MACROBIOTIC COOKING | The Macrobiotic Association (2024)

Making wise choices about our eating influences our health and how we feel. We can also support society and the environment through Fair Trade, Organic Foods and Local Foods In Season.

We recommend using simple foods that are full of nutrients and energy, such as whole grains, vegetables, and plant-based proteins. These foods are now considered worldwide to be amongst the most healthy, and they also require minimum resources to produce.

Meals can be planned to suit individual needs, and varied to suit climate and season, activity and occasion. While we use mostly plant-based foods, it is personal choice what to include or leave out.



  • Oat porridge with nuts, seeds, fruit and cinnamon
  • Miso soup
  • Scrambled tofu and kale with wholegrain bread
  • Carrot juice and avocado toast with toasted seeds
  • Buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup and walnuts
  • Green smoothie and breakfast muffins and sugar free jam

Quick Meals

  • Hummus & vegetable wraps
  • Cannellini bean and pasta salad with red pepper and celery
  • Quinoa, chickpea and broccoli bowl
  • Noodles in broth with tofu and vegetables
  • Chunky bean and vegetable soup with bread and spread

A Full Course Meal

  • Butternut squash soup with parsley
  • Brown rice, black bean & vegetable stew, pressed salad of apple, carrot & fennel, steamed broccoli with tahini dressing.
  • Saurkraut
  • Apple crumble with almond topping


  • Fruit based desserts such as apple and lemon whip, strawberry jelly, dried apricot compote with cashew cream
  • Baked deserts such as blackberry and apple pie, lemon-poppy seed polenta cake, raspberry & almond tart
  • Nut and seed energy balls


All these ingredients listed below can be cooked in variety of ways to make them tasty and satisfying. Styles can change according to the season and your own, and your family’s health, which means meals will be full of variety. Experiment with different recipes and ideas, including ones you create yourself! Practical tips can be picked up, such as soaking grains and beans overnight and using left-over ingredients in different ways over a couple days. It is interesting to look at the cooking from other countries and regions and to experiment with new tastes. Many dishes can be adapted to your own climate and choice of ingredients.

Cooking becomes an enjoyable part of our day once we have a bit of experience.

The list below includes many staple foods that are good to use daily. These will vary according to climatic zone & availability – local & seasonal ingredients are best:

  • Whole grains: Quinoa, buckwheat, barley, brown rice, spelt, corn, amaranth, millet, wheat, oats and others. Whole grain products (such as flours, flakes, breads, wraps, pasta, noodles, polenta, puffs, cous-cous, grain milks, amasake etc).
  • Beans: Lentils, chickpeas, aduki, black beans, mung beans, pinto beans, butter beans, cannellini beans, haricot beans, black eyed beans, split-peas, soy beans and bean sprouts.
  • Plant proteins: Tofu, tempeh, seitan, natto, humus, falafel.
  • Vegetables: Green leafy, round and roots, shoots and sprouts.
  • Fruits: Local and seasonal when possible, fresh and dried.
  • Seeds: Pumpkin, sesame, sunflower and others, tahini and seed butters and milks.
  • Nuts: Almonds, chestnuts, hazlenuts, walnuts, peanuts and others, nut butters and milks
  • Sea vegetables: Dulse, nori, wakame, kelp (kombu), arame, hijiki, agar agar, Irish moss, sea spaghetti and others
  • Fermented products: sauerkraut, pickles, umeboshi, kimchi, natto, tempeh, miso and shoyu.
  • Seasonings and condiments: Sea salt, herb salt, lemon, orange and lime (juice and zest), apple juice, mustard, local herbs and spices, miso, shoyu, umeboshi plums and puree, wasabe, ume plum seasoning, mirim, kuzu, arrowroot, bouillon, toasted sesame oil, olives and sea vegetables.
  • Vinegars: Balsamic, apple cider, brown rice and others.
  • Oils: Sesame, olive for cooking and sunflower, flax, hemp and others for dressings
  • Sweeteners: Brown rice syrup, concentrated fruit juices, barley malt, maple syrup, honey.
  • Drinks: Spring or filtered water, kukicha twig tea, green tea, genmaicha herb teas, grain coffees, fruit and vegetable juices, grain, nut or seed milks, fresh smoothies.


