in the ecommerce sector, contributing to its substantial market value.
  6. Prosus:
    • Market Value: $206.01 billion
    • Headquarters: Netherlands
    • Prosus, a Dutch company, ranks sixth on the list. It operates in various sectors, including ecommerce, and has established a strong market presence.
  7. Costco Wholesale Corporation:
    • Market Value: $205.34 billion
    • Headquarters: United States
    • Costco Wholesale Corporation, a US-based company, secures the seventh position. It is known for its membership-based retail model and has achieved a considerable market value.
  8. Meituan Dianping:
    • Market Value: $145.31 billion
    • Headquarters: China
    • Meituan Dianping, a Chinese firm, ranks eighth. It specializes in offering various services, including food delivery and hotel bookings, through its ecommerce platform.
  9. Pinduoduo:
    • Market Value: $106.25 billion
    • Headquarters: China
    • Pinduoduo, another Chinese company, holds the ninth spot. It has gained popularity for its group-buying model and affordable products.
    • Market Value: $88.36 billion
    • Headquarters: China
    •, a Chinese ecommerce giant, wraps up the list. It is known for its logistics capabilities and wide range of products.

The top 10 largest ecommerce companies showcase the dominance of US and Chinese firms in the global market. Retail giants like Amazon and Walmart continue to lead the pack, followed by notable players such as Alibaba and Reliance Industries.

These companies contribute significantly to the ecommerce industry, driving innovation and shaping consumer experiences worldwide. With a combined market value of over $2 trillion, the largest ecommerce companies hold a significant share of the global market

Top 10 Largest eCommerce Companies 2024 (6)

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Top 10 Largest eCommerce Companies 2024 (2024)
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