Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (2024)

The relationships of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader from the Star Wars universe.


  • 1 Romance
    • 1.1 Padmé Amidala
  • 2 Family
    • 2.1 Shmi Skywalker
    • 2.2 Owen Lars
    • 2.3 Luke Skywalker
    • 2.4 Leia Organa
    • 2.5 Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
  • 3 Friends and Allies
    • 3.1 Anakin Skywalker
      • 3.1.1 Qui-Gon Jinn
      • 3.1.2 Obi-Wan Kenobi
      • 3.1.3 Ahsoka Tano
      • 3.1.4 Yoda
      • 3.1.5 Mace Windu
      • 3.1.6 Ki-Adi-Mundi
      • 3.1.7 Eeth Koth
      • 3.1.8 Plo Koon
      • 3.1.9 Rex
      • 3.1.10 Bail Organa
      • 3.1.11 Wilhuff Tarkin
      • 3.1.12 C-3PO
      • 3.1.13 R2-D2
    • 3.2 Darth Vader
      • 3.2.1 The Grand Inquisitor
      • 3.2.2 Fifth Brother
      • 3.2.3 Seventh Sister
      • 3.2.4 Eighth Brother
      • 3.2.5 Cassie Tagge
      • 3.2.6 Kendal Ozzel
      • 3.2.7 Firmus Piett
      • 3.2.8 Orson Krennic
  • 4 Acquaintances
    • 4.1 Watto
    • 4.2 Sabé
  • 5 Enemies
    • 5.1 Anakin Skywalker
      • 5.1.1 Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus
      • 5.1.2 General Grievous
      • 5.1.3 Nute Gunray
      • 5.1.4 Asajj Ventress
      • 5.1.5 Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious
      • 5.1.6 Barriss Offee
      • 5.1.7 Maul
      • 5.1.8 Rush Clovis
    • 5.2 Darth Vader
      • 5.2.1 Kanan Jarrus
      • 5.2.2 Ezra Bridger
      • 5.2.3 Sabine Wren
      • 5.2.4 Karbin


Padmé Amidala[]

Are you an angel?
―Anakin commenting Padmé on her beauty
Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (1)

Anakin first met Padmé on Tatooine, they were five years apart in age. She was so beautiful he asked her if she was an angel, however, later when he found out that she was the Queen of Naboo, he became embarrassed but at the same time disappointed that she had lied to him about who she really was. Despite this, he ultimately forgave Padmé for her lies and deception. After he became a member of the Jedi Order, they did not see each other for ten years, but he never forgot about her, as he thought about her every day since they separated.

Years later, as an adult, Anakin's crush on Padmé turned into love at the time he was assigned to protect her from an unknown bounty Hunter (Jango Fett) on Naboo. When he confessed his romantic feelings for her, Padmé seemingly turned him down, even going as far to point out because he was a Jedi, it would be impossible for them to be together. Despite initially rejecting him, Padmé actually also had romantic feelings for Anakin, as she had fell in love with him during the time they spent together on Naboo, but she did not want him to give up his position as a Jedi for her.

However, when Anakin and Padmé were captured on Geonosis and believed they were going to die, she confessed her love for him. After this they could not deny their feelings for each other, so they secretly got married on Naboo, resulting in a very good romantic relationship. However, Anakin and Padmé's relationship was sometimes strained due to him being away from long periods as he was a general within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, fighting in the Clone Wars.

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, after Anakin returned from a battle in a mission to rescue Palpatine from General Grievous, Padmé informed him that she was pregnant with their child, but they were both unaware that she was expecting twins. He became happy that they were both going to be parents, but when he saw a vision of Padmé dying in childbirth, he became very concerned for his wife. In addition to this, he could not see in the vision if his unborn child survived or not. He eventually became so desperate to find a way to prevent Padmé from dying that his fear was ultimately the main reason that led to his fall to the dark side.

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Even as a Sith Lord, Anakin still loved Padmé very much, but felt great guilt for his actions against her. Despite his love for his wife, Padmé's life and their children was one of the main reasons why Anakin had become the ruthless Sith Lord Darth Vader in the first place, after her husband became Vader, Padmé was heartbroken, but still tried to reason with Anakin to stop his crusade. Anakin believed that she had sided with Obi-Wan (unaware that she did not know the latter had been on her starship and she did not betray Anakin) and blinded by his anger, he Force-choked her.

However, Anakin released Padmé from it when she lost consciousness, but was still horrified to see what he had done afterwards. Before Padmé's death, she still believed there was still good left in Anakin, and that one day he could be redeemed.

During Anakin's time as the Emperor's enforcer, he continued to suffer from grief over Padmé's death, and guilt over his supposed hand in it. His guilt, and shame was so great that he developed a deep self-loathing, and even nearly committed suicide at one point. After failing to recruit his son, Anakin did some investigating into Padmé's death. He went from his home planet Tatooine, Naboo and eventually went to Polis Massa, where he heard her last words. The Emperor had noticed this and made Vader relive his painful moments on Mustafar to destroy the Anakin persona. As time passed, his compassion began to resurface gradually. Ultimately, Padmé's belief in her husband, Anakin proved to be right when he sacrificed himself to save their son, Luke.


Shmi Skywalker[]

You look so handsome. My son. My grown-up son. I'm so proud of you, Ani.
―Shmi's last words to Anakin

Anakin was very close to his mother, Shmi. After being told by Qui-Gon that he was no longer a slave, he was very reluctant to leave his mother on Tatooine while he went to Coruscant to chase his dreams of becoming a Jedi.

Years later, as an adult, Anakin started to sense there something wrong with Shmi. At first, he brushed it off, but after having a vision of his mother, he could no longer ignore this. Unfortunately, it was too late, as Anakin only arrived in time to see his mother alive one last time before she succumbed to the injuries inflicted on her by the Sand People. Anakin was so devastated and enraged by her death that he wiped out the entire tribe of the Sand People who had tortured his mother to death. This was what caused Anakin to develop a fear losing the ones he cares about, and his desperation to find a way to stop them from dying. This led to him becoming Darth Vader three years later.

Owen Lars[]

I guess I'm your step-brother. I had a feeling you might show up someday.
―Anakin and Owen's first meeting

Anakin only had had meagre interaction with his step-brother, Owen, when he went to Tatooine after having had a vision that his mother was in trouble. Owen was also present during Shmi's funeral and despite the limited interaction between the step-brothers, Owen generally cared about Anakin's welfare.

Three years later, after Anakin fell to the dark side, Anakin's former mentor (Obi-Wan Kenobi) tasked Owen and his wife Beru to protect his step-brother's son Luke Skywalker. Obi-Wan lied about Anakin's circ*mstances as he had said that Anakin had died in the Clone Wars when he had actually turned to the dark side, betraying the Jedi Order and adopting the persona of Darth Vader. Devastated by his step-brother's apparent death, Owen blamed Obi-Wan for what happened to Anakin, believing he had brainwashed his brother into joining the Jedi Order.

Luke Skywalker[]

I am your father.
―Darth Vader to Luke

Luke is Anakin's oldest child and only son, besides being Leia's twin brother. In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, after Anakin returned from a battle in a mission to rescue Palpatine from general Grievous, Padmé informed him that she was pregnant with his child. He became happy that he was going to be a father, unaware at the at time that he had fathered twins. But when he saw a vision of his wife dying in childbirth, he became very concerned about her. He also seemed worried as he didn't see in his vision if his unborn child had survived or not. Eventually, he became so desperate to find a way to prevent Padmé from dying that this fear was ultimately the main reason that led him to fall to the dark side. After Anakin had become Vader, the twins were miraculously born before Padmé died. After being told that Padmé had died, Vader becomes devastated by the death of his wife and apparent death of his unborn child, ultimately completing his transformation into a Sith.

Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (3)

Vader did not meet his son until nineteen years later when he sensed that his connection to the Force was unusually powerful. The two would become mortal enemies over their differing viewpoints of freedom and the Force, both unaware of the other's true identity as Luke had believed Vader had murdered his father. However, when Vader discovered the truth behind his ties with Luke, their relationship as enemies took a different turn. The discovery rekindled the love he had as Anakin for his family and sought to protect Luke from Palpatine, but Vader's influence still led him to desire turning Luke to the dark side. Luke had a hard time coming to terms that Vader was his father, but wished to redeem him instead, even though Anakin was believed to be lost forever. Seeing Luke tortured at the hands of Palpatine was the catalyst that revived Anakin from Vader and, in an act of love, Anakin killed Palpatine to save his son. Luke, presented with Anakin in his last moments, saw who his father was at last and Anakin thanked him for never giving up hope in saving him.

Leia Organa[]

Leia is Anakin's youngest child and only daughter, besides being Luke's twin sister. When Padmé informed him that she was pregnant with his child, he became very happy, unaware at the time that he had fathered twins. But later he saw a vision of his wife dying in childbirth and could not see in the vision if his unborn child had survived or not. His fear eventually led him to fall to the dark side. Due to this, Anakin only met Leia after he became Darth Vader.

Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (4)

Vader did not meet his daughter until she was in her late teens. By the time he met her on the Death Star, the encounter with his daughter was a cruel twist of fate. As Vader, unaware that Leia was his own child, treated her as an enemy to the Empire and severely tortured her aboard the Death Star, all before letting Wilhuff Tarkin destroy her surrogate home Alderaan. Leia in turn saw Vader as a monster that was willing to destroy the weak.

However, after learning of his connection to Leia when he probed Luke's mind, Vader came into shock that he had two children who survived, but used this information to threaten Luke by promising to corrupt Leia if Luke refused to join him. Despite this, he (openly) felt extremely guilty and remorseful for what he had previously done to Leia, if he had known she was his daughter, he would never had tortured her. Before dying, Anakin told Luke to tell his sister that he was right that there was still good left in him, as Anakin did not want Leia to believe he was a monster, but as a man who had now redeemed himself for the freedom of the galaxy.

When Anakin broke away from the dark side, becoming the good person he once was, he openly felt extremely guilty and remorseful for what he had previously done to Leia. If he had known she was his daughter, he would never had tortured her. Before dying, Anakin told Luke to tell his sister that he was right that there was still good left in him, as Anakin did not want Leia to believe he was a monster, but as a man who had now redeemed himself for the freedom of the galaxy.

Sadly this was not enough to convince Leia to forgive Vader after all the horrors he saw him commit and continued to regard him with bitterness. Thus, while loved Luke as her brother and Padmé as her mother, she refused to acknowledge Vader as her father. Before using the last of her strength to call out her son, Ben Solo, she let the voices and faces of her family surround her. She then saw the face of her father and finally accepted his apology and returned his love.

Kylo Ren/Ben Solo[]

Forgive me. I feel it again... the call from the light. The Supreme Leader senses it. Show me again, the power of the darkness, and I'll let nothing stand in our way. Show me, Grandfather, and I will finish what you started.
―Kylo Ren
Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (5)

Anakin died before Ben was born, but his grandson would come to greatly admire and revere his power. Ben also came to fear that he may never be as powerful as the Chosen One. Ben admired more of his maternal grandfather's dark aspects than his light aspects.

Like Anakin before him, Ben fell to the dark side, becoming known as Kylo Ren. Ben was seemingly becoming far worse than his grandfather, as despite Anakin as Darth Vader was brutal and ruthless, he never killed a member of his own family, not even for power. However, because of Snoke's and Palpatine's corruption, Ben came to see family and sentimental values as a weakness, and murdered his own father Han Solo, to get rid of his feelings of attachment for him and become stronger in the dark side. But this act ended up having the opposite effect as it caused him to a be consumed by remorse and further increased his internal struggle.

Ultimately, Ben Solo returns to the light and redeems himself just like his grandfather, joining Rey in the final battle against Palpatine. He also brings her back to life, accomplishing something that Anakin wished to do before his fall to the dark side but failed, which is to save the woman he loves from death.

Friends and Allies[]

Anakin Skywalker[]

Qui-Gon Jinn[]

The Force is unusually strong with him. That much is clear.
―Qui-Gon to Shmi about Anakin's unusually strong connection to the Force
Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (6)

When Anakin first met Qui-Gon Jinn on Tatooine, he believed him to be an outlander. However, when he saw Qui-Gon's lightsaber, he realized that he was a Jedi. Anakin helped Qui-Gon and his friends get the money they needed repair there starship, despite the fact that he barely knew Qui-Gon at the time, the two quickly became close friends.

Anakin had a great degree of respect for the Jedi Master, and showed a lot of concern for him when he barely escaped from Darth Maul during an ambush. He also was not willing to disobey Qui-Gon, at least in terms of the letter of the law. This was most evident when he, in response to R2-D2 asking whether he should return to Naboo, refused as Qui-Gon had earlier told him to "stay in the co*ckpit" (even though Qui-Gon actually meant to keep Anakin hidden). Qui-Gon's death deeply saddened Anakin and even ten years later, Anakin still missed Qui-Gon and couldn't help but wonder how things would have been different if he had survived and became his mentor, despite being grateful for Obi-Wan's training.

On Mortis, Anakin saw a vision of Qui-Gon. While Obi-Wan thought it was a mind trick formed by their memories, Anakin seemed to be neutral that it was Qui-Gon. When Yoda claimed he talked to the dead, Anakin started to believe that there was something ancient about The Force his old friend had discovered and the Jedi just dismissed it as a legend or deemed impossible to achieve.

When Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader, Qui-Gon blamed himself for this outcome. He regretted letting Obi-Wan with the burden of training the boy before his apprentice was ready for it. After Vader's survival was revealed to Obi-Wan Kenobi by a HoloNet broadcast about the Subjugation of Kashyyyk, Qui-Gon's spirit revealed to Obi-Wan that Luke was safe on Tatooine because Vader could not arrive in such places due to them awakening memories of when he was Anakin, a part of his life Vader wanted to forget forever.

Obi-Wan Kenobi[]

Obi-Wan is a great mentor. As wise as Master Yoda and as powerful as Master Windu. I am truly thankful to be his apprentice.
―Anakin on Obi-Wan

Anakin first met Obi-Wan on the Naboo Starship and he was the second Jedi that he had encountered. During his early years as Obi-Wan's apprentice, he stated that Obi-Wan was like a father to him, and also claimed that Obi-Wan had the wisdom of Yoda and the power of Mace Windu. Despite this, as he amended that he himself was "beyond" Obi-Wan in many ways, and felt Obi-Wan was holding him back from his true potential, which was partly correct. His relationship with his mentor remained complicated, partially due to Obi-Wan's doubts about whether he had the ability to train Anakin, something he did not need, especially during that critical time in his life. Frustrated, Anakin would turn to another mentor for advice, Palpatine. Slowly, but surely, mentor and apprentice formed a special bond throughout Anakin's teenage years.

As an adult, despite Anakin and Obi-Wan's special bond, he still had a strained relationship with Obi-Wan, due to his mentor constantly criticizing and lecturing him on everything he did wrong. Despite this, Anakin was willing to disobey the Jedi High Council's orders and go to Geonosis to rescue him when he was Dooku's prisoner.

Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship became much better after Anakin was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. They were spontaneous and joked around each other, but Anakin's impulsive and prideful attitude often clashed with Obi-Wan's more patient and peaceful ways. They would often disagree and engage in verbal jousts about the Jedi Order and the politics of Coruscant, sometimes arguing somewhat violently. Despite Anakin's love and respect for Obi-Wan, there was a few things that he disliked about him, as his master's criticism and lectures, and the fact that Obi-Wan never defended him against the Jedi High Council when he was in their presence, even when Anakin was right about the council treating him unfairly. However, unknown to Anakin, Obi-Wan did defend him after leaving the Jedi High Council chamber. Because Anakin was unaware of this, he believed that Obi-Wan never truly trusted or supported him.

