What Is Tahini? Ingredients, Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides (2024)

Tahini is a common ingredient in popular foods around the globe, including hummus, halva, and baba ghanoush.

Favored for its smooth texture and rich taste, it can be used as a dip, spread, salad dressing, or condiment.

It also boasts a long list of nutrients and several health benefits, making it a must-have for any kitchen pantry.

This article reviews the nutrition, benefits, uses, and downsides of tahini.

What Is Tahini? Ingredients, Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides (1)Share on Pinterest

Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds.

Considered a staple of Mediterranean cuisine, tahini is often featured in traditional Asian, Middle Eastern, and African dishes as well.

It’s an incredibly versatile ingredient and can be served as a dip, spread, or condiment.

It typically has a smooth texture similar to nut butter but a stronger, more savory taste that’s often described as bitter.

In addition to providing a wealth of nutrients, tahini has also been associated with several benefits, including improved heart health, reduced inflammation, and potential cancer-fighting effects.


Tahini is a paste made from sesame seeds. It’s versatile, highly nutritious, and associated with numerous potential health benefits.

Tahini is relatively low in calories but high in fiber, protein, and an assortment of important vitamins and minerals.

One tablespoon (15 grams) of tahini contains the following nutrients (1, 2):

  • Calories: 89
  • Protein: 3 grams
  • Carbs: 3 grams
  • Fat: 8 grams
  • Fiber:.7 grams
  • Copper: 27% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Selenium: 9% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 9% of the DV
  • Iron: 4% of the DV
  • Zinc: 6% of the DV
  • Calcium: 2% of the DV

Tahini is an especially good source of copper, a trace mineral essential for iron absorption, blood clot formation, and blood pressure (3).

It’s also rich in selenium, a mineral that helps decrease inflammation and promotes immune health, as well as phosphorus, which is involved in maintaining bone health (4, 5).


Tahini is rich in many nutrients, including protein, fiber, copper, selenium, and phosphorus.

Due to its impressive nutrient profile, tahini has been linked to a number of health benefits.

Supports heart health

Sesame seeds, which are the main ingredient in tahini, have a powerful effect on heart health by decreasing risk factors, such as high blood pressure, triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

In a 2014 study, 50 people with osteoarthritis completed standard medication therapy for 2 months, either with or without the addition of 40 grams, or about 1.5 tablespoons, of sesame seeds daily.

By the end of the study, participants in the sesame-seed group had significant reductions in triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, compared with the control group (6).

According to a review of eight studies, sesame seeds may also reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the top and bottom numbers or a reading), which could help prevent heart disease and stroke (7).

As tahini is made from ground sesame seeds, these findings apply to the paste as well.

Reduces inflammation

Though acute inflammation is an important part of your immune response, chronic inflammation is believed to contribute to conditions like cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders (8).

Some research suggests that sesame seeds could protect against inflammation.

In one 2021 meta-analysis, subjects who consumed sesame seeds or sesame products daily were found to have reduced levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), a protein that contributes to inflammation (9).

In another study, feeding sesame oil to mice lowered levels of several inflammatory markers after just three months (10).

May protect against cancer

Tahini contains sesamol, a natural compound in sesame seeds that is thought to have anticancer properties (11).

One test-tube study showed that sesamol blocked the growth and spread of liver cancer cells (12).

Other research in animals and test tubes suggests that sesamol could fight skin, colon, and cervical cancer cells as well (13, 14, 15).

However, current research is limited to test-tube and animal studies evaluating the effects of one specific component of tahini.

More research is needed to understand how tahini may impact cancer in humans.


Tahini and its components may help improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and prevent the growth of certain types of cancer cells.

Tahini is very versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways.

It’s often spread over toast or used as a dip for pita bread.

It can also be mixed with olive oil, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, and spices to create a rich and creamy homemade salad dressing.

Alternatively, try using it to dip your favorite veggies, such as carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers, or celery sticks, for a healthy snack.

Tahini can even bring a unique flavor to baked goods and desserts like banana bread, cookies, or cake to help tone down the sweetness and add a nutty taste.


Tahini can be used as a spread, dip, or salad dressing. It can also be mixed into baked goods to add a unique nutty flavor.

Despite the many benefits associated with tahini, there are some downsides to consider.

Tahini is high in omega-6 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat found primarily in vegetable oils like sunflower, safflower, and corn oils (16).

Though your body needs omega-6 fatty acids, consuming a diet high in omega-6 fatty acids yet low in omega-3s may contribute to chronic inflammation (17).

Therefore, it’s important to keep your intake of omega-6 foods like tahini in moderation and round out your diet with plenty of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish.

Additionally, some people may be allergic to sesame seeds, which can potentially cause severe side effects like anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction that can impair breathing (18).

If you suspect that you may have an allergy to sesame seeds, avoid eating tahini.


Tahini is rich in omega-6 fatty acids and could cause an adverse reaction in those who are allergic to sesame seeds.

Tahini is made from ground sesame seeds.

It’s rich in important nutrients like fiber, protein, copper, phosphorus, and selenium and may reduce heart disease risk and inflammation.

