Mark Zuckerberg Corrected Me About His Sweater on Instagram (2024)

Mark Zuckerberg Corrected Me About His Sweater on Instagram (2)

This probably isn’t Loro Piana, either. Photo: Anonymous

Like most journalists, I live in fear of getting something wrong. Corrections usually come in the form of an angry phone call or scolding email, along with a heavy dose of shame. They don’t usually arrive on Instagram, which is where I found out on Wednesday that Mark Zuckerberg was disputing the photo caption for a story I wrote, which had identified the sweater he was wearing as Loro Piana.

“That shirt is Buck Mason,” Zuck replied, dropping into the comments on the post from the Cut’s account. “Also fancy.”

A couple of weeks ago, as I began writing about how elite circles of tech bros were heavily into Loro Piana, I began to think about photo selection for the story. The lead characters of Succession had popularized the “quiet luxury” trend by rocking the brand, and Bill Gates had long been a customer. But ideally, the poster boy (as it were) for this article would be a real-life tech CEO with the power to influence business and fashion trends, and who had recently been publicly photographed in Loro Piana.

Who better than Mark Zuckerberg? The CEO of Meta had, after all, been a forefather of modern Silicon Valley style, a fashion icon in those parts who was single-handedly responsible for making the hoodie acceptable workwear at start-ups and IT departments worldwide. And I had it on good authority that at some point in the evolution from Facebook, Inc. to Meta Platforms — from Harvard dropout to eighth-richest man in the world as of Thursday — he’d upgraded his signature sweatshirt from Fruit of the Loom (or some such) to a cashmere version from Loro Piana, weaver of the softest, probably most expensive off-the-rack sweater in the world.

But the New York photo department had to find the right picture. They came across a shot of a chic-looking Zuckerberg strolling the conference grounds at Paul Allen & Co.’s annual summer Sun Valley confab — the off-record gathering of top tech CEOs and investors — in what appeared to be a luxe blue sweater. No hood, but the tailored fit and seamless, label-free look seemed very stealth-wealthy and promising.

I am not a fashion writer, and it is not easy to definitively ID the brand of an intentionally logo-less item of clothing, much less from only a photo, when you can’t even touch the material or study the thread count of the fibers up close. And for some of the richest and most famous people who wear this particular designer, the whole point is that they don’t want you to be able to guess where they shop (or how much money they spend on clothes), making the task even more challenging. But I did my fact-checking due diligence nonetheless. I spent more of my day than I’d frankly like to admit performing Investigative Journalism, asking stylists and the brand itself the all-important question: Was this soft-looking blue long-sleeve Zuck wore to Sun Valley’s “summer camp for billionaires” from Loro Piana? A spokesperson for the Italian fashion house declined to verify, writing only, “Since it’s not a communication activity nor an official press appearance, I am not able to comment on items that clients might have purchased.” (He’d already confirmed Jeremy Strong had worn several of the label’s items as Kendall Roy in Succession.) But a prominent stylist who works with a number of Silicon Valley CEOs had reviewed the photo, and in consultation with a knowledgeable New York City menswear salesperson, had rendered a verdict: The sweater was most likely Loro Piana.

This was about as sure as I could get. Who, after all, could say differently — if not the fashion experts and retail specialists — than Zuckerberg himself? And if the CEO of a $780 billion tech company deigned to correct the record on what brand of sweater he prefers, well, then that could be a story in and of itself.

And here we are; I officially stand corrected. Buck Mason’s “California cashmere” crewneck sweater, which looks similar to the one Zuckerberg is wearing in the photo, retails for $228. (The photo itself is from Sun Valley 2018, so the exact garments the CEO is wearing are likely not still for sale.)

According to a person close to the CEO and his wardrobe (a correction of this nature demanded additional Investigative Journalism), Zuckerberg still wears some Loro Piana (such as its hoodies) — but these days he prefers somewhat more affordable menswear brands, including Buck Mason, Todd Snyder, and John Elliott for his shirts, sweaters, and pants. For workout gear, beachwear and athleisure, he wears Vuori and surfer Kelly Slater’s line Outerknown. He favors sneakers from Nike and slides from Adidas.

Of course, I can’t fully verify Zuckerberg’s claims about his sweater unless he shows us his tags. (New York’s social-media team has officially requested a closet tour in a reply to his Instagram comment.) Regardless, this episode raises an important question:If people can’t tell the difference between an astronomically expensive brand and a semi-affordable one, what’s the point of spending several thousands of dollars on a sweater anyway? Perhaps only Kendall Roy knows the answer.


  • the money game
  • fashion brands
  • silicon valley
  • mark zuckerberg

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Mark Zuckerberg Corrected Me About His Sweater on Instagram
Mark Zuckerberg Corrected Me About His Sweater on Instagram (2024)


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Zuckerberg wore as from the stealth wealth brand Loro Piana, he popped into the comments under the magazine's Instagram post to note that the garment was actually a crew neck from Buck Mason — a Los Angeles brand that focuses on American classics — not one from an Italian luxury house owned by LVMH.

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According to a person close to the CEO and his wardrobe (a correction of this nature demanded additional Investigative Journalism), Zuckerberg still wears some Loro Piana (such as its hoodies) — but these days he prefers somewhat more affordable menswear brands, including Buck Mason, Todd Snyder, and John Elliott for ...

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A deeper look into the luxury house's painstaking process — beginning with vicuña in the Peruvian Andes, sheep in the Australian Outback, or even goats in the Mongolian hinterlands, and ending at a traditional but high-tech factory in Italy's Piedmont region — reveals why Loro Piana's designs are such precious ...

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In 2010, he said that he was going to give most of his money to charity. In 2010, he was also named Time's Person of the Year. He was raised Jewish, was an atheist, but thinks different about religion nowadays. In a public Facebook post, Zuckerberg launched the project in late August 2013.

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Mark Zuckerberg

He's been seen in a black Acura TSX, a Volkswagen Golf GTI hatchback, and a Honda Fit — all of which are valued at or under $30,000 — and recently posted a photo on Instagram of two refurbished Ford Broncos, captioned "his and hers."

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Generally, Mark Zuckerberg prefers brands like Brunello Cuccinelli. Zuckerberg has never disclosed what brand of exact denim brand he prefers, but any pair of slim-fitting black or blue denim jeans will do. Mark Zuckerberg has never shifted his most popular choice Grey T-shirt and Blue Denim Jeans.

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He is regarded as philanthropic as his anonymous donations for several causes has aid thousands of people. His contribution in Silicon Valley Community Foundation is one such example. He has created a connected world or atleast pioneered the idea of networked society. People are more connected and socially engaged too.

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Do everything possible to make your dream turn to reality. Work very hard to achieve what you want – there can be no success without hard work. Be ready to make many sacrifices on the way to your dream. Never have doubts about your abilities and don't ever let anyone fill you with negativity.

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Zuckerberg had one vision – he wanted his passion project to make an impact on people, without money being his priority. Although he did not set out to build a business, Facebook rose from a Harvard dorm room project to world domination with over 2 billion monthly users.

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Mark Zuckerberg has made substantial investments in the health care system by ensuring that health care is accessible and affordable to the less fortunate in society. To support this cause, CZI has gone further to craft better treatments for diseases and improve access to health insurance.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.