During the Clone Wars, Anakin's relationship with his master became more strained; due to Obi-Wan's constant lies, deceptions, and keeping secrets from him. When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine appointed Anakin to the Jedi Council as his personal representative, unlike the other members of the Council, Obi-Wan believed he should have been granted the rank of Jedi Master. But when the other members the Jedi Council did not grant Anakin the rank of Jedi Master as they hoped to use him to spy on Palpatine (which later backfires, as they underestimate Anakin's friendship with the Supreme Chancellor) angered by the perceived insult, Anakin criticized all members of the council (except for Obi-Wan) on the absurdity of occupying a seat on the council devoid of the rank of Jedi Master. Although Obi-Wan silently agreed with Anakin, he did not make any attempt to defend him against the council.

Near the end of the Clone Wars, when Obi-Wan asked Anakin to spy on Palpatine on the orders of the Jedi High Council. Unaware that his mentor was the only member of the Jedi High Council who was against that decision, Anakin completely lost his trust and respect for Obi-Wan after this. Although Anakin and Obi-Wan did say goodbye to each other before going to Utapau to kill Grievous, unbeknownst either of them, this would be the last time they would see each other as friends. After this, Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader.

I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker. I did. The same way, I will destroy you!
―Darth Vader rejecting who he once was as he faces his former master.
Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (7)

When Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader, killing many Jedi and younglings, Obi-Wan was heartbroken and at first refused to confront Vader, but reluctantly agreed to do so when Yoda insisted that he needed to put his "brother" out of his misery. When it appeared Obi-Wan had come to kill him, Vader's previous love for former mentor was replaced by pure hatred and he engaged Obi-Wan in combat. During their duel, Obi-Wan kept trying to find a trace of his former apprentice in the monster he had become, but as Vader coldly rebuffed all his pleas and made vicious attempts to murder his former mentor, he eventually accepted that Anakin was gone. After Obi-Wan dismembered Vader and won the duel, he could not bring himself to murder his defenseless enemy in cold blood, and remorsefully left Vader to be consumed by the fires of Mustafar.

Over the years, Anakin's burning hatred for Obi-Wan intensified as he became obsessed with revenge against him, far more than any Jedi. He hated his former master because Obi-Wan could have killed him, but didn't, leaving him trapped in a miserable existence as Palpatine's slave. Anakin was so obsessed that he became dedicated to locating him but did not succeed because Palpatine was convinced that Obi-Wan was not worth the effort. Vader's hatred towards his former master lead him to be willing to employ all the means possible, even allowing Reva to kidnap and use Leia, a child of a member of the Imperial Senate, and dismissing The Grand Inquisitor as nothing as long as Obi-Wan was killed by him.

When they finally faced each other again on Mapuzo, Vader with his anger sharpened easily defeated his emotionally torn former master and cruelly burned him in revenge for his previous defeat, even sparing him just to torture him later, until he was intervened when disillusioned Imperial officer Tala Durith rescued Obi-Wan. His efforts ultimately lead to a third duel between them, where Vader bitterly asked his former master if he would finally end him and coldly saying that he fully intended to kill him. Despite being impressed begrudgingly with how Obi-Wan was back at full shape as they reached an impasse, Vader yet again arrogantly underestimated his old master by leaving him buried in rocks, which allowed an invigorated Obi-Wan to regain his strength and defeat Vader once again. As his former master tearfully apologized and tried to turn him back, Vader briefly hesitatied and finally accepted that Obi-Wan ultimately wasn't responsible for what happened to him, however, he was too lost in his bitterness to reconcile. Vader stated that he wasn't his failure before cruelly saying he would kill him, finally seeing him seeming irredeemability in Obi-Wan's eyes, and he screamed his master's name in hatred and rage as Obi-Wan left him behind and didn't finish him yet again.

Nineteen years later, on the first Death Star, Anakin engaged Obi-Wan in a final lightsaber duel, this time maintaining caution while expressing contempt for his former mentor because of his advancing age, however, even after years apart, both lightsaber duelists felt grief over their shattered friendship, but this did not prevent them from using the full extent of their lightsaber combat skills. When Obi-Wan left himself wide open, Anakin cut down his former friend without mercy or remorse.

Even as a Force spirit, Obi-Wan continued to believe that Anakin was irredeemable, and that there was no good left in him. However, this was disproved when Anakin's son, Luke, was being tortured by Palpatine, and Anakin broke away from the dark side, becoming the good person he once was.

Ahsoka Tano[]

You're reckless, little one. You never would have made it as Obi-Wan's Padawan. But you might make it as mine.
―Anakin commenting Ahsoka
Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (8)

Anakin initially had a rocky start with Ahsoka due to the fact that he did not want an apprentice, and told Rex that he had no intention to train her. He became annoyed when Ahsoka referred to him as "Skyguy" in retaliation he called her "Snips" and "youngling".

After the Christophisis incident, Anakin finally accepted Ahsoka as his apprentice and the two quickly became good friends. He would not give up on saving Ahsoka after she got caught in an explosion of a droid foundry that she destroyed with a tank, having no other method. Greatly relieved that Ahsoka was still alive, he told her that he hadn't doubted her, after she told him that she knew he would save her.

Anakin's desire to keep his apprentice safe went beyond the battlefield into his teachings to her. Though she was skilled in the classic Shien, Anakin began teaching her Ataru and Djem So, two aggressive forms he was greatly skilled in, being a master in the latter. Anakin also trained her in Niman. Wanting Ahsoka to be prepared for any opponent, he also trained her to protect herself against Sith enemies, such as Asajj Ventress, whom he'd faced before and barely defeated.

Ahsoka was as great as Anakin's attachment to his mother and his wife. When Obi-Wan told him it was Ahsoka who had saved the day, he "felt a rush of pride" and boasted that she was his apprentice. That pride was evident in his trust in her to command in his stead, such as during the Battle of Ryloth. Although Anakin was usually reckless and impulsive, Ahsoka's presence seemed to soften these tendencies. Despite the fact that when he was Obi-Wan's apprentice, he occasionally disobeyed him, he did not like it when Ahsoka disobeyed him.

Nearing the end of the Clone Wars, Anakin held a great degree of trust in her, being one of the few people to correctly believe that Ahsoka had actually been framed and was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, due to knowing her well enough to be certain that she would never commit the crimes she was being accused of. However, he also realized that he could not help her directly as it would have made her look even more guilty than she was already believed to be by everyone else. He also managed to track down the actual guilty party, Barriss Offee, and expose her after defeating her in a lightsaber duel. Unfortunately, his efforts were ultimately in vain as Ahsoka left the Jedi Order. Despite knowing that he also harbored an intent to leave the Jedi Order, Anakin was very sad to see his friend and former apprentice leave.

Ahsoka's choice to leave the Jedi Order, as well as the circ*mstances surrounding that decision, intensified Anakin's frustration with the Jedi High Council, as he rightfully blamed them for Ahsoka's departure because of their decision not to stand by her when she was accused of treason.

Anakin would not meet Ahsoka again until she reappeared to get the Republic's support in laying a siege on Mandalore and before he went off to rescue Chancellor Palpatine from Count Dooku and General Grievous. Before they went on their separate ways again, Anakin returned Ahsoka's lightsabers to her, having taken care of them since her departure and the two of them wished each other good luck. However, unknown to either of them, this would be the last time they would see each other as friends, before Anakin turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader.

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While Vader still acknowledged Ahsoka as his former apprentice, by the time he had found his long-lost apprentice he was so distanced from his past-self that he had no qualms against eliminating the Rebels or any Jedi he came across, both of which Ahsoka was apart of. Vader only felt antipathy for Ahsoka's existence as a relic of Anakin Skywalker, so he was willing to hunt her down in order to permanently remove any remainder from his past. Despite this, Vader did seem to still have some lingering sentiment towards Ahsoka, as he recovered Ahsoka's lightsaber from the wrecked cruiser Ahsoka used to escape Order 66 and looked at the sky as if pondering her fate before leaving. Ahsoka was unaware of Anakin's transformation after the Clone Wars, and when she discovered the truth, she was left heartbroken and in shock that her former mentor was the Sith threat she was facing. However, she still aided the Rebel fleet against Vader, despite their past friendship.