We need to make sure that we including everyday essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals from all the major food groups. These are:

Carbohydrates – healthy low GI carbohydrates are plentiful in all whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, oats, wild rice, rye, spelt, barley as well as in beans and vegetables. If you are gluten intolerant you will want to choose gluten free grains such as rice, whole oats, millet, buckwheat and quinoa.

Protein – from plant sources like beans, pulses, lentils and legumes, black beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, butter beans etc. Bean products such as humus, falafel, tempeh and tofu are also good sources of protein. Eating grains together with beans provides a complete source of protein.

Some animal products (from ethical and sustainable sources,) such as fish and seafood, are also good sources of protein.

Vitamins and minerals – using a good variety of ingredients will ensure you get adequate vitamins and minerals. These can be obtained from vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fish and fruit.

Fats – good quality oils such as omega oils are present in nuts and seeds, in oily fish. Grains, beans and vegetables all have small amounts of good oils.

Fibre – Whole grains, beans and vegetables are a good source of fibre.

Beneficial bacterias– these are found in some unpasteurised fermented foods


* Clear your cupboards of foods and drinks that are highly refined or processed food and those with additives or refined sugar or lots of salt.

* Stock up with whole grains, beans, lentils and pulses so you can add these to soups, stews and salads. Dried beans and pulses are best but you can use tinned for quickness. (Beans and grains need soaking overnight (or for 8 hours), discarding the soaking water and replacing with fresh before cooking. Always cook beans with a piece of kombu (sea vegetable) to help to soften them, and cook well. ) Choose one or two whole grains (such as millet and/or brown rice) and learn how to cook these so that they are tasty and enjoyable.

*Eat more local and seasonal vegetables and fruit. You could order a weekly, organic vegetable box from a local farm.

*Include good quality plant proteins in your daily cooking (see listed above.) If you feel you need some animal food, fish is a good choice (making sure it is sustainably sourced.)

*When eating out, don’t be afraid to ask about ingredients and specify which ones you do not want. There are many places to eat that now serve vegan and special requirement options.

*Invest in a couple of good macrobiotic cookery books. Have a read through and choose one or two new dishes to cook per week or search on the internet for recipes.

*A few stainless steel pans, a (preferably) wooden cutting board and a sharp vegetable cutting knife are all useful kitchen items. A stainless steel pressure cooker is great for cooking beans and some of the harder grains.

*Share cooking and eating with friends and family and meet up with others with similar interests

*Take some cooking classes with an experienced teacher so that you can learn the best ways to make the food, and taste the different dishes.

*A Macrobiotic Coach will support and guide you to make healthier choices or, if you have health concerns, you may want to see a Macrobiotic Counsellor who will make recommendations specifically for you.


Research suggests that eating a macrobiotic style plant based diet will encourage:

  • A more healthy heart
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Reduced risk of certain cancers
  • Weight loss
  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Improved digestion and bowel movements
MACROBIOTIC COOKING | The Macrobiotic Association (2024)


Can you eat oatmeal on a macrobiotic diet? ›

A macrobiotic practitioner plans your diet by taking into consideration your age, sex, where you live and how much exercise you do. Generally, the diet is made up of: organic whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats and buckwheat (half your food intake)

Can you eat honey on a macrobiotic diet? ›

Honey, chocolates of all types, and any stimulating leaves for teas like mint, are not allowed either. Although it might make you think twice before switching to a macrobiotic diet, knowing its health benefits and why these ingredients and products should be avoided could help you convince yourself to try it.

Can you drink coffee on a macrobiotic diet? ›

Vegetables and whole grains are the centerpiece of the macrobiotic diet. Most foods are processed very little, and eating dairy products, red meat, coffee, eggs, and sugar is discouraged. Vitamins and supplements are also discouraged.