What’s more, test-tube and animal studies suggest that sesame seeds may have anticancer properties.

Best of all, tahini is versatile and easy to use, which makes it a great addition to a healthy, well-rounded diet.

What Is Tahini? Ingredients, Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides (2024)


What Is Tahini? Ingredients, Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides? ›

Tahini is a paste or butter made from ground sesame seeds. It is a key ingredient in hummus and in baba ghanoush, an aubergine dip. It provides good amounts of protein and various minerals. Tahini is also high in calories, and it should be eaten in moderation.

Is tahini good or bad for you? ›

Tahini is an especially good source of copper, a trace mineral essential for iron absorption, blood clot formation, and blood pressure (3). It's also rich in selenium, a mineral that helps decrease inflammation and promotes immune health, as well as phosphorus, which is involved in maintaining bone health ( 4 , 5 ).

What does tahini do for your gut? ›

What makes tahini beneficial? Just like other seeds and nuts, sesame seeds within the sauce help lower cholesterol, provide dietary fiber for digestion, improve blood pressure, balance hormones and more.

Does tahini have a lot of sugar? ›

There are no sugars in tahini (unless sugars are added in the brand that you buy, but that is very unusual). Because there is no sugar in tahini, its estimated glycemic load is zero.

Is tahini healthier than peanut butter? ›

They're both healthy, dietitians say. Tahini is lower in carbohydrates and sugars than peanut butter is making it a better choice for people who follow low-carb diets, Politi notes. Both foods are predominantly fat, though peanut butter has a little more protein, Young adds.

Is tahini inflammatory? ›

Tahini also has selenium. It acts as an antioxidant and helps lower inflammation in the body. Studies show sesamol, a natural chemical found in sesame seeds and sesame oil, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging benefits.

What are the side effects of too much tahini? ›

Potential Side Effects of Tahini

However, in excess, it can interfere with normal body metabolism. As a result, it might decrease glucose levels and also blood pressure. Other side effects of overeating tahini are: High fibre content can cause bloating and abdominal pain.

Does tahini increase estrogen? ›

You can sprinkle sesame seeds on your salads, stir-fries, soups, or desserts, or use sesame oil or tahini (sesame paste) for cooking or dressing. Eating sesame seeds on a regular basis has been found to increase estrogen activity in postmenopausal women.

How much tahini can I eat a day? ›

According to the scientific journal Nutrition Research, consuming 40 grams of tahini a day helps to reduce the average total and LDL (“bad cholesterol”) by 6.4% and 9.5% after 4 weeks, respectively. The good fats in tahini limit the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Is tahini OK for liver? ›

The nutrients in tahini promote better heart health, liver detoxification, proper cellular function, immune system strength, and skin and hair health. That's why hummus and tahini are so inseparable; you can't make a healthy dip without healthy ingredients!

Why avoid tahini? ›

Because tahini has a high fat content, it has a high number of calories, and moderation is advised for the best health benefits. A large proportion of people with tree nut allergies are also likely to be allergic to sesame seeds.

Should tahini be refrigerated? ›

Do you need to refrigerate tahini? We recommend storing your tahini in a cool and dry area, away from heat and moisture. Ideally, a pantry a cabinet would be ideal. Like peanut butter, you can also store tahini in the refrigerator if you like it thicker.

Does tahini raise cholesterol? ›

It's not going to elevate your LDL, your bad cholesterol, but it's going to keep your good cholesterol elevated,” Young notes. Meanwhile, the phosphorus and manganese in tahini both play a role in the prevention of bone loss, Politi says.

Is tahini a superfood? ›

Tahini is a tasty way to add powerful antioxidants and healthy fats to your diet, as well as several vitamins and minerals. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and its health benefits may include reducing risk factors for heart disease and protecting brain health.

Is almond butter or tahini better for you? ›

When comparing the nutrition facts of almond butter to tahini, the two condiments are similar. Almond butter, while slightly higher in calories and fat, contains fewer carbohydrates and more protein. 4 You can use almond butter in a one-to-one ratio.

What can I eat tahini with? ›

Tahini adds richness and nuttiness to dips

As Solomonov has well established, tahini makes perfect hummus. But the sesame paste can also add a rich, silky texture and roasted, nutty flavor when blended with white beans, edamame, roasted carrots, or even guacamole. Cut up some vegetables and pita and start dipping.

Is tahini hard on the liver? ›

Helps protect liver and kidney function

Tahini contains compounds that may help protect your liver and kidneys from damage.

How much tahini can I eat daily? ›

According to the scientific journal Nutrition Research, consuming 40 grams of tahini a day helps to reduce the average total and LDL (“bad cholesterol”) by 6.4% and 9.5% after 4 weeks, respectively. The good fats in tahini limit the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Who shouldn t eat tahini? ›

Some people may experience an allergic reaction to sesame. Foods to avoid if they have a sesame allergy include foods containing sesame seeds, sesame oil, and tahini. Sesame reactions can range from a mild sensitivity to a severe allergy. A severe allergy can trigger anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening situation.

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