Zariel - Search - D&D Beyond (2024)

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Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede Zariel’s darkvision.Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Zariel fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.Magic

Resistance. Zariel has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.Regeneration. Zariel regains 20 hit points at the start of her turn. If she takes radiant damage, this trait doesn

Zariel Legacy This doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore. Learn More


Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede Zariel’s darkvision.Fiery Weapons. Zariel’s weapon attacks are magical. When she hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 36

(8d8);{"diceNotation":"8d8","rollType":"damage","rollAction":"Fiery Weapons","rollDamageType":"fire"} fire damage (included in the weapon attacks below).Innate Spellcasting. Zariel’s innate

Archduke Zariel of Avernus


Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede Zariel’s darkvision.Fiery Weapons. Zariel’s weapon attacks are magical. When she hits with any weapon, the weapon deals an

extra 36 (8d8);{"diceNotation":"8d8","rollType":"damage","rollAction":"Fiery Weapons","rollDamageType":"fire"} fire damage (included in the weapon attacks below).Innate Spellcasting. Zariel’s

Sword of Zariel

Magic Items

This longsword belonged to the angel Zariel before her fall from grace. Fashioned from celestial steel, it gives off a faint glow and hum. The weapon chooses who can attune to it and who can’t

Zariel by destroying fiends and other evildoers wherever I find them.6TheSword of Zarielhas chosen me. I shall not fail to wield it justly.FlawsD6FLAW

Zariel Tiefling Legacy This doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore. Learn More


Tieflings with a blood tie to Zariel are stronger than the typical tiefling and receive magical abilities that aid themin battle.


Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse

Zariel Once a mighty angel charged with watching the tides of the Blood War, Zariel succumbed to the corrupting influence of the Nine Hells and fell from grace. Asmodeus admired Zariel’s passion for

war and offered her rulership of Avernus. She accepted his offer, and he transformed her into an archdevil. Zariel’s rise in status came at the expense of Bel, her pit fiend predecessor. Zariel and


Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Zariel Zariel rules Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. Once a mighty angel charged with watching the tides of the Blood War, she succumbed to the plane’s corrupting influence and fell from

gather to invade the Abyss. Anyone hoping to reach the lower layers must first contend with the darkness of this layer and the myriad threats it houses. Zariel manages it all and has the ultimate say


Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Zariel Keep wasting my time with your pointless wordsand die, or join my war band and live. Choose swiftly. I have a plane to conquer. — Zariel addressing emissaries from Dis Zariel was once an

to recover in the depths of Nessus, Asmodeus installed her on Avernus as his champion and new lord of that layer. A Fighting General When Zariel supplanted the pit fiend Bel as the ruler of Avernus

Serving Zariel

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Serving Zariel The characters might decide after meeting Zariel that they wish to serve her, joining her army and smiting demons in the Blood War. They also might wind up serving her if they fail to

redeem her and wish to live. Souls are Forfeit Characters who choose to serve Zariel must sign a contract (see appendix A) forfeiting their souls to the archdevil. She then returns such characters to

Redeeming Zariel

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Redeeming Zariel In this outcome, the adventurers entreat the archdevil to redeem her angelic soul and take up her celestial mantle once more. Even though Zariel has fallen, there remains a faint

glimmer of hope for her salvation. A fragment of the devil’s former self still lingers within her sword, but inspiring Zariel to reverse the course of her destiny is not as easy as simply handing her the

Cult of Zariel

Compendium - Sources->Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Cult of Zariel Goals:Conquest, glory in battle, fame and fortune derived from military victory Typical Cultist:Berserker, cult fanatic, cultist, gladiator, guard, knight, veteran Signature Spells

. Refugees with the will to fight but lacking experience are drawn to Zariel, as she can provide them with the skills needed to survive. Established warriors looking for an edge are otherwise her most common

Chapter 4: Sword of Zariel

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Chapter 4: Sword of Zariel The characters should be 11th level by the time they discover the location of the Sword of Zariel. The weapon awaits them in a cathedral formed out of positive energy

of the scab, the adventurers enter the Bleeding Citadel and first lay eyes on the Sword of Zariel. Idyllglen For characters of level 12 The adventurers are swept into one of Lulu’s memories