What are the cooking methods for macrobiotics? ›

The main methods of cooking on the macrobiotic diet include steaming, sautéeing, eating raw, boiled, and baking. The main thing to think about when cooking for this diet is what is being prepared.

What is the best rice for macrobiotic diet? ›

Brown rice is flavorful and delicious when made in the macrobiotic style. First the rice is washed and scoured, then soaked for a minimum of 6 hours. Then the rice is cooked in fresh water over low heat with sea salt or kombu until rice is simmering.

Is peanut butter allowed on macrobiotic diet? ›

This is a toughie – the basic answer is YES, nut butters can be macrobiotic. But the caveat is that nuts (and nut butters) should be eaten in moderation: maybe 2-3 times a week.

Are bananas macrobiotic? ›

Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, asparagus, spinach, beets, zucchini, and avocados are examples of excluded vegetables. A macrobiotic diet also recommends consumption of locally-grown produce and avoidance of fruits that do not grow locally, such as bananas, pineapples and other tropical fruits.

Can you eat garlic on a macrobiotic diet? ›

Macrobiotic Diet Meal Guidelines

Include a variety of cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, arugula, kale, daikon, etc.). Include a variety of allium vegetables (onions, scallions, garlic, leeks, and shallots). Try to keep equal or more vegetables than grains by volume on your plate.

What can you drink on a macrobiotic diet? ›

Macrobiotic Drinks for Everday
  • Bancha Tea. You can drink Bancha daily. ...
  • Kukicha Tea. Kukicha contains even less caffeine than Bancha, which is why it can still be enjoyed in the evening. ...
  • Yannoh Grain Coffee. ...
  • Homemade Ricemilk. ...
  • Grain Tea. ...
  • Mu Tea. ...
  • Lotus Tea. ...
  • Apple-Kuzu Drink.

What is Madonna's macrobiotic diet? ›

It is a workout for your mind, your body and your soul.” Most days, Madonna sticks to a macrobiotic diet limited to beans, nuts and some, though not all, veggies, such as broccoli, kale, pumpkin, radishes and carrots. Sea vegetables — like seaweed, spirulina, and kombu — are also on the table.

What do you eat for breakfast on a macrobiotic diet? ›

We recommend that your macrobiotic breakfast has a grain-based dish with light vegetables on the side. For the basis of any breakfast dish, some great grains for breakfast include, but are not limited to: Brown rice. Steel-cut oats.

How to start a macrobiotic diet? ›

Below is a concise list of the basic macrobiotic meal recommendations, which supplies the body with plant-based, organic foods:
  1. Eat one small bowl of soup every day.
  2. Eat naturally pickled and fermented foods.
  3. Eat a proportionate amount of vegetables and grains every meal.
  4. Avoid animal products.
Nov 14, 2022

What is a macrobiotic dinner? ›

A macrobiotic dinner should leave you feeling satisfied. As a result, dinner can be simple as a vegetable pasta dish. Or pasta dish with an additional vegetable dish, salad, soup, and/or dessert. Macrobiotic dinner example: Broccoli and white beans with pasta.

What are the 5 elements of macrobiotics? ›

The elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This approach, from deep observation, links our organs and different parts of our body to each natural phase.

What vegetables are macrobiotic? ›

Our Favorite Macrobiotic Vegetables
  • Watercress – Watercress is highly nourishing and refreshing. ...
  • Kale – Kale is a leafy, cruciferous vegetable that is rich in nutrients and minerals. ...
  • Napa/Chinese Cabbage – Napa is a leafy vegetable that is very flexible and adaptable.

Is oatmeal allowed on anti inflammatory diet? ›

You can lower inflammation over time by eating foods rich in nutrients. What are six anti-inflammatory foods? Berries, fatty fish, nuts, leafy greens, oatmeal, and olive oil can all be part of an anti-inflammatory diet. But it's best to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Is oatmeal gut Friendly? ›

Oatmeal is good for your gut.

Oats are a prebiotic food and the beta-glucan fiber helps feed the good bacteria. The fiber helps to keep you full for hours by slowing down digestion AND contributes to keeping bowel movements regular. A healthy gut decreases the risk for disease and inflammation.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.