The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (2024)

The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (5)

Easy Vegan Appetizers, Recipes Under 1 Hour, Sides, Top Vegan Recipes, Vegan Recipes

Easy Vegan Appetizers, Recipes Under 1 Hour, Sides, Top Vegan Recipes, Vegan Recipes

October 4, 2016

I am here to save the day with this easy Green Bean Casserole recipe that is not only Vegan but gluten and dairy-free, perfect for the holidays.

This Holiday season, you don’t have to worry about what you’re making your sides and cater to those picky eaters. Using almond milk and cauliflower as substitutions to heavy creams, you can have this balance of crispy, creamy delicious goodness.

Traditionally Green Bean Casserole is made with canned mushroom soup, green beans and fried onions. But in this recipe, I am going to show you how you can veganize this dish using 100% vegan ingredients.

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The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (6)The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (7)The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (8)

Pro Tips:

  • If you are not a big fan of green beans, you can use snap peas, asparagus, or wax beans.
  • You can use anynon-dairy milk alternative for this recipe.
  • You can use either fresh or frozen green beans, but I highly recommend the fresh green beans to get as much flavor as possible.

Other Recipes to pair with this recipe:

  • Vegan Glazed Ham– What is a Christmas without vegan ham? This sweet, savory and delicious vegan ham recipe is the perfect statement dish for a great night.
  • Vegan Feta Pasta – Casserole recipes are so much better with more casserole recipes! Make extra easy dishes with a variety of options!
  • Healthy Frozen Yogurt Bark– Dessert is a must and if you are going for a healthy dessert alternative to compromise your “holiday 15”, this is a great low-maintenance dessert you can enjoy guilt-free.
Related Post: The Best Tatertot Breakfast Casserole

The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (9)INGREDIENTS:


4.7 from 7 reviews

Gluten Free Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Dairy Free

The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (10)

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This Holiday, you don't have to worry about what you're making as a vegan side dish because this is the best green bean recipe out there! Using almond milk and cauliflower as substitutions to heavy creams also makes this casserole a healthy option. Fortunately, with this recipe you don't have to choose between healthy or delicious because it's both a great vegan and delicious for potlocks and reunion parties.

Author: The Edgy Veg

Recipe type: Side

Cuisine: American



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a large pan or pot. Add cauliflower, onion, garlic, and a pinch of salt. Cook until onions are translucent, about 3 mins, adding water as needed to deglaze the pan. Add ½ cup water, cover and cook until cauliflower is tender, about 15 mins.
  3. Meanwhile, bring a large pan of salted water to a boil. Add green beans and blanch for 1 min. Drain well in a colander, and place in an ice bath to stop cooking.
  4. Transfer everything to a blender along with 1 cup plant milk of choice, and blend until smooth.
  5. In the same large pan or pot, heat 2 tbsp olive oil and 2 tbsp butter over medium-high heat.
  6. Add mushrooms, and a generous pinch of salt cook until they begin to release some of their liquid, and brown slightly, about 10 mins.
  7. Transfer the cauliflower to the pot with the mushrooms, add 1 cup of plant milk and bring to a simmer. Simmer on low partially covered.
  8. Transfer green beans to the pot with the mushroom cauliflower puree and mix to combine.
  9. Transfer everything to a casserole dish, top with cheese, cover with foil, and bake for 25 minutes or until bubbling.
  10. Top the casserole with the crispy onions and serve.


This recipe is a great make ahead recipe to get ahead start on your christmas or thanksgiving dinner! just prepare the mushroom soup portion a day before, and combine it all before baking!

Nutrition Information

Serving size:4-6

Hey welcome toThe Edgy Veg– we veganize popular food recipes for vegans, plant-based diets, eco-conscious eaters & people who are trying to eat more plants over… y’know animals or their by-products. We hope you enjoy this tasty vegan recipe!

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Leave a comment

  • When I settled on this dish, I had no idea what kind of texture I could expect from using the cauliflower as a base for the soup, but this was an amazing dish even enjoyed by people who don’t typically eat many veggies and especially are not fond of mushrooms.

  • Thanh says:

    on November 18, 2019


    I love this recipe! Been making it each year and this year is not any different. Making it 4 times this November for Friendsgivings and Thanksgiving. Even omnivores love it!

    I’ve made it so many times; sometimes I follow it, sometimes I’m short on time and don’t fry my own onions. Sometimes I use frozen green beans. But the base is always on point! Mm. And I love that it’s not such a high calorie dish. Besides the onions, the base is quite healthy!