Making a Deal with Zariel

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Making a Deal with Zariel Characters out of other options might simply bow to Zariel’s power. If the characters make a deal with Zariel to save Elturel, they must specify that the city is to be freed

from its chains and returned to the Material Plane. Otherwise, Zariel will release the chains but leave Elturel in Avernus with no hope of salvation. To Destroy a Demon Lord Baphomet and Yeenoghu are



summon other devils if it has such power. The ice devil remains until Bel dies or until he dismisses it as an action.From his bastion, Zariel’s second-in-command and the former lord of Avernus

oversees the forges that furnish weapons and armor for the Blood War. Though Asmodeus has instructed Zariel to accept Bel as her advisor, Bel and Zariel loathe each other and invent distractions to

Gideon Lightward


","rollDamageType":"necrotic"} necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.Gideon Lightward was a priest of Lathander who served Elturel and his deity proudly. Zariel saw that

himself to fighting the ever-present threat of demons.Gideon slowly gave up his sanity and free will to the devils, leaving him corrupted by Zariel and fully serving her in the months leading up to

Lynx Creatlach


) have been granted to them by their diabolical masters, and are not meant to be claimed as treasure. If either agent is killed in the course of the adventure, their special equipment vanishes, returning to Bel or Zariel.PoisonNecrotic, Psychic

Sir Ursas


granted to them by their diabolical masters, and are not meant to be claimed as treasure. If either agent is killed in the course of the adventure, their special equipment vanishes, returning to Bel or Zariel.Fire

Claiming the Sword

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Sword of Zariel. Also before you are Lulu and the ghostly warrior, Yael. The hollyphant is the first to speak. “I remember everything now. Idyllglen was the last straw. We followed Zariel to Avernus

, but the evil there proved to be too much for us. Asmodeus appeared and promised Zariel infernal legions to end the Blood War, but she had to give the Lord of the Nine Hells her fealty. She accepted and

Idyllglen History

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

. As the gnolls raided the town, Solndor Brightstar, a cleric of Lathander, led the people in prayer to his god for aid. Lathander was moved by the people’s bravery and sent the angel Zariel to defeat

the gnolls. After driving off the gnolls, the people erected a statue of Zariel to honor her. Generations later, the gnolls returned to Idyllglen, this time with demons in their ranks and Yeenoghu

Idyllglen Locations

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

edge of the town to the statue of Zariel (area I2). The street is strewn with broken carts, debris, and corpses. I2. Statue of Zariel This 30-foot-tall, white marble statue stands atop a 2-foot-high

raised dais and depicts an armored, blindfolded angel in a calm, protective stance, with her sword drawn and wings unfurled. The dais is carved with the following words, in Common: “Zariel, guardian of

Idyllglen Events

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

. A giant hyena attacks a mastiff near the statue of Zariel (area I2). A hezrou pounds on the door to the temple of Lathander (area I3), trying to force its way inside. Have the players roll

doesn’t notice any enemies, he attacks the statue of Zariel (area I2) before moving on to the temple (area I3). Next Event. Event 7 begins after three rounds of combat with the demon lord or when Yeenoghu


Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Citadel, where they can finally claim the Sword of Zariel. While the characters are in Idyllglen, Lulu is not with them, though she does make an appearance as a winged mammoth in “Event 7. Zariel’s Arrival”.