In "Twilight of the Apprentice", Vader finally came face-to-face with his former friend and apprentice. Despite them now being enemies, Vader offered to spare her life if she tells him where the other lost Jedi are hiding. Ahsoka refused, stating that there are no more Jedi and refusing to believe that his kind master Anakin was the vile and ruthless Vader. Vader coldly claimed that Anakin Skywalker was weak and that he (Vader) destroyed him. Ahsoka then said that she would avenge the death of her former mentor, and Vader reminded her that revenge is not the way of the Jedi, to which she coldly retorted "I am no Jedi". Former mentor and apprentice then engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel.

After Ahsoka slashed off part of Vader's mask, she saw Anakin's disfigured face beneath it. She was shocked and saddened, but finally accepted that Anakin and Vader are the same person, and offered him compassion, firmly stating she would not leave him. Upon hearing these words, Vader briefly faltered and stared at her for a long moment, seemingly touched by her compassion. But then, embracing his inner darkness, he cruelly resolved to kill her and attacked her again. Despite Vader's relentless power, Ahsoka stayed behind on Malachor to give Kanan and Ezra time to escape. As the pair resumed their battle, the Malachor Sith Temple collapsed and exploded around them. Vader came extremely close to striking Ahsoka down at the the climax of their duel, but at the last minute, Ahsoka was rescued by a future version of Ezra by getting pulled into a portal, leaving Vader damaged and confused about what happened in front of him.

Years later, after his death and the Empire's downfall, Anakin's spirit reunited with Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds where he affectionately called "Snips". Anakin and Ahsoka greeted each other in a friendly manner before Anakin started testing her to see if she was willing to return to the world of the living. During the lesson, Anakin learned of Ahsoka's conflict of being a part of his legacy and when she spared him during a duel, Anakin smiled proudly at his former Padawan and told her that there was hope for her, allowing Ahsoka to return to the world of the living.


Anakin first met Yoda when he was brought to the Coruscant Jedi Temple by Qui-Gon Jinn. As Yoda was a firm believer in the Jedi Code, so he believed that Anakin, who was nine years of age, was far too old to begin training as an apprentice. He also sensed Anakin's emotional attachment to his mother and fear of losing her and believed this made him potentially dangerous and vulnerable to the dark side.

Yoda was secretly afraid of Anakin, not because of how powerful his connection to the Force was, but because of what he could become in the future: a threat to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order.

Yoda's refusal to allow him to become a Jedi was overruled by the Jedi High Council, particularly by Mace Windu. By the time of the events of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Yoda had outgrown his fear of Anakin.

Throughout Anakin's years as a Jedi, Yoda, unlike Mace, correctly believed Anakin was the Chosen One from the Jedi prophecy. Also differing from Mace, he never judged him by his age, but by his skills, experience and maturity. In fact, he was the very Jedi who promoted Anakin to the rank of Jedi Knight.

Yoda was one of the few members of the Jedi Council that Anakin had genuine respect for. Throughout the Clone Wars, Anakin and Yoda were civil towards each other and were good friends.

Anakin's trust and respect for Yoda became strained, when at Ahsoka Tano's trial, Yoda, along with the rest of the Jedi High Council, stripped her of her status as a Jedi and turned her over to the Republic military for crimes she did not commit. Anakin was outraged to learn that the meeting was nothing more than a formality to disguise how the Council was casting Ahsoka out to suit the political interests of the Republic. Although he successfully proved his apprentice's innocence, she refused to rejoin the Jedi Order due to the fact that most of its members had refused to believe in her. Heartbroken by Ahsoka's departure, Anakin rightfully blamed Yoda and most members of the council for Ahsoka's departure.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine appointed Anakin to the Jedi Council as his personal representative, like all members of the Council, Yoda reluctantly agreed, but he hoped to use him as a means to spy on Palpatine, which ultimately backfires, as he and the other members underestimate how strong Anakin's friendship with the Supreme Chancellor was. Yoda, along with rest of the Jedi Council did not grant Anakin the rank of Jedi Master. Angered by the perceived insult, Anakin criticized Yoda and the rest of the Council on the absurdity of occupying a seat on the Council devoid of the rank of Jedi Master. Although Anakin apologized for his behavior, he was not sorry for what he said to Yoda and the other members of the council.

When Obi-Wan asked Anakin to spy on Palpatine (on the orders of Yoda and the Jedi High Council), he became even more angry and quickly came to believe that Yoda was trying to use him as a pawn and that the orders to spy on the Supreme Chancellor were treason, which was partly true. After this, Anakin's already negative opinion towards the council members, including Yoda, became even worse.

When Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader, Yoda was saddened, but firmly believed he was beyond redemption and forgiveness, and ordered Obi-Wan to hunt down and kill him.

Even as a Force spirit, Yoda continued to believe that Vader was irredeemable and there was no good left in him. However, this was disproved when Vader's son, Luke, was being tortured by Palpatine, causing Vader to break away from the dark side and become the good person he once was. This showed that Yoda was wrong and that anyone has the chance to redeem themselves from the dark side.

However, Anakin and Yoda seem to have reconciled in death since they are seen happily standing side by side as Force spirits.

Mace Windu[]

Anakin first met Mace when he was brought to the Coruscant Jedi Temple by Qui-Gon Jinn. Mace was a firm believer in following the protocol of the Jedi Code, so he believed Anakin too old to begin training as an apprentice.

Like Yoda, when Anakin was brought before the Jedi High Council, Mace was secretly afraid of Anakin, not because of how powerful his connection to the Force was, but because of what he could become in the future; a threat to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. By the time of the events of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Mace had outgrown his fear of Anakin.

Qui-Gon requested that Anakin be tested, but Anakin failed the Jedi High Council's test due to the fact that he was distracted by his concern for his mother. Despite Anakin's unusually strong connection to the Force and the fact that he had the potential to become the most powerful Force-user in the history of the galaxy, Mace firmly stated that he should not be trained.

After the invasion of Naboo was lifted, Mace reluctantly agreed to allow Anakin to be trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi. He mainly did it because Obi-Wan had made it clear that he intended to train Anakin with or without the approval of the Jedi High Council, as it was Qui-Gon's dying wish, but also because the Sith Order had come out of hiding and Anakin's potential made him someone who could one day defeat them. Throughout Anakin's years as a Jedi, Mace arrogantly remained skeptical of whether Anakin was truly the Chosen One from the Jedi prophecy and repeatedly judged him because of his age instead of by his skills, experience and maturity. However, he did show a degree of respect for the boy's skills and encouraged Obi-Wan to have faith that he would choose the right path.

Throughout the Clone Wars, Anakin and Mace were civil towards each other as a product of mutual respect, but were not necessarily friends. This civility and respect came to an end after Ahsoka was accused of being a traitor and a murderer. Anakin saw right away that Ahsoka was being framed and was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, Mace urged that Anakin be left out of the matter due to his emotional bond with Ahsoka, but was overruled by Yoda and Obi-Wan. When Wilhuff Tarkin demanded that Ahsoka be expelled from the Jedi Order and turned over to the Republic military, Mace agreed to submit her for a trial.

During the Judgment meeting, Anakin became outraged upon realizing that the meeting was merely a formality to conceal the fact that the Jedi High Council was throwing Ahsoka out of the Jedi Order to suit the political interests of the Republic. After Ahsoka left the Jedi Order for good, Anakin lost completely the trust and respect for the members of the council, including Mace. Anakin rightfully blamed the human Jedi Master, along with most members of the Jedi Council, for Ahsoka's departure.

As the Clone War dragged on, Anakin became increasingly cold and hostile towards Mace because he was now openly arrogant and secretly mistrustful towards him, constantly deceiving and keeping secrets from him. Unbeknownst to Mace, Anakin was aware that the latter did not trust him.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine appointed Anakin to the Jedi High Council as his personal representative, like all members of the council, Mace reluctantly agreed, but hoped to use him as a means to spy on Palpatine, which ultimately backfires, as they underestimate the strong friendship between Supreme Chancellor and Anakin. Mace, along with the council, did not grant Anakin the rank of Jedi Master. Angered by the perceived insult, Anakin criticized Mace, and the rest of the Jedi Council, on the absurdity of occupying a seat on the council devoid of the rank of Jedi Master, to which Mace coldly instructed Anakin to sit down. Although Anakin apologized for his behavior, he was not sorry for what he said to Mace or the other members of the council, and this incident served as yet another in support of his growing disdain for the council, including Mace.