  • Cilantro says:

    on November 21, 2017


    Dear EdgyVeg: I believe your recipe uses the wrong amount of black pepper — please confirm. 1/2 TBSP seemed odd to me, so I went a little shy on it but trusted your measurement. Once blended and taste tested, my mouth was on fire and I had to throw it all out and start all over again with MUCH less pepper (I suggest 1/2 TSP). I’d even suggest cutting the onion powder and garlic powder at least in half or more, especially since there will be more onion and garlic added to the mushroom mix. I’m shocked no one else has mentioned it yet! Waaaay too much pepper in this recipe. I’m making it with unsweetened cashew milk and if it weren’t for the overwhelming pepper, the sauce turned out so buttery and creamy!! I can’t wait to do it all over again because I have a feeling this recipe is a gem with some spice adjustment.

    • EdgyVeg says:

      on November 21, 2017


      OMG IM SO SORRY. Whomever wrote this (me) is an idiot (me) and has a bad case of dyslexia (also me).

      I’m sorry, I’ve fixed the oversight. the updated amount is now in the recipe.


  • Lauren says:

    on November 18, 2017


    Hi, can I do everything except the fried onions two nights before? Or will it completely ruin it?

    • EdgyVeg says:

      on November 19, 2017


      of course!!!! 🙂 It’s a great make ahead dish! Happy cooking!

  • Lisa says:

    on November 12, 2017


    Can you make this with pre-made crispy onions?

    • EdgyVeg says:

      on November 20, 2017


      100%! In fact a recommend it ! The easier the better over the holidays

  • krista says:

    on November 8, 2017


    so psyched to try this recipe this week. our local *~vegan group~* 😉 is having our monthly meetup as a potluck at someone’s house instead of meeting at the usual restaurant, so this is one of the things we’ll be bringing!

  • Vanessa says:

    on December 24, 2016


    This recipe says 1/2 tbsp of onion powder while the video says 1 1/2 tbsp

    • EdgyVeg says:

      on January 12, 2017


      I think you may have missed the 1, it’s there 🙂

  • Olivia says:

    on December 18, 2016


    When I saw how low the ratings were because of a few misunderstandings I just had to try and bring the rating up!! This dish is sooo good even my carnivore boyfriend loved it! I just want you to know that I know how hard you work to create your recipes and there are people out there that will stand by you and believe in you no matter what. We know you are legit and I appreciate your recipes so much. The fact that you are from Canada and not LA or anywhere else in the States is so awesome (I live in Montreal so it’s easy to relate to some products since many things from the States cannot be found here…)! I made this back in November and am going to make it for Christmas for the family, which is why I’m only commenting now hahahah. Anyways thank you for all these amazing recipes, keep it up!!

    • EdgyVeg says:

      on December 19, 2016


      Thanks so much Olivia! I am so happy you enjoyed the casserole!

  • Valerie says:

    on November 26, 2016


    Made this for Thanksgiving with the fam, and friendsgiving the next day. Was a huge hit with everyone, and it was carnivore approved. Thanks Candice!

  • Kaitlyn says:

    on November 22, 2016


    Hey Candice! I’m making this tomorrow for my Thanksgiving (we’re celebrating a bit early). I prepared everything early, so tomorrow I just have to add the onions on top and bake. So far everything smells and tastes amazing.

    I did just want to note that I searched the ingredient list about 15 times for the green beans before finding them. They’re in there. I just must have skipped over them, and my friend did the same. I assume the person who commented above asking how many did the same thing. I think it’s because it’s immediately under the onion topping part, and our brains just got too exciting dreaming of the delicious oniony goodness. (Please don’t think I’m being a smarty pants here or anything) but maybe adding a line break between the onion topping section and the green beans part would make it a bit easier to read the ingredients? that or maybe we just need to hurry up and eat it already so we can thing clearly.

    Either way, thank you so much for all of the work you do making the recipes. Not only are the things that my friends and I actually want to eat (like the fad foods that keep coming out), but they dont’ use super weird expensive ingredients that so many bloggers seem to be using. This is my first year cooking Thanksgiving dinner by myself, and my first year doing it as a vegan. The entire dinner will be vegan and I feel totally prepared thanks to you, Hot for Food, and Mary’s Test Kitchen. Thanks so much for all you do for all of us.

