Online shopping with Trusted Shops (2024)

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (1)

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (2)

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (3)Online shopping with Trusted Shops (4)

Safe shopping made easy

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (31)

Spoilt for choice:

Where should I order?

The Trusted Shops Trustmark has been awarded about 30,000 online shops that meet or exceed all requirements for the security of your personal data – and also offer truly great service when problems arise.

Learn more about the Trustmark

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (32)

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (33)

Share experiences:

What do others say?

What experiences have other buyers had with service, delivery and products? Use the reviews to find the shops and products that perfectly fit your needs.

Learn more about reviews

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (34)

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (35)

Just to be on the safe side:

What happens if your package does not arrive?

When shopping online, you don’t want to worry about whether your parcel will actually arrive or whether you will get your money back in case of a return. Enjoy the security offered by the Trusted Shops Buyer Protection, and secure your purchases up to ₤ 2,500 per purchase – no matter which payment method you opt for in the online shop.

Learn more about the Buyer Protection

Popular shops

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (36)

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (37)4.93/5

17,917 verified reviews
in the last 12 months

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (38)


Online shopping with Trusted Shops (39)4.60/5

23,092 verified reviews
in the last 12 months

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (40)

Dr Fox Pharmacy

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (41)4.94/5

47,514 verified reviews
in the last 12 months

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (42)

Catering Appliance Superstore

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (43)4.55/5

4,155 verified reviews
in the last 12 months

Simply secure

30 million online shoppers use the services of Trusted Shops.
You can play it safe too.

Find secure shops now

Online shopping with Trusted Shops (2024)


Are trusted shops reliable? ›

Trusted Shops stands for trust on the Internet. This also applies to our review system. Trusted Shops pursues a zero tolerance strategy whereby only verified reviews are displayed as such. This is the only way for reviews to offer truly reliable guidance when shopping online.

Is Trusted Store legit? ›

Only those merchants that meet Google's rigorous standards are allowed to display the Google Trusted Store badge on their websites. Each store that is a Google Trusted Store has maintained a proven track record of reliable shipping, along with exceptional customer service.

How to check if an online store is legit? ›

How to check if a website is legit
  1. Study the address bar and URL.
  2. Investigate the SSL certificate.
  3. Check the website for poor grammar or spelling.
  4. Verify the domain.
  5. Check the contact page.
  6. Look up and review the company's social media presence.
  7. Check for the website's privacy policy.

How can I trust online shopping? ›

Use them and buy with confidence.
  1. Only Shop on Popular or Familiar Websites. ...
  2. When in Doubt, Look for the Lock. ...
  3. Research the Seller Before Buying. ...
  4. Lie or Omit Personal Information on Shopping Forms. ...
  5. Don't Use Your Debit Card to Shop Online. ...
  6. Pay With Your Phone in Stores. ...
  7. Watch Out for Fraudulent Gift Card Exchanges.
Nov 17, 2023

Do you have to pay for trusted shops? ›

Payment is made annually in advance plus VAT. One-time setup fee €99 plus VAT. Minimum contract duration: 12 months. All services are provided in the language of the selected target market.

What is the most trusted online shopping site? ›

Top 11 Online Shopping Websites
  • Amazon ( ...
  • eBay ( ...
  • Walmart ( ...
  • Alibaba ( ...
  • Target ( ...
  • Etsy ( ...
  • Best Buy ( ...
  • ASOS (
Apr 10, 2024

How to check trusted store? ›

Here are eight ways you can avoid fake websites and other online scams and ensure that you're dealing with legitimate companies and safe online stores.
  1. Use the free McAfee WebAdvisor to check for safe sites. ...
  2. Check the padlock in the address bar. ...
  3. Verify the website's trust seal. ...
  4. Use the Google Transparency Report.

What does trusted shops do? ›

With the combination of Trustmark, Buyer Protection and authentic feedback, we ensure real security in the digital world and more success for businesses. And with our eTrusted Experience Feedback Platform, we create valuable insights for businesses and organisations of all sizes.

What does "trusted store" mean on a website? ›

Whether you call it Google Trusted Store or Google Customer Reviews, it means Google has verified your store to ensure the shopping experience you offer to your customers is within its set standards.

Are there fake online shopping sites? ›

According to Internet security experts, thousands of fraudulent websites are built every day to try to lure visitors into giving away personal and financial information, buy products that don't exist, or download malware that disrupts devices and data.

Is it safe to buy from online stores? ›

Research the company or seller. Anyone can set up a shop online, so it's important to research a company or seller before buying from the site. Make sure the business has a physical address and phone number you can contact if there's a problem. You can also check for reviews on sites like Yelp and Google.

How to check real or fake websites? ›

Check for the 'closed padlock' symbol and/or https at the start of a website address. Neither of these guarantee the website is legitimate or reputable, but they do mean your connection to the website is secure, so any information you enter will be encrypted.

Which websites can you trust? ›

Websites with these domains (the URL ending) generally have reliable information:
  • org (a registered organisation)
  • edu (an educational institution)
  • gov (a government agency)
  • (an Australian government agency)
Apr 5, 2024

What are safe online shopping sites? ›

The Amazon website and the Amazon shopping app are ranked as highly secure. Amazon is one of the few shopping apps to require two-factor authentication. QVC. The QVC login is regarded as fairly secure, as the site uses HTTPS, offers password guidance, requires security questions, and more.

What is the risk of online shopping? ›

When you shop online, you share sensitive information with retailers, including your bank or credit card details, contact information, and address. If hackers gain unauthorized access to an e-commerce website, there is a risk that your information could be exposed in the event of a data breach.

Is trusted shop guarantee free? ›

How do I use the guarantee? After each order you can decide wether you want to secure your purchase up to ₤2,500 free of charge. Hereby it's not necessary to be already registered with Trusted Shops.

Who is the owner of trusted shops? ›

Company history

Jean-Marc Noël and Ulrich Hafenbradl were among the founders. The company began operations one year later. Its offer consisted of a trustmark for online shops, and from the very beginning the company also offered customers of online shops displaying the trustmark a money-back guarantee.

How do I know if a shopping site is safe? ›

Here are eight ways you can avoid fake websites and other online scams and ensure that you're dealing with legitimate companies and safe online stores.
  1. Use the free McAfee WebAdvisor to check for safe sites. ...
  2. Check the padlock in the address bar. ...
  3. Verify the website's trust seal. ...
  4. Use the Google Transparency Report.

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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 6237

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.