When Obi-Wan asked Anakin to spy on Palpatine (on the orders of the Jedi High Council), he became even more angry and quickly came to the belief that the council was trying to use him as a pawn, and that the orders to spy on the Supreme Chancellor were treason, which was partly true. Anakin's already negative opinion towards the council members, including Mace, became even worse. When Grievous was located on Utapau, Anakin explained that Palpatine wanted him to lead the campaign to kill Grievous, but Mace disregarded this, sending Obi-Wan to go instead.

When Anakin discovered that Palpatine was in fact Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, he informed Mace of this discovery. Though Mace did not immediately believe Anakin, he quickly accepted the truth. But Mace refused to allow Anakin to accompany him in confronting Palpatine, believing it too much of a risk, as he sensed Anakin's fear and confusion clouding his judgement. Despite this, Mace states that if what Anakin had told him was confirmed to be true, Anakin would have finally gained his trust.

However, the mistrust Mace that had towards Anakin, as well as his attempted murder on Palpatine, contributed to Anakin's turn against the Jedi Order. When Mace resolved to execute Palpatine, an unarmed opponent, Anakin stopped Mace by cutting off the hand wielding his lightsaber, this left Mace vulnerable and gave Palpatine the opportunity to use Force lightning to shove Mace out of a broken window, sending him falling to his death. Despite his dislike for Mace (which was valid), Anakin was still horrified at what he had done, and felt remorse over his part in Mace's death. However, he realized that there was no going back and reluctantly pledged himself to the Sith Order.

Twenty-three years later, Anakin would find himself in a similar situation, when faced with the choice to save his son Luke or continue to serve Palpatine. In this moment, Anakin finally came to acknowledge that Palpatine was his true enemy, similar to how Mace once did, and saved his son at the cost of his life.


Sixty-five, Skywalker."
"Um, sorry?"
"My total—65. So what do I win?"
"My everlasting respect, Master Mundi.
―Ki-Adi and Anakin during the Second Battle of Geonosis

Anakin first met Ki-Adi when he was brought to the Coruscant Jedi Temple by Qui-Gon Jinn. Ki-Adi was not completely a firm believer in following the protocol of the Jedi Code, so he did not believe Anakin was too old to begin training as an apprentice. When Anakin was brought before the Jedi High Council, like Yoda, he was secretly afraid of Anakin, not because of how powerful his connection to the Force was, but because of what he could become in the future: a threat to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. By the time of the events of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Ki-Adi had outgrown his fear of Anakin.

Qui-Gon requested Anakin to be tested, but Anakin failed the Jedi High Council's test due to the fact that he was distracted by his concern for his mother. Ki-Adi (along with Eeth Koth) was the only member of the Jedi High Council who believed Anakin should be trained, because like the latter, he came late in the Force and had at least some sympathy for Anakin being separated from his mother at a such young age. However, there was nothing he could do about it, as he had been out-voted by the other members of the Jedi High Council.

When Obi-Wan Kenobi had made it clear that he intended to train Anakin with or without the approval of the Jedi High Council, as it was Qui-Gon's dying wish, the Jedi High Council reluctantly agreed to allow it. However, they allowed mainly because the Sith Order had come out of hiding and Anakin's potential made him someone who could one day defeat them, Ki-Adi was glad that Anakin was going to become a Jedi.

Throughout Anakin's years as a Jedi, Ki-Adi, unlike Mace Windu, correctly believed Anakin was the Chosen One from the Jedi prophecy. Also unlike Mace, he never judged him by age, but by his skills, experience and maturity. Ki-Adi greatly respected Anakin, despite not having much interaction with him.

During the Second Battle of Geonosis, when Ki-Adi revealed to Anakin that he had destroyed sixty-five Battle droids, Anakin gained a lot of respect for him. Ki-Adi then became one of the few members of the Jedi High Council that Anakin had genuine respect for.

Anakin's respect for Ki-Adi became strained at Ahsoka Tano's trial, when Ki-Adi, along with the rest of the Jedi High Council, stripped her of her status as a Jedi and turned her over to the Republic military for crimes she did not commit. Anakin was outraged to learn that the meeting was just a formality to disguise how the council was casting Ahsoka out to suit the political interests of the Republic. Although he successfully proved his apprentice's innocence, she still left the Jedi Order due to the fact that most of its members had refused to believe in her. Heartbroken by Ahsoka's departure, Anakin rightfully blamed Ki-Adi, along with most members of the Jedi Council, for Ahsoka's departure. This is shown when Yoda was contacted by Qui-Gon, which Ki-Adi stated it impossible but Anakin reminded him that "as far as we know".

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine appointed Anakin to the Jedi High Council as his personal representative, like all members of the Council, Ki-Adi reluctantly agreed, but hoped to use him as a means to spy on Palpatine, which ultimately backfires because they underestimate the strong friendship between Anakin and the Supreme Chancellor. Ki-Adi, along with the Jedi Council, did not grant Anakin the rank of Jedi Master. Angered by the perceived insult, Anakin criticized Ki-Adi, along with most members of the Council, on the absurdity of occupying a seat on the Jedi High Council devoid of the rank of Jedi Master. Although Anakin apologized for his behavior, he was not sorry for what he said to Ki-Adi and the other members of the council.

When Obi-Wan asked Anakin to spy on Palpatine (on the orders of Ki-Adi and the Jedi High Council), he became even more angry. After this, Anakin's already negative opinion towards the council members, including Ki-Adi, became even worse, as he came to believe that they were trying to use him as a pawn and that the orders to spy on the Supreme Chancellor were treason, which was partly true.

Eeth Koth[]

Anakin first met Eeth when he was brought to the Coruscant Jedi Temple by Qui-Gon Jinn. Eeth was not completely a firm believer in following the protocol of the Jedi Code and thus he did not believed Anakin was too old to begin training as an apprentice. Like Yoda, when Anakin was brought before the Jedi High Council, he was secretly afraid of Anakin, not because of how powerful his connection to the Force was, but because of what he could become in the future; a threat to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order.

By the time of the events of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Eeth had outgrown his fear of Anakin.

Qui-Gon requested that Anakin be tested - but Anakin failed the Jedi High Council's test, due to the fact that he was distracted by his concern for his mother.

Eeth (along with Ki-Adi-Mundi) was the only member of the Jedi High Council who believed Anakin should be trained, because like the latter, he came late in the Force and had at least some sympathy for Anakin being separated from his mother at a such young age. However, there was nothing he could do about it, as he had been out-voted by the other members of the Jedi High Council.

When Obi-Wan Kenobi had made it clear that he intended to train Anakin with or without the approval of the Jedi High Council, as it was Qui-Gon's dying wish, the Jedi High Council reluctantly agreed to allow it, mainly because the Sith Order had come out of hiding and Anakin's potential made him someone who could one day defeat them, Eeth was glad that Anakin was going to become a Jedi.

Throughout Anakin's years as a Jedi, Eeth, unlike Mace Windu correctly believed Anakin was the Chosen One from the Jedi prophecy. Also unlike Mace, he never judged him by age; but by his skills, experience and maturity. Although Anakin did not have much interaction with Eeth, the latter greatly respected him.

During the Clone Wars, when Eeth was captured by General Grievous and slowly being tortured to death by the latter, Anakin, along with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia, were sent to rescue him, implying that Anakin had respect for the zabrak Jedi Master.

Plo Koon[]

Anakin first met Plo when he was brought to the Coruscant Jedi Temple by Qui-Gon Jinn. Plo was a firm believer in following the protocol of the Jedi Code and thus believed Anakin too old to begin training as an apprentice.