  • Johnathan says:

    on November 14, 2016


    I’m sorry, Candace. I really love you and your channel so I hope you don’t take this as a “hate comment” but I think I may have to agree with Samantha. Your greenbean casserole copies Kalel’s exactly, which is odd because I remember her saying she goes a little overboard on the seasonings and yet you put the same exact amount of garlic powder, onion powder, and pepper. The only difference is that she preffered to use French’s onions and you made your own crispy onions, and also you didn’t use seasoning salt. But seriously, otherwise this is an exact copy of Kalel’s recipe. Now I personally have no problem with using someone’s recipe and featuring it on my blog but I’m always courteous and respectful to credit them, even if I have adapted it. Sometimes, I’m merely inspired by someone’s recipe, and even still I’ll often credit them (especially if I’m using their technique/method that is new to me or just want to show my audience where my inspiration came from). I think it’s the kind thing to do, but you’re also right in saying that it is not mandated because recipes can’t be copyrighted. But I think denying that you weren’t at the very least inspired by Kalel’s recipe when confronted is a little shady. Hope you take no offense to this.

    • EdgyVeg says:

      on November 14, 2016


      I can’t even find a video where she does it to compare. But nonetheless, MANY vegan recipes are similar, and if you take the time to read any other recipes from us you will see that we go to town on the spices. I’ve also checked now 4 other vegan cauliflower soup recipes and they are all very similar to this one. Nothing was stolen, I get accused of stealing peoples recipe all the time, simply because one came out before or after one another. No one is stealing recipes.

      • Johnathan says:

        on November 14, 2016


        You’re absolutely right on that, Candace, and I can admit when I’m wrong. Now that I think about it, I think that’s the beauty of vegan cooking. It’s that at one point we’re all exploring new territory and we’re all learning to adapt new techniques and methods in order to veganize a dish and then we share those methods to an audience and then they are able to recreate not only that dish but other dishes and even improve the technique. It’s a long line of learning and adapting and putting that special spin on a dish that makes it our own. That’s why I fell in love with cooking.

        Sorry for my ignorance. You’re completely right and I’m sorry for falsely accusing you of stealing someone’s else recipe. I feel incredibly foolish. I understand that creating food is largely a creative process, and like you said there are similar cauliflower soup recipes just like there are hundreds of thousands of chocolate chip cookie recipes. No one person (that we know of) invented the chocolate chip cookie, yet everyone has their own version of it.

        Once again, I apologize and I just hope you keep creating awesome videos! Your channel is sincerely one of my favorites.

        • EdgyVeg says:

          on November 14, 2016


          Thanks so much for your very sincere apology. It’s tough to be this open to everyone’s criticism. Thank you so much for supporting my effort in bringing the beauty of vegan food to the masses. Love and hugs xo Candice

          • samantha says:

            on November 17, 2016

            Damn it, Johnathan is right. I’m sorry too, Candace. I was being a bitch. I think I just get so upset when I see people steal other people’s ideas (because I’ve had it happen to me so many times) that I jumped to conclusions and assumed that of you. I really am sorry, and I hope I didn’t ruin your day too much. That wasn’t fair of me, can you please just delete my ignorant ass comment. 🙁 #vegansunitenotfight

  • EdgyVeg says:

    on November 11, 2016


    Hi Samantha,

    I can list upwards of 5 different vegan bloggers that used Cauliflower as the base of their soup recipe. using cauliflower is a very well known way to create a cream of (anything really) soup. Literally no one copied anyone. I love how quick the vegan community is to judge well known recipes and accuse others of stealing widely known techniques, when no convention chef has EVER been criticized for cooking a steak, grilled cheese or any other recipe a well known way. I’m sorry that I have to inform you that Kalel did not invent using cauliflower as a cream replacement in creamy soups, nor did she invent using mushroom soup in green bean casserole. I didn’t even know Kalel cooked on her show, I thought she only talked about her life and the fact that she’s vegan.

    I usually don’t respond to hate comments, but I am tired of the vegan community attacking other people for posting widely known basic cooking techniques and being accused of stealing. There is a reason you cannot copyright recipes, and it’s because know how and technique is well known.

    Have a nice day.

  • Doug says:

    on October 8, 2016


    Am I missing something in the ingredients? How many green beans?

    • EdgyVeg says:

      on November 13, 2016


      1 lb as listed in the recipe 😉

      • Lisa says:

        on November 21, 2017


        It’s not listed in the recipe

        • EdgyVeg says:

          on November 27, 2017


          It is- it’s the second last ingredient.

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The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (12)

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The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (17) The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (18)

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The Best Green Bean Casserole Recipe | Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas (2024)


How do you keep green bean casserole from getting mushy? ›

Green Bean Casserole Tips

Don't overcook the green beans: Remember when you are blanching the green beans that they will continue to cook and soften while baking in the oven with the rest of the casserole. So it's important to undercook them slightly during this first step so that they don't get mushy in the oven.

Is green bean casserole better with canned or fresh? ›

Green beans from a can have already been cooked to death right in the can and harbor plenty of sodium that could make your casserole too salty. Frozen French-cut green beans are a better option. They hold their texture better than canned, and you can cook them straight from their frozen state.