Entering the Citadel

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Entering the Citadel The characters should be 12th level by the time they enter the Bleeding Citadel. The citadel has one purpose: to keep the Sword of Zariel out of evil hands. Read or paraphrase

large alabaster chamber brightly lit by magically created sunlight shining through windows. The sword atop the dais is the Sword of Zariel (see Appendix C). The carvings on the dais read, in Celestial

Approaching the Citadel

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

will be absorbed into the Nine Hells and the Sword of Zariel lost forever. She also tells the characters that the only entrance to the citadel is covered by the lower portion of the scab. Yeenoghu’s

Yael's Ghost

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Yael’s Ghost If the characters move toward the Sword of Zariel, the ghost of Yael appears before them and pulls the characters into one of Lulu’s forgotten memories to see if they are worthy of

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

The Ultimate Sacrifice If the characters have no other options for dealing with Zariel, one or more of them might be willing to give up everything in order to save the innocent people of Elturel

like a bonfire in the darkness — and Zariel desires it. Such a character is likely destined to pass into the Upper Planes after death, and as such, they make a handsome prize for an archdevil to shape

Zariel's Fall

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Zariel’s Fall Zariel lost more than her army on Avernus. She also lost a hand, which was severed in battle. As her sword fell to the ground, Zariel ordered Yael, her most devoted general, to take the

and Haruman, refused to leave Zariel’s side. All three were captured and sent to Nessus, the lowest of the Nine Hells. There, Zariel was brought before Asmodeus, who welcomed her with open arms. The

Stowing Away

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

refueled, Zariel returns with the rest of her crew and takes the flying fortress to the front lines of the Blood War. Whenever Zariel is aboard the flying fortress, its crew complement consists of

that stowaways will stay hidden for long. If the characters allow themselves to get caught, they are hauled before Zariel on the command deck, where she is joined by a pit fiend general and six erinyes

Scab Locations

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

progress for Zariel. If Alazub is freed, a character who makes a successful Charisma (Deception) check against Alazub’s Wisdom (Insight) check can convince the devil that Zariel sent the characters to

the Sword of Zariel, Alazub realizes they are Zariel’s foes and makes reporting that information to Zariel a priority. After being freed and talking with the characters, the barbed devil leaves the

Tale of the Hellriders

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

angel entered the city the next day. Her name was Zariel, which means Companion of Light. The prayers of Elturel had been heard, and help had come. “Zariel located the gate through which the fiends

were entering the natural world, on the Fields of the Dead west of the city. Zariel declared that she would lead the cavalry into Avernus, destroying the infernal host that was amassing there, and

Who Should Rule Avernus?

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Who Should Rule Avernus? The characters could give Zariel more power to rule Avernus, or they could support one of the archdevil’s enemies in a bid to unseat her. They could also try to destroy

Zariel, creating a power vacuum that throws Avernus into disarray. Whatever the outcome, the characters are poised to help write cosmic history.

Zariel's War

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Zariel’s War By bringing Elturel to Avernus and potentially gaining a choke hold on Baldur’s Gate, Zariel aims to capture as many evil mortals as she can, turn them into devils, and swell the ranks

of her battle-depleted legions. Through Thavius Kreeg, Zariel found a way to exploit the gullible nature of mortals by appealing to their need to follow a leader who proclaims spiritual power. Because

Bitter Breath

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Bitter Breath Bitter Breath is a resentful, vindictive warlord that fell prey to the cutthroat politics of Avernus. Formerly a pit fiend named L’zeth, it strove to undermine Zariel while courting Bel

. Shortly after claiming rulership of Avernus, Zariel demoted L’zeth to a horned devil. For a while, L’zeth nursed its damaged pride. Eventually, the despondent devil reignited its ambitions and

Breaking the Contract

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Breaking the Contract Voiding the infernal contract between Zariel and Thavius Kreeg causes the hellish chains binding Elturel to crumble to ash. This can be accomplished by either killing Zariel or

by destroying the original contract. Zariel can use an action to summon the contract, which appears in her one hand. The contract is otherwise hidden in a secret place known only to her. Getting

Zariel's Wrath

Compendium - Sources->Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Zariel’s Wrath If the characters fail to redeem Zariel and don’t make a deal with her (see “Making a Deal with Zariel”), she attacks. Her first goal is to destroy the adventurers who dared insult her

, after which she means to erase from existence all those whom she once loved. At this grim juncture, the characters’ only hope is to defeat Zariel or to bend the knee in fealty. Killing Zariel frees

Zariel - Search - D&D Beyond (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.