Qui-Gon requested that Anakin be tested - but Anakin failed the Jedi High Council's test; due to the fact that he was distracted by his concern for his mother. Despite Anakin's unusually strong connection to the Force and the fact that he had the potential to become the most powerful Force-user in the history of the galaxy - Plo believe Anakin should not be trained.

Plo reluctantly agreed to allow Anakin to be trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi, mainly because Obi-Wan had made it clear that he intended to train Anakin with or without the approval of the Jedi High Council, as it was Qui-Gon's dying wish but also because the Sith Order had come out of hiding and Anakin's potential made him someone who could one day defeat them. Throughout Anakin's years as a Jedi, he did not have much interaction with Plo.

Throughout the Clone Wars, Anakin and Plo were civil towards each other, Anakin probably had respect for Plo, as he named one of his unique force powers that he created after the kel dor Jedi Master, Plo Koon's Round.

Anakin's respect for Plo became strained, when at Ahsoka Tano's trial, Plo, along with the rest of the Jedi High Council, stripped her of her status as a Jedi and turned her over the Republic for crimes she did not commit. Anakin was outraged to learn that the meeting was just a formality to disguise how the Jedi High Council was casting Ahsoka out to suit the political interests of the Republic. After he successfully proved his apprentice's innocence, she still left the Jedi Order due to the fact that most members of the Jedi High Council had refused to believe in her. However, Plo did regain at least some of Anakin's respect by being the only member of the Jedi High Council who actually apologized to Ahsoka and admitted he had been wrong to accuse her.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine appointed Anakin to the Jedi High Council as his personal representative, like all members of the Jedi High Council, Plo reluctantly agreed, but hoped to use him as a means to spy on Palpatine (which ultimately backfired; as he underestimated how strong Anakin's friendship with the Supreme Chancellor was) Plo, along with the Jedi High Council did not grant Anakin the rank of Jedi Master. Angered by the perceived insult, Anakin criticized Plo, along with most members of the Jedi High Council, on the absurdity of occupying a seat on the Jedi High Council devoid of the rank of Jedi Master - although Anakin apologized for his behavior, he was not sorry for what he said to Plo and the other members of the Jedi High Council.

When Obi-Wan asked Anakin to spy on Palpatine (on the orders of Plo and the Jedi High Council), he became even more angry and believed that the council was trying to use him as a pawn and that the orders to spy on the Supreme Chancellor were treason, which was partly true. After this, Anakin's already negative opinion towards the council members, including Plo, became worse than before.


Sometime after Anakin was promoted to the rank of Jedi General, he chose Rex as his second-in-command, they mutual respected each other, another reason why Anakin got along so well with Rex, was due to their aggressive, fearless and reckless traits, something they had in common, Anakin also knows Rex well enough to know, that the latter never calls him by his first name.

Anakin was reluctant to leave Rex, when he and his unit was outnumbered by battle droids, but he had no choice as he had to get Rotta back to his father, Jabba the Hutt, in order to secure a treaty between the Galactic Republic and the Hutts, Rex was not upset as he knows the mission always comes first.

Rex was one of the very few individuals that was Anakin trusted with knowledge of his secret marriage to Padmé, and would often cover for them when they had their secret meetings. The last time Anakin and Rex saw each other was Anakin promoting Rex to commander so he could lead the 332nd Company to lay a siege on Mandalore before the latter rushed to go rescue Chancellor Palpatine from Count Dooku and General Grievous.

Bail Organa[]

Bail respected Anakin for being the "Hero With No Fear" and Anakin respected Bail for being one of the only senators in the Republic to not be corrupted. After Anakin's turn to the dark side, Bail took it upon himself to raise Anakin's daughter Leia out of respect for the man that he once admired.

Wilhuff Tarkin[]

The Jedi are extinct. Their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion.
―Tarkin to Vader

Anakin developed respect for Tarkin due to the fact both were hardliners, this became strained after Ahsoka was framed by Barriss Offee. Anakin saw right away that Ahsoka had been framed, and had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but Tarkin refused to even see this, as he viciously, and relentlessly prosecuted Ahsoka despite the fact that there was virtually no actual evidence of her so-called treason.

After this incident, Anakin secretly grew to distrust and personally dislike Tarkin for good reason, as he saw the latter for who he truly was; an arrogant, ambitious, power-hungry, immoral and dishonorable individual.

Tarkin first met Anakin as Vader when the Emperor placed him in charge of the Death Star's construction. They began working together during the Subjugation of Kashyyk where Tarkin was impressed by Vader's leadership abilities. Vader had a good working relationship with Tarkin and considered him an ally. Although he had a mutual respect for Tarkin, Vader secretly did not trust or personally like him because he was arrogant, ambitious, power-hungry, immoral, and dishonorable.


C-3PO was Anakin Skywalker's protocol droid. Anakin built C-3PO when he was a little boy, when Anakin won the podrace and freed himself from being a slave he left C-3PO still unfinished with his mother. Ten years later, Anakin met C-3PO now finished at the Lars' farm along with Padmé Amidala who returned to Tatooine when Anakin had nightmares about his mother.

After the death of Anakin's mother, C-3PO accompanied him along with Padmé and R2-D2 to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan from Jedi turned Sith Lord Count Dooku and his army of battle droids and Geonosians. After the Battle of Geonosis and the start of the Clone Wars, C-3PO and R2-D2 were the only two to witness Anakin and Padme's marriage.

During the Clone Wars, Anakin grew annoyed by Threepio's constant complaints and eventually gave him away to his wife, Padmé.

After Order 66 was executed and Anakin became Darth Vader, C-3PO's mind was wiped so that his information would not reach the Empire and thus to protect the Skywalker twins from Palpatine. Which means that C-3PO's memories of Anakin were removed as well.


Before Anakin became Darth Vader, R2 was Anakin's astromech and good friend. Anakin and R2 first met when Anakin was 9 years old on Tatooine. During the Clone Wars, Padme gave Anakin R2 as a wedding gift and served as his faithful co-pilot.

Even after Anakin turned to the dark side, R2 never left his side. R2 stayed with Anakin until his battle with Obi-Wan on Mustafar, where he apparently believed Anakin died. Unlike C-3PO, R2 was allowed to keep his memories of Anakin, but never revealed the friendship they once shared to anyone.

Darth Vader[]

The Grand Inquisitor[]

There are some things far more frightening than death.
―Grand Inquisitor to Kanan

The Grand Inquisitor served as Vader's primary agent and dark side adept, obeying his every command without question.

At the bidding of his master, Vader ordered the Grand Inquisitor to hunt down and vanquish the new found Ghost crew when Kanan Jarrus, their leader, is discovered to be a Jedi.

When he is defeated by Kanan over Mustafar, the Grand Inquisitor warns the Jedi he has no idea what he has unleashed, and that there are things worse than death, before he allows himself to fall to his own death. His taking his own life and final words imply the Grand Inquisitor feared whatever punishment Vader would have for him, he was obviously more afraid of his master's wrath than death itself.

Fifth Brother[]

The Fifth Brother served as one of Vader's dark side adepts, obeying his every command without question. During Vader's training of the Inquisitorius, Vader also cut off Fifth Brother's hand, causing the Inquisitor to rightly fear him.

At the bidding of his master, Vader ordered the Fifth Brother to partner with the Seventh Sister and continue the Grand Inquisitor's work to hunt down and vanquish the Ghost crew and Phoenix Squadron they have allied themselves with since Kanan Jarrus is a Jedi and when Ahsoka Tano, Vader's former apprentice, is discovered among them as the Phoenix leader.

Seventh Sister[]

The Seventh Sister served as one of Vader's dark side adepts, obeying his every command without question.

At the bidding of her master, Vader ordered the Seventh Sister to partner with the Fifth Brother and continue the Grand Inquisitor's work to hunt down and vanquish the Ghost crew and the Phoenix Squadron they have allied themselves with since Kanan Jarrus is a Jedi and when Ahsoka Tano, Vader's former apprentice, is discovered among them as the Phoenix leader.