Does green bean casserole contain gluten? ›

There are two ingredients in Green Bean Casserole which contain gluten: condensed cream of mushroom soup and crispy fried onions. To make the recipe gluten-free, I use a cornstarch slurry to thicken the casserole. I add extra seasoning to replicate the flavor of the condensed soup.

How many days does green bean casserole last in the fridge? ›

Stored properly, your leftover green bean casserole will last 3-4 days in the fridge. Freezing: Wrap your green bean casserole tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil, freezer wrap or transfer to an airtight container and keep in the freezer for 6 months.

How do you thicken up green bean casserole? ›

The Casserole Is Too Soupy

Don't worry, there's a relatively easy and quick fix that will help soak up the excess liquid: Make a slurry of flour or cornstarch in liquid (broth or water) to help thicken it up and then cook it for a bit longer.

How many cans of green beans are 4 cups? ›

Notes: ✿ 4 cups of green beans is about 1½ pounds fresh or 16 ounces frozen or 2 cans (15 ounces each) drained.

Should you rinse canned green beans? ›

Do You Need To Rinse Canned Beans? According to The Bean Institute, you can reduce up to 41 percent of the sodium in canned beans by rinsing them. "It's fine to add the bean liquid to many recipes, but if you want to reduce the amount of sodium, it's best to drain and rinse canned beans," the website states.

Can you mess up green bean casserole? ›

Don't start throwing toppings on the casserole before it's cooked through. "Adding topping too early [is a mistake] because the onions get soggy or burn," Chef Patel says. Instead, wait it out. Just a few minutes before the dish is finished and ready to be pulled from the oven, you can then add in those toppings.

What is a good substitute for cream of mushroom soup in green bean casserole? ›

Instead of condensed cream of mushroom soup, this recipe utilizes an irresistible sour cream sauce thickened with flour and butter. The creamy, tangy mixture adds tons of richness and flavor — so there's no need for any store-bought soup.

Why are baked beans not gluten-free? ›

Some baked beans do contain gluten—a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. The beans themselves should be gluten-free (assuming no gluten cross-contamination in processing). 1 However, some baked bean recipes may include gluten-containing ingredients, such as Worcestershire sauce and liquid smoke flavoring.

Can celiacs eat green beans? ›

Vegetables – All vegetables are naturally gluten free. You can eat a wide variety to get the vitamins and minerals you need. A few examples are zucchini, green beans, peas, lettuce, carrots, eggplant, peppers, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, and potatoes. Fruits – All fruits are also naturally gluten-free.

Is Worcestershire sauce gluten-free? ›

Ingredients. The original Worcestershire sauce included barley malt vinegar, making it unsafe for someone with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. However, there are many different versions of Worcestershire sauce, including gluten-free versions.

What can I substitute for French fried onions in green bean casserole? ›

Easy French Fried Onion Alternatives for Green Bean Casserole
  • Butter + Ritz cracker crumbs.
  • Coarsely crushed potato chips.
  • Butter + Corn Flakes cereal crumbs.
  • Butter + Panko breadcrumbs with a dash of added garlic powder and/or onion powder to taste.
Nov 23, 2023

Is it safe to eat green bean casserole left out overnight? ›

Throw away all perishable foods that have been left in room temperature for more than 2 hours (1 hour if the temperature is over 90° F, such as at an outdoor picnic during summer).

What to eat with green bean casserole? ›

The best side dishes to serve with a green bean casserole are collard greens, corn on the cob, kielbasa, fried shrimp, spaghetti and meatballs, London broil, broccoli, caramelized onions, zucchini carrot bread, lentil loaf, Cajun turkey, roasted chicken, grilled steak, baked salmon, pork chops, Apple slaw and Christmas ...

What causes green beans to be mushy? ›

Undercooked green beans are rubbery; overcooked are mushy. If you are boiling beans, simply begin tasting them after a few minutes. At first you will have a hard time biting through them. As the texture softens, the green beans are closer to being perfectly cooked.

How do you Make a casserole not soggy? ›

Just because your casserole is starting to look a bit soupy doesn't mean it's beyond saving. In fact, all you need to do is add some pasta noodles or grains to your base. This trick works for the simple reason that both types of ingredients soak up water as they cook.

How do you keep green beans crisp in the fridge? ›

How to Store Green Beans. Green beans should be stored unwashed in the crisper drawer of your fridge. If they came in a bag, keep them in the bag when storing. If they came in a small berry box from the market, transfer them to a reusable storage or plastic bag before storing them in the fridge.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.