Eighth Brother[]

The Eighth Brother served as one of Vader's dark side adepts, obeying his every command without question.

At the bidding of his master, Vader ordered the Eighth Brother to hunt down Palpatine's former apprentice, Darth Maul.

Cassie Tagge[]

Cassie Tagge is an ally of Vader's in the Imperial Military. Whatever they had before was destroyed when the Death Star was destroyed for afterwards the Emperor promoted Tagge to Grand General, and made Vader his subordinate. When Tagge lost favor with the Emperor, Vader executed him for his incompetence, and annoyance.

Kendal Ozzel[]

Admiral Ozzel initally served as the Commander of Death Squadron, Vader's personal armada. Like many Imperials and Rebels, Vader considered Ozzel to be an incompetent fool who was "as clumsy as he is stupid". When Ozzel ruined the surprise attack Vader planned to open the Battle of Hoth with, Vader used the Force to kill him.

Firmus Piett[]

Piett enter Vader's service as a Captain of Death Squadron. Vader respected Piett as seen when he trusted his judgement and when he promoted him to Admiral and made him Commander of Death Squadron following Ozzel's execution. Piett also respected Vader greatly and followed his command without question. However, despite of his respect and trust in Vader, Piett feared him greatly and did his best not to disappoint the Sith Lord and serve him better.

Orson Krennic[]

Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director.
―Vader force choking Krennic[src]

Krennic as the director of the Advanced Weapons Research Division was under Vader's command and showed respect towards him. Despite this, Krennic knew that Vader clearly respected Tarkin's abilities more than his, but because of his hunger for power, he was not above asking Vader for help in handling Tarkin. Meanwhile, Tarkin allowed him to do it, knowing Vader would reject Krennic.

Indeed, Vader clearly held Krennic in contempt, and distaste for his power-hungry traits and arrogance, showing him little respect when he came in and making sarcastic comments of how Krennic seems unsettled and his clear impatience and clearly enjoying intimidating him by casually walking closer. He sarcastically stated when Krennic asked for his accomplishments of creating the Death Star to be acknowledged that his creation had certainly proven to only be able to cause problems and also made it clear how despite disliking Tarkin, he disliked Krennic more for his open arrogance and power-hungry traits by remaining unmoved by Krennic's desperate attempts to defend himself from Vader's criticism of the destruction of Jedha City, which he blamed on Tarkin.

When Vader dismissed Krennic with a warning to make certain that Galen Erso had not compromised the Death Star in any way, he was so annoyed when Krennic assumed this meant he was still in charge that Vader retaliated by force-choking him and sardonically mocking him that he shouldn't choke on his aspirations, both to mock him for his ambitions and his powerless condition as Vader choked him.



You are Ani, it is you!, you sure sprouted, huh?, a Jedi!, whatta ya know.
―Anakin and Watto's first meeting in ten years

At some point in his life, Anakin, along with his mother Shmi, were sold as slaves to Watto. Despite the fact that Watto treated him harshly, Anakin had a good relationship with his then-master, who often bet against Anakin, whom he felt was talented but lacked experience. Watto eventually lost Anakin to Qui-Gon Jinn in a wager on the Boonta Eve race.

Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (10)

Years later, Anakin returned to Tatooine, sensing that something had happened with Shmi. At first, Watto believed him to be another Jedi, however, when told that he was looking for Shmi Skywalker, Watto then realized who he was and was amazed at how Anakin had grown, as well as the fact that he had succeeded in becoming a Jedi. When Anakin again enquired about his mother, Watto told him that he sold her years ago to a moisture farmer named Cliegg Lars.

Watto helped Anakin find his mother, giving him all of the information he knew about Shmi's new life and location. Watto treated him well at this time, but most likely only because he used to treat Anakin harshly, and since Anakin was now a Jedi with a lightsaber, Watto was intimidated to the point of absolute respect for his former slave.


Why should I be scared of Anakin Skywalker?
―Sabé to Anakin now known as Darth Vader

Anakin met Sabé during the Battle of Naboo. Sabé was one of the few people who knew of Anakin and Padmé's relationship. After Padmé's death, Sabé investigated her death and found out she went to find Anakin and they ended up on Mustafar. Sabé concluded that Vader had killed both Anakin and Padmé but didn't know that Anakin was actually Darth Vader. In Darth Vader (2020), Anakin and Sabé meet again, but now Anakin had transformed into Darth Vader. After a failed attempt of killing Vader, Sabé went to Polis Massa and discovered that Padmé had gave birth to a son named Luke Skywalker. After ZED-6-7 revealed Vader's true mission, Sabé realized that Vader was Padmé's husband, Anakin Skywalker.


Anakin Skywalker[]

Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus[]

You did well, Anakin. He was too dangerous to be kept alive."
"Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner. I shouldn't have done that. It's not the Jedi way."
"It is only natural. He cut off your arm, and you wanted revenge.
―Sheev Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker, on Dooku's death

Prior to his conversion to the dark side, unlike his apprentice Qui-Gon, Dooku refused to believe that Anakin was the Chosen One and voiced the hope that the boy would be sent back to Tatooine. Anakin and Dooku became enemies during the First Battle of Geonosis, they had a negative relationship. Dooku had very little respect for the young Jedi Knight, despite his bravery and unbelievably strong connection to the Force, while Anakin developed a grudge against the ex-Jedi Master/Sith Lord for cutting off his right arm. Anakin's hatred for Dooku increased throughout the Clone Wars, due to the atrocities and unspeakable acts he had committed over the years throughout the war. He even hated working with him to escape Hondo's lair.

In Anakin and Dooku's final confrontation, Anakin defeated him using his anger and hatred, cutting off both of the latter's hands as an act of vengeance against the Sith Lord for taking his arm. Palpatine then encouraged Anakin to kill Dooku on the spot. After some initial hesitation, Anakin gave into his hatred for his nemesis and brutally executed Dooku with both his and Dooku's lightsabers. Despite Anakin's hatred for Dooku, he felt some regret for executing his nemesis, as he was visibly uncomfortable about what he had done because it was against the Jedi Code.

General Grievous[]

You're shorter than I expected.
―Anakin and Grievous' first meeting

Throughout most the Clone Wars, Anakin never directly met Grievous, however, he knew him by his reputation. Anakin correctly considers Grievous to be nothing but a monster, due to the atrocities and unspeakable acts he had committed over the years throughout the war.

In Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Grievous captures both Obi-Wan and Anakin, so Anakin finally directly meets Grievous. Grievous was excited to meet the famous Anakin Skywalker. However, when he did, he was slightly disappointed, as Grievous expected Anakin to be older. At the same time, Grievous was shorter than Anakin expected.

Nute Gunray[]

Anakin never directly met Nute, however, he despised him, partly because he was a member of the Separatist Council, and mainly because he had tried to kill his wife, Padmé on several occasions; Anakin would not directly meet Nute; until after he became Darth Vader and Killed Him.

Asajj Ventress[]

Anakin first met Asajj on Yavin 4 and have been enemies ever since. She was the very person who gave Anakin his scar on the right side of his face, when Ahsoka was framed for murder and treason. Anakin instantly assumed that Asajj was the guilty party, and hunted her down. When Anakin found Asajj, she told him that she didn't frame Ahsoka, and had been trying to help the Togruta clear her name due to their many similarities.

Anakin growled, "How dare you compare yourself to Ahsoka?!", to which she snapped, "It's true! my master abandoned me and that's exactly what you did to her! You and your precious Jedi Order!", a scathing comment Anakin took to heart. She also told him how Ahsoka had contacted Barriss Offee, and that Barriss told them to go to the warehouse where the nanodroids used in the bombing of the Coruscant Jedi Temple came from and that whoever attacked Ahsoka in the warehouse has her red lightsabers. This enabled Anakin to unmask Barriss as the real guilty party. Because Anakin took what Asajj to heart, his trust and respect for the Jedi High Council was shaken.

After Asajj was killed by Count Dooku, Anakin attended her funeral.

Sheev Palpatine/Darth Sidious[]

What is thy bidding, my master?
―Whenever Vader is in Palpatine's presence

Originally Palpatine saw Anakin as a threat to his plans and made him a target of assassination by Palpatine, who dispatched Darth Maul to Naboo to kill him, hoping to eliminate Anakin's chances of becoming a Jedi. However, after realizing Anakin had a blind spot for Palpatine, he sought to gradually corrupt the boy into becoming his apprentice. From an early age, Anakin had heard how the Galactic Republic's government had grown corrupt, and how Palpatine, like the Jedi Order, was one of the few who had not succumbed to that corruption and respected him for it.

Anakin's respect for Palpatine deepened when he listened in on him telling, unknown to him at the time, Padmé know how the large majority of the Senate were greedy and conceited politicians who had long since turned their backs on the common good, and saw with his own eyes afterwards that Palpatine was right.

Anakin's faith in Palpatine remained strong to the point where he refused to believe Fives when he told him and Rex about Palpatine's role in conspiracy involving the chips, and chose to believe Palpatine's lies, and he continued to see the Chancellor as a friend even when the Jedi Council and the idealists in the Senate and even Padmé began to realize he was too good to be true, and even after he revealed that he was Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith.

When Mace Windu tried to kill Palpatine, Anakin chose to save him partly because of his friendship with the Chancellor, and mainly because he remembered that Palpatine told him that the dark side of the Force has the power to stop a person from dying (which was the only thing he was telling him the truth about). Anakin then turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader, then supported Palpatine's declaration of the birth of the Galactic Empire.

Vader also showed extreme loyalty to his master, mostly because the Emperor was all he had left of his old life as Anakin Skywalker. No one else would accept him, and perhaps was the only thing he had in his life that resembled friendship. However, Vader also recognized Sidious had deceived him, which had led to his life being ruined. Because of this, Vader longed to overthrow Sidious with an apprentice of his own one day, in accordance with the rule of two.

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, when Palpatine was torturing and attempting to kill Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker, he broke away from the dark side; he ended up turning on his former friend and killing him. Anakin's blind spot for the Dark Lord of the Sith had completely disappeared, as he realized that Palpatine was a heartless monster who had been using him for years to gain power for himself, the same realization his wife Padmé made prior to her death.

In Anakin's dying moment, he realized that he was wrong to trust Palpatine in the first place and that Obi-Wan, Padmé, Mace and the others were right all along that he was the true enemy and traitor of the Republic, and has been lying to them about everything.

Barriss Offee[]

Ahsoka trusted you and you betrayed her!.
―Anakin criticizing Barriss for her betrayal
Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (11)

Anakin first met Barriss when they and their mentors were dispatched to Ansion to resolve a border dispute there, their bond was strengthened when Barriss befriended Ahsoka.

When Ahsoka was framed for murder and treason, Anakin hunted down Asajj Ventress who revealed Barriss's role in sending Ahsoka and her to the warehouse. Anakin quickly realized that Barriss was the one who was responsible for the bombing of the Coruscant Jedi Temple and framed Ahsoka for her crimes. Anakin went to Barriss and forced her to reveal she had Asajj's lightsabers, and expose herself, their confrontation erupted into a duel. During the duel, Anakin growled "Ahsoka trusted you and you betrayed her!", to which the Dark Jedi coldly retorted "I've learned that trust is overrated, the only thing the Jedi Council believes in is violence."

Anakin defeated Barriss and turned her over to the Republic military, thus clearing Ahsoka's name. Anakin never forgave Barriss for what she did to Ahsoka, especially after his padawan left the Jedi Order for good.


Palpatine had originally sent Maul to kill Anakin when he so he would never become a Jedi. Although it is unknown if they have ever met in person, Anakin likely despises and has a grudge against Maul due to him murdering his close friend and father-figure, Qui-Gon Jinn. Anakin was willingly to capture Maul, believing his capture would help end the Clone Wars and supported Ahsoka's need to lay siege on Mandalore. Maul on the other hand didn't pay much attention to Anakin and focused his hatred on Obi-Wan. It wasn't until near the end of the Clone Wars (after Maul had a vision of Anakin turning to the dark side) that he organized his takeover of Mandalore to lure Anakin into his war.

It was later revealed that Maul had intentions to murder Anakin to prevent his former master, Palpatine, from turning him to the dark side. When Maul duels Ahsoka on Mandalore, she says to him "You're lucky Anakin didn't show up. The way you're fighting you wouldn't have lasted long", hinting that Anakin wanted to face and defeat Maul personally to avenge Qui-Gon.

Rush Clovis[]

Anakin had jealousy and hatred towards Rush Clovis, who had a close relationship with his wife Padmé Amidala. When he discovered her history with Clovis, Anakin tried to stop Padmé from going on a mission to spy on him, but she ignored him and agreed to spy. Although Anakin did not agree, he disguised himself as a pilot to keep an eye on them. When he saw Clovis about to kiss her on the cheek, he turned the ship to keep him away from her.

His jealousy towards Clovis increased further when Padmé accepted the task of working with him in the investigation of the Banking Clan. Later, when he went to his wife's apartment and seeing that she was almost kissed by Clovis, Anakin attacks him in anger before stopping and seeing his mistake and entering security. Skywalker tried to apologize to Padmé , but she told him to stay away from her for a while. Skywalker went to Clovis's office the next day and tried to reason with him to release Amidala. However, a vulture droid crashed into the office, causing Padmé and Clovis to fall, Skywalker grabbed them both, but since he couldn't hold them both, Clovis told Skywalker to let go, but he didn't; Clovis apologized to Amidala and then broke free.

Darth Vader[]

Kanan Jarrus[]

During the Clone Wars, Kanan sensed strong emotions of anger, rage, and hatred, implying that he has crossed paths with Anakin once or twice. When Kanan was about to fight with Vader, he sensed a cold feeling when Vader arrived or is nearby. He initially assumed it was another Inquisitor, but to his horror, Kanan deduced that he is actually a Sith Lord due to how powerful Vader's connection to the Force is, and ended up injured in the battle that followed their confrontation. When Ezra wanted to fight him afterwards, Kanan told him that Vader was too powerful and that the only reason they were still alive was because he was playing with them.

In "Shroud of Darkness", It is revealed that Kanan greatly respected and admired Anakin, telling Ezra he was the greatest warrior the Jedi had during the Clone Wars.

Ezra Bridger[]

Ezra learned about Anakin from Kanan and how he was the greatest warrior the Jedi had in the Clone Wars. Ezra came to share Kanan's opinion calling him amazing and his admiration grew when he met Ahsoka and learned that Anakin trained her. He first met and fought Vader during the Siege of Lothal, and barely escaped with his life. At first, Ezra thought he was just another Inquisitor until Kanan revealed that he was really a Sith Lord.

Sabine Wren[]

Vader and Sabine first met after the mission to save Maketh Tua went south, after they realized that they were outmatched and they tried to flee on board a Imperial shuttle. As Vader was following Kanan and Ezra, she tried to buy them time by firing at the Sith Lord, which he easily deflected right back at her causing her to become injured in her forehead and chest, and she would have been killed had it not been for her armor and helmet.


Vader meet the cyborg Mon Calamari on Clyo's base. Karbin's cybernetic body was inspired by that of the late General Grievous and trained to replace Darth Vader, Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice. When Karbin was dispatch to hunt Luke Skywalker, and when he found out that Vader was looking for the boy as well, he planned an ambush for Vader. While the Imperial and Rebel clashed, Karbin and Vader duel. However Karbin arrogantly believing that with his four lightsabers, he would be victorious. Vader proved Karbin wrong by getting the upper hand on Karbin and severed one of his arms. The cyborg lured Vader to an abandoned temple where he manage to land a hit on Vader. As they continued fighting, Vader realized he was loosing time and lured Karbin onto a bridge made of rock and had his minion Doctor Aphra crash her ship, the Ark Angel, into him. The commander barely survived the impact, and was executed shortly after by the Sith Lord. In his last moments of life, Karbin realized that Vader had a personal reason for pursuing Luke, but would never know what it was.

Anakin Skywalker/Relationships (2